“No it is not,” he agreed softly then clapped the model on the shoulder. “You ready for the female?” he asked, and I looked around. My shoe scratched against the concrete and both men’s gazes focused on me.
I lifted a hand and waved. “Hey,” I offered lamely. Good thing it was dark in this corner or they’d see the blush I could feel creeping up my neck and cheeks.
“Mia, come here. Meet Aiden. He’s going to pose with you, ma jolie ,” Alec’s words hit me like a pail of ice-cold water.
“Um, what?”
Alec came over to me and led me to Aiden. We shook hands.
“Nice to meet you, Mia. I look forward to working with you tonight,” he said sweetly. Okay, sweet, muscled, and hotter than hell? The universe is a sick, twisted bitch. Now I understood why they characterized it as a vindictive woman. Any god that could create Aiden, Alec, and Wes—three perfect incarnations of male forms, all coming into my life within weeks of each other—was an expert at cruel and unusual punishment.
I grumbled a greeting than turned to Alec. “What do you mean? I’m going to pose with him?”
“Forbidden Love, chèrie . I’m going to take stills of you both making love on the canvas.”
The words making love crashed into me and my head jerked back. “Explain…fast,” I warned speaking through a clenched jaw.
“Oh, non , you will not be faire l'amour ,” he rushed to say. “Making real love, non . It will be staged for the camera.” He cupped my face in both hands. “ Maintenant , tu comprends ? You understand now?”
“No, not even a little bit. More details before I high-tail it out of here, Frenchie,” I said using the tone he was now intimately familiar with after almost two weeks together.
Alec pinched his lips together and placed his hands on his hips. Aiden moved over into a chair and sat down away from us. I appreciated the gesture of trying to give us some space.
“ Mon amour , I need to have the two of you, bare, holding onto one another like lovers. Then when I have enough, I shall paint it.” He moved closer, “Of course, that is after I make love to you.” His nose came close and he slid it alongside mine sending prickles of excitement to tingle and taunt my senses. “It will be my most inspiring piece yet. You and this man, who is very male, deep in the throes of passion.” He leaned forward and kissed me briefly, licking just my bottom lip before pulling away. Frenchie used his kiss to talk me into something without needing to talk me into it. Bastard hot French guy.
I huffed and pushed my hair back from my eyes. “You said bare, as in naked, or did I miss that?”
“ Oui , you know I need to see the body in order to paint it. Besides, no woman has a more beautiful body than yours.” His eyes scanned my jeans and tight camisole. I hadn’t bothered to wear a bra knowing I was going to be at least naked on top today, and with the way his gaze was running up and down my body, my nipples were beading tight, clearly visible. His hands stroked the side of my ribs, and his fingers brushed over the erect peaks. “I see you like this idea very much.”
I pressed close into his body, thankful that my back was to Aiden. “I like the idea of being with you, but this guy, I don’t know,” I said honestly. It was hard enough baring my body to Alec for his art, but to be naked and rolling around with another naked guy pretending to make love to him? Seemed really forced, unlike the other pictures we’d done that were just Alec and me.
He watched me and waited for me to work through his request. His tawny eyes were kind, no pressure. And it wasn’t like I had to have sex with the man. Just pretend to. I looked over at Aiden. His knees were bobbing up and down while he glanced at us then away quickly. “Fine, I’ll try. For you.” I wanted him to know this was not something I waited my entire life to do. It was outside my comfort zone, more so than being naked in front of him. I was doing it because I trusted his vision.
“Okay, Mia, you go over there and remove your clothes. Aiden, your robe.” Alec was all business once more. Aiden stood and removed his robe. His gorgeous, naked body was on full display. Even soft, he was impressive. He’d make some woman very happy with what he was packing. I giggled looking at him but not seeing him.
Aiden frowned. “Something wrong?” He looked down his naked body and placed a hand tentatively over his dick.
I knew my eyes turned into giant saucers as it dawned on me what he thought I was giggling at. “Oh my goodness, no! You’ve got a great dick...I mean...um...I wasn’t laughing at your size. Ugggh.” I groaned and lifted my head to the ceiling. Fuck Mia. Now you’ve gone and made Adonis question his manhood. “Why can’t I ever be normal?” I blew out a huge breath, my lips puffing out like a fish. Aiden chuckled.
“It’s okay. I get you.” His lips quirked and he walked over to the white sheet covering a padded surface and sat down in the center.
“Honestly, Aiden, I was thinking about how hot you are and how you’d make some woman very happy.” I opened my jeans and pushed them down my legs.
He grinned. “No complaints from my girlfriend.” Then he winked and all of a sudden it was okay. He had a girlfriend. Just knowing that he was here to pose and had a girlfriend at home made me feel so much better. It shouldn’t, seeing as I was going to be rolling around naked with the guy, but it did.
“Completely naked, ma jolie ,” Alec said while climbing up the ladder above the space. I yanked my camisole over my head and my boobs bounced free, the nipples pulling into tight knots once more, only this time at the chill. “There’s a heater there, so when you get on the padding with Aiden you will feel warm.”
With a deep breath, I pushed down my panties and hopped over to the mat. My ankle was almost healed, but it smarted when I put too much pressure on it. I wanted to be careful with it to make sure it completely healed before I tried putting my full weight on it. Once I hit the mat, I crawled shyly over to Aiden.
“Don’t worry. You’ve got a smokin’ hot body yourself. You ready for me to touch you?”
I licked my lips and stared up into the bright lights above. I could barely see the outline of Alec’s form. Fear crawled along my skin making gooseflesh bump at the surface.
“Um, I guess,” I said not really meaning it at all.
“Lie back, Mia. Aiden, put your arm under her neck so she’s resting her head on it. Place that right hand around her body and hold her back.” Aiden got close and leaned onto his side. I looked down and could see his dick had hardened. I gulped and bit my lip trying to shake off the creepy crawly feelings I had seeing his excitement. I knew it was natural for a man to get hard when seeing a naked woman, but still, I didn’t like it. At all.
Alec continued spouting orders. “Pull her thigh up and over yours to hide your manhood.” Aiden followed direction and gripped me by the knee and pulled my leg over his. That’s when his dick nestled against my pelvis, and I cringed.
“Mia,” Alec snapped. “Pretend you’re holding the man you love. Look into his eyes.” I ground my teeth and looked up. Aiden’s eyes were a chocolate brown. Kind, yet filled with the exact thing I didn’t want to see. Lust. I bit my lip and held my hands loosely at his waist. His hand slid up my thigh then curved around the cheek of my ass. I stiffened. The camera clicked several times. Aiden’s breath seemed incredibly loud in the space between our faces.
“Mia, you’re not pretending,” Alec warned. “Lift your neck. Now Aiden, kiss along the column slowly while I capture it. Dig your fingers into her flesh. He did, and I followed direction. As Aiden pressed his length harder into me, I could feel a tiny bit of moisture touch my skin. Swallowing hard, I started counting in my head hoping to God Alec would get his shot and this would be over soon.
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