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Kerrelyn Sparks: How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)

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Kerrelyn Sparks How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)

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From bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks comes the next adventure in the Love at Stake series, featuring a Master vampire and his love affair with a woman of many secrets . . . Vampire Zoltan Czakvar is on the hunt for the truth about his father's death. He's been searching for a very long time—since 1241, in fact. And he is not about to give up, even when he's attacked by a woman with striking blue eyes and a hell of a right hook! Neona is also on the hunt. She's looking for a mate, and she thinks muscled Zoltan will work just fine. After all, men are good for only one thing. Soon, though, she realizes there's more to this handsome vampire than just sexual prowess. But she's keeping a secret from Zoltan, something so big that it will rock the vampire world. Can their newfound love survive . . . even if their passion means the destruction of her world?

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A knock sounded on the door, and Milan peeked in. “Sir, I’m sorry to say this, but your meeting in five minutes has to be postponed. They just called, and they’re running late. They don’t expect to be here for thirty minutes—”

“That’s fine.” Zoltan’s heart started pounding. In thirty minutes he could teleport to Tibet and back. “Oh, Milan,” he said when his assistant started to shut the door.

“Yes, sir?” Milan looked back in.

“Clear my schedule for tomorrow. In fact, clear it for a week.”

Milan’s mouth dropped open. “You’re taking a vacation?”

“Yes.” Zoltan grabbed a pen and some paper.

“But you never take a vacation. Not in the five years that I’ve worked for you.”

“You’ve been with me five years?”

“Yes, sir.” Milan blushed slightly and adjusted his glasses. “You hired me after I graduated from college.”

“Oh.” Zoltan thought back. Milan’s grandfather had been the steward at his castle for years. And Milan’s father, the head gardener, had turned the gardens into one of the highlights of the castle tour. They were always there, every night, just like Milan. “I don’t recall you ever taking a vacation.”

Milan’s blush deepened. “You-you never gave me one. Not that I’m complaining. You’ve taken care of my family for more generations than we can remember. It is an honor to be working for you.”

Zoltan groaned inwardly. He’d been so obsessed with work that he hadn’t noticed what was happening to the mortals around him. And he prided himself as their protector? “Good God, Milan, you should have told me what a terrible boss I am.”

“That’s not usually wise for an employee, sir.”

“You’re taking a vacation. Now.”

“I am? But should we both be gone at the same time, sir?”

“Oh, right. You have to stay.”

Milan’s shoulders drooped. “Yes, sir.”

“But you’re promoted. You know everything that’s going on, right? You know all the building managers and business contacts?” When Milan nodded, Zoltan made a decision. “Very well. You’re in charge now. Double, no, triple your salary. And when I get back, you go on vacation. Okay?”

Milan stared at him, his blue eyes wide.

All of a sudden, Zoltan felt fifty pounds lighter. And much more energetic. Free . “I’ll see you in thirty minutes, Vice President.”

Milan nodded. “Yes, sir.” He closed the door.

With Zoltan’s superior hearing, he heard a victorious whoop on the other side of the door. Smiling, he wrote a note in English.

Dear Neona,

I’d like to see you again. Please meet me here at midnight.


He grabbed the note and teleported back to the clearing where he’d fought and kissed Neona the night before. From the top of the rocky outcropping, he retrieved the arrow he’d taken from Russell. Then, using his vampire strength, he rammed the arrow into an oak tree, pinning the note.

But what if one of the other women saw it? Would Neona be in trouble? He pulled the arrow out, then levitated up to the branch where the leopard had lounged the night before. He pinned the note there. It was too high to be noticeable by most, but hopefully, the leopard would find it and tear the note off to give it to Neona. It was a long shot, but what else could he do? He couldn’t waltz into Beyul-La, where he was forbidden. Unless he managed to remain hidden.

He wandered down to the stream, watching and listening, but no one was around. He eyed the rock wall where water gushed out. That water had to be coming from Beyul-La. He teleported to the top of the ridge, then across the top branches of trees till he had a good view of the village.

Only glowing embers remained in the central fire pit. The houses were dark. The women had probably retired for the night. He spotted the leopard trotting up a hillside toward a series of mounds. Burial mounds? There were five of them. No, six. The sixth one was grown over with grass and harder to see in the dark. The other five were brown with newly piled dirt, topped with large rocks that gleamed silver in the moonlight.

Something moved next to a mound. One of the women? He teleported closer. Yes, a woman, dressed in green and brown linen that blended into the hillside so well she was scarcely visible.

He teleported to a tree close to her. Was it Neona? It was hard to tell when all the women had long black hair and slim bodies.

She sat very still, her hand resting on a dirt mound, her head bowed. With her other hand, she wiped her cheeks. She was crying.

Zoltan winced. Five of the graves were new. As far as he knew, only six women remained. Russell had said they’d been taking heavy losses when he’d joined the battle. Why was Lord Liao fighting these women?

The leopard approached her, bumping his head against her leg. She gave him a pat, then lay back on the grass, staring up at the sky. Neona.

Whom was she crying for in the middle of the night? A family member or close friend? His heart squeezed as he watched her. He knew how it felt to lose all his family and his closest friend.

He would have to be careful with her heart. It was already raw with pain. And he’d have to make sure Lord Liao didn’t kill any more of these women. An inner voice warned him that once again he was taking on the responsibility of protecting mortals, but he ignored it. Neona was special. He couldn’t let anyone harm her.

The next time Russell came for supplies, he’d have to answer some questions. Who were the women of Beyul-La? And why was Lord Liao and Master Han’s soldiers attacking them?

Cat, he mentally nudged the leopard.

Zhan looked around, its golden eyes gleaming, till it spotted him in the tree. You fool. If they catch you here, they will kill you.

I left a note on the tree branch where you sat while Neona and I were talking.

You did more than talk . The cat glared at him. Hurt her and I’ll gnaw your foot off.

Zoltan ignored the threat. Help her find the note tomorrow. I want to see her again.

The cat thumped its tail on the ground. Why should I help you?

Because she’s sad. And I want her to be happy.

The cat blinked slowly. Maybe I’ll help. Maybe I won’t.

Fair enough, Zoltan conceded. Watch over her, okay?

Zhan didn’t respond, but rested a paw on Neona’s leg.

Zoltan took one last look at her, then teleported back to his office. Three minutes till the meeting. He smiled to himself, straightening his tie. If all went well, he’d be with Neona tomorrow night.

Chapter Six

“You smell rabbits around here?” Neona asked her pet leopard. “I haven’t seen any tracks.”

Zhan trotted ahead of her, presumably following the scent of some sort of prey. According to Tashi, who could communicate with him, the cat wanted his favorite meal again. So Neona had taken him hunting at dawn.

She stopped, recognizing the clearing they were in. This was where she’d met Zoltan. The rising sun shot fractured rays through the trees, causing the morning dew to sparkle on the grass. It was a beautiful place, the perfect setting for a memory that continued to haunt her. Who would have known a man could be that strong, yet kiss that sweetly?

A deep sense of longing enveloped her heart. God help her, she wanted to be special to someone. She was surrounded by friends in Beyul-La, but with her sister gone, she felt so alone. There was no one to open her heart to, no one to hold her when she ached inside. Of course, as a warrior woman, she wasn’t supposed to need comforting. She certainly wasn’t supposed to seek comfort from a man. Even an exceptional man like Zoltan.

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