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S. Yule: Lycan It

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S. Yule Lycan It

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When a much deserved vacation turns into a nightmare, Janine Denton wonders if she’ll make it back home alive. Tired of the brutality they inflict upon women marked as potential mates, Raze Jackson tries to flee the lycan pack he once called family. When Raze is instructed to use the woman the pack leader has kidnapped as punishment, he devises a plan that will allow Janine and him to get away. While Janine is responsive to Raze’s kisses, he wonders how she will react when he tells her he is a lycan, and she is his fated mate.

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She’d been on a two lane highway for an hour now, and was thankful when she saw a rest stop sign that indicated she’d get a break from sitting behind the wheel in twelve miles.

About ten minutes later, she exited off the highway and pulled into a parking spot in front of the brick building that served as a bathroom. She was the only one at the stop, and when she opened the door, a prickle of unease hit her. She carefully looked around, but didn’t see anyone or anything strange. She laughed. She’d been cooped up for so long, she’d gotten paranoid. She held her arms above her head and stretched.

Another prickle of unease hit her, and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She took another look around, but still saw nothing that was alarming. The rest stop was deserted, and a thick line of trees ran along an open grassy area at the back. Okay, Janine. Go use the bathroom, get back to the car, and get out of here.

The bathroom was surprisingly clean, which was probably due to the fact that it rarely got used in such a remote area. She glanced around quickly as she exited the restroom, and limped toward the Jeep. Just as her hand touched the handle, she was grabbed from behind. She screamed, and was surprised when the man who now held her tightly against him made no move to silence her and laughed. He obviously knew no one would help her because no one was around.

Her breaths came in quick, shallow pants, and fear clawed at her insides.

Was this how she was going to die? Had she gone on a well-deserved vacation only to be murdered or raped? The thought sent her into another fit of struggle, but the man was strong, stronger than a man should be, and she was no match for him.

“What do you want?” she whispered. “Please, just let me go. I’ll give you money. You can have my car, just take it, but please, let me go.”

He laughed again. “So sorry.” He took a long sniff of the side of her neck. “But, it’s you I want, not your money or car.”

When he started dragging her toward the woods behind the rest stop, she thought she might vomit. Her whole life started flashing before her eyes.

Every harsh word she’d ever spoken to her sister, and every time she’d been too busy to hold Sherry’s hand for whatever over-exaggerated mess she’d thought herself to be in sliced regret deep through her chest. She was going to die, and she’d never see her sister again.

* * *

The chain connected to the collar around his neck was jerked hard, and Raze stumbled along the path to the lake for the third time. By the time they made it to the water’s edge, fury reddened his vision, but unlike most of the pack, he cared if his actions resulted in pain for someone else. Since Damon had threatened that his lack of cooperation would result in another being harmed, he held his anger in check.

Damon knew where his weakness lay. The leader was aware that Raze would be unaffected by any threats of violence to himself, but he would never allow an innocent to be hurt if he had any say so. He hadn’t exactly been sure what Damon had been speaking of earlier, but after having time to think on it, he had a pretty good idea now. He closed his eyes and prayed that he was wrong.

A bar of soap came sailing toward him with force. He snatched it out of mid air with ease, and began washing. He couldn’t deny that the water felt good on is dirty skin, but the anxiety of what would take place this evening gnawed at him. He had to find a way to escape. At some point in time, their watch over him would become lax, and he would get his chance. He just hoped it was sooner rather than later.

Once he finished washing and exited the water, a towel was thrown at him along with a pair of black jeans. He dried off, and pulled the denim over his legs, happy to finally have something on besides his own skin. The return journey to the cave was no different, and the jerking of the chain to make him stumble began again.

As dusk settled in, activity outside of the cave picked up. A monstrous fire was lit and crackled loudly, and a table was set up and covered with food, mostly meat. Whatever Damon had planned for him was going to be witnessed by the entire pack. Afterwards, there would be a feast and celebration of whatever horror Damon had subjected him to.

By the time night fell, all the lycans were present. Damon stood in front of the cave’s mouth, which was wide enough for them to see Raze, and addressed the pack.

“You all know Raze tried to escape our pack. As your leader, I have said that no one is to leave the pack unless given permission.”

Raze snarled. Damon would never give permission to anyone to leave the pack unless he wanted someone out. In that case, more than likely, the poor soul would leave dead.

“As you also know, normal punishment for such traitorous behavior is a month long fast and beating.”

The pack members hooted and hollered in response to Damon’s words.

“However, in this particular case, with this particular subject, I do not believe that is the best punishment.” Various boos and heckles came from the pack.

“Silence!” Damon continued only after the pack quieted. He motioned with his hand to someone in the back of the group. “Bring her forward.”

Raze leaned toward the cave mouth and watched as a blonde woman was dragged forward. She struggled, but she was human and would be no match for any lycan. He sniffed and the main scent signaling her as a lycan mate tickled his nose. He could smell another scent as well, a scent that nearly made him collapse, the mated scent. A scent that no other here but he could smell. She was his mate, and if Damon figured that fact out, this night would go much worse.

Growls and howls grew from the pack as the excitement of her smell hit them. Raze was disgusted by their actions. The main scent should not excite them. It should invoke a deep instinctual need to protect anyone who carried that scent, but years of violence and disrespect of ancient lycan law had bled that instinct out of most of the pack.

Raze watched the blonde while Damon continued a speech he only half listened to now. Her wide eyes and pale face made it clear that she was petrified. She was of average height and wore dark jeans that hugged her curves. He liked women with curves. She wasn’t fat by any means, but she wasn’t one of those women who pecked at salads. He’d bet she liked a good steak as much as he did. Her blouse was purple and tapered under her breasts, letting the fabric below fall loosely around her waist.

Raze focused back in on what Damon was saying and his heart lodged in his throat where it nearly stopped beating.

“I have decided that Raze will initiate the woman who is carrying our scent into the pack. He has never participated in any other initiation, though there have been many over the years. I believe that once he has partaken in our rituals, and sees for himself that these humans marked with the main scent are ours to do with as we see fit, he will fully embrace the pack into his heart.” Damon raised his arms to encourage the praise of the pack.

Cheers, more howls and growls erupted through the group. Raze’s stomach clenched violently, and he thought he might throw up. Damon was going to force him to rape this woman? His mate?

“No!” Raze watched as Damon turned and faced him. An eerie quietness fell before he continued. “I will not do this.”

“Oh, you will do this, brother, or you will watch her be used by every single member of the pack before being murdered. I promise you it will not be a quick death.” Damon sneered at Raze. “You make the choice. Her blood or her body? Makes little difference to me.”

When Raze didn’t answer, Damon turned back to the pack. “I guess we will all have a bit of fun tonight after all. Now, who shall go first? How about—”

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