QuickCam Colour Video For Linux (EXPERIMENTAL)
<���М> Winbond W9966CF Webcam Video For Linux (EXPERIMENTAL)
CPiA Video For Linux
CPiA Parallel Port Lowlevel Support
CPiA USB Lowlevel Support
SAA524 9 Teletext processor
SAB3036 tuner
Stradis 4:2:2 MPEG-2 video driver (EXPERIMENTAL)
Zoran ZR36057/36060 Video For Linux
Zoran ZR36120/36125 Video For Linux
Sony Vaio Picturebook Motion Eye Video For Linux
Radio Adapters →
ADS Cadet AM/EM Tuner
AIMSlab RadioTrack (aka RadioReveal) support
AIMSlab RadioTrack II support
Aztech/Packard Bell Radio
GemTek Radio Card support
GemTek PCI Radio Card support
Guillemot MAXI Radio EM 2000 radio
Maestro on board radio
miroSOUND PCM20 radio
miroSOUND PCM20 radio RDS user interface (EXPERIMENTAL)
SF16FMI Radio
TerraTec ActiveRadio ISA Standalone
Trust EM radio card
Typhoon Radio (a.k.a. EcoRadio)
[*] Support for /proc/radio-typhoon
Zoltrix Radio
Crypto Hardware support →
Crypto Hardware Accelerator Support
Broadcom 5820 SSL accelerator support
File systems →
[*] Quota support
Kernel automounter support
Kernel automounter version 4 support (also supports v3)
Reiserfs support
[ ] Have reiserfs do extra internal checking
< > ADFS file system support
< > Amiga FFS file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
<���М> Apple Macintosh file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
BFS file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
CMS file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
Ext3 journalling file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
[ ] JBD (ext3) debugging support
[ ] Buffer Head tracing (DEBUG)
DOS FAT fs support
MSDOS fs support
UMSDOS: Unix-like file system on top of standard MSDOS fs
VFAT (Windows-95) fs support
< > EFS file system support (read only) (EXPERIMENTAL)
Compressed ROM file system support
[*] Virtual memory file system support (former shm fs)
Simple RAM-based file system support
<*> ISO 9660 CDROM file system support
[*] Microsoft Joliet CDROM extensions
Minix fs support
FreeVxFS file system support (VERITAS VxFS(TM) compatible)
< > NTFS file system support (read only)
< > OS/2 HPFS file system support
[*] /proc file system support
[ ] /dev file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*] /dev/pts file system for Unix98 PTYs
< > QNX4 file system support (read only) (EXPERIMENTAL)
ROM file system support
<*> Second extended fs support
System V/Xenix/V7/Coherent file system support
UDF file system support (read only)
[ ] UDF write support (DANGEROUS)
UFS file system support (read only)
[ ] UFS file system write support (DANGEROUS)
Network File Systems →
Coda file system support (advanced network fs)
NFS file system support
[*] Provide NFSv3 client support
NFS server support
[*] Provide NFSv3 server support
SMB file system support (to mount Windows shares etc.)
[ ] Use a default NLS
<���М> NCP file system support (to mount NetWare volumes)
[*] Packet signatures
[*] Proprietary file locking
[*] Clear remove/delete inhibit when needed
[*] Use NFS namespace if available
[*] Use LONG (OS/2) namespace if available
[*] Lowercase DOS filenames
[*] Use Native Language Support
[*] Enable symbolic links and execute flags
Partition Types →
[*] Advanced partition selection
[ ] Acorn partition support
[*] Alpha OSF partition support
[ ] Amiga partition table support
[ ] Atari partition table support
[ ] Macintosh partition map support
[*] PC BIOS (MSDOS partition tables) support
[*] BSD disklabel (FreeBSD partition tables) support
[*] Minix subpartition support
[*] Solaris (x86) partition table support
[*] UnixWare slices support
[ ] Windows Logical Disk Manager (Dynamic Disk) support
[*] SGI partition support
[ ] Ultrix partition table support
[*] Sun partition tables support
Native Language Support →
Default NLS Option: "iso8859-1"
Codepage 437 (United States, Canada)
Codepage 737 (Greek)
Codepage 775 (Baltic Rim)
Codepage 850 (Europe)
Codepage 852 (Central/Eastern Europe)
Codepage 855 (Cyrillic)
Codepage 857 (Turkish)
Codepage 860 (Portuguese)
Codepage 861 (Icelandic)
Codepage 862 (Hebrew)
Codepage 863 (Canadian French)
<���М> Codepage 864 (Arabic)
<���М> Codepage 865 (Norwegian, Danish)
<���М> Codepage 866 (Cyrillic/Russian)
<���М> Codepage 869 (Greek)
Simplified Chinese charset (CP936, GB2312)
Traditional Chinese charset (Big5)
Japanese charsets (Shift-JIS, EUC-JP)
Korean charset (CP949, EUC-KR)
Thai charset (CP874, TIS-620)
Hebrew charsets (ISO-8859-8, CP1255)
Windows CP1251 (Bulgarian, Belarusian)
NLS ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1; Western European Languages)
NLS ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2; Slavic/Central European Languages)
NLS ISO 8859-3 (Latin 3; Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, Turkish)
NLS ISO 8859-4 (Latin 4; old Baltic charset)
NLS ISO 8859-5 (Cyrillic)
NLS ISO 8859-6 (Arabic)
NLS ISO 8859-7 (Modern Greek)
NLS ISO 8859-9 (Latin 5; Turkish)
NLS ISO 8859-13 (Latin 7; Baltic)
NLS ISO 8859-14 (Latin 8; Celtic)
NLS ISO 8859-15 (Latin 9; Western European Languages with Euro)
NLS KOI8-R (Russian)
NLS KOI8-U/RU (Ukrainian, Belarusian)
Console drivers →
[*] VGA text console
[*] Video mode selection support
[ ] Ignore bad video mode selections
MDA text console (dual-headed) (EXPERIMENTAL)
Frame-buffer support →
[*] Support for frame buffer devices (EXPERIMENTAL)
nVidia Riva support (EXPERIMENTAL)
Cirrus Logic support (EXPERIMENTAL)
Permedia2 support (EXPERIMENTAL)
[ ] enable FIFO disconnect feature
[*] generic Permedia2 PCI board support
< > Cyber2000 support
[*] VESA VGA graphics console
< > VGA 16-color graphics console
Hercules mono graphics console (EXPERIMENTAL)
[ ] Epson 1355 framebuffer support
Matrox acceleration (EXPERIMENTAL)
[*] Millennium I/II support
[*] Mystique support
[*] G100/G200/G4 00/G450 support
Matrox I2C support
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