"I'd really like black."
"But we don't carry black," she insisted.
"No problem. I brought a bottle with me." I reached for my purse, accidentally dripping water on her desk as I lifted my hand out of the bowl.
Jenny and Heather giggled at me.
"Hold on," Jean grumbled. "Allow me."
Jean mopped up my spills with a hand towel and threw it into a small white wicker laundry basket underneath her desk. She picked up my Corpse Bride purse, examined it as if it might bite her, then pulled out a half-filled bottle of Morbid Mayhem.
Jean placed my polish on her desk as if she were holding a bottle of poison. She squeezed eucalyptus-scented lotion on my hand and vigorously massaged it into my skin. She filed, smoothed, and pushed back my cuticles and reluctantly began to paint my nails a morbid black.
"So who are you going to prom with?" she asked.
"My boyfriend."
"Would I know him—or his family?"
"He doesn't go to our school."
"Is he from out of town?"
"No, he's homeschooled."
"That's interesting…What's his name?"
This was more like an inquisition than a manicure.
"Alexander Sterling."
"You mean the Sterlings on Benson Hill?" she asked, surprised.
"I've heard about them. They moved into the Mansion a while ago."
"That's right."
"His parents are never around. I was hoping his mother might come into the salon."
"They travel a lot."
"I see. And what is your boyfriend like?"
"He's a lot like me."
"Wears black nail polish?" she teased.
"Sometimes," I said with a smile.
I was beginning to take a liking to ol' Jean, and I think she was warming a bit to me. Not only was she flip and sarcastic like me, but I had something she wanted—firsthand knowledge of new townsfolk I'm sure had been gossiped about in her salon since the day the Munster-like family inhabited the Mansion.
Becky rose and sat with her hands underneath the dryers, leaving me alone in the corner with Jean as she applied a clear top coat to my nails.
"I had a client come in yesterday to get a French manicure," she whispered. "She said she met your boyfriend at a restaurant. She was spreading all sorts of gossip."
"You mean Mrs. Mitchell?"
"I don't like to spread things around," she said seriously.
I bit my black lip to keep myself from laughing.
"After meeting you," she continued, "I can't believe the talk of the town. You are such a dear, and I imagine your boyfriend has to be a gentleman."
I smiled at Jean. "She calls us vampires behind our backs just because we wear dark clothes and nail polish."
"I see…"
"She really needs to get a job, that woman."
"Well, I have to be honest, I'd rather see you in red polish, but I think this black is quite striking. I'd order some for the salon," she whispered again, "but I'm afraid you'd be the only one to wear it."
"Keep it," I said as I sat next to Becky and placed my hands underneath the dryer. "Next time Mrs. Mitchell comes in for a French manicure, make it a Romanian one, like mine."
15 Dance with a Vampire
Dullsville High School's prom night—one evening I was lucky I wasn't a vampire. If I had to wait until sunset just to rise from sleep, I'd never have time to shower, fix my hair, change from combat boots to witchy boots, decide between onyx and spiderweb earrings, rework my hair, and reapply my eyeliner. Most important, I would be nothing without a mirror.
I looked like a medieval dark angel. All that was missing was my vampire teeth.
Glancing out the window, I saw Alexander pull Jameson's Mercedes into our driveway. As I reapplied my lipstick and made the final touches to my makeup, I could hear the doorbell ring and mumbled greetings.
"Alexander's here," my mother called up to me.
"I'm coming," I answered.
With one hand I gathered the bottom of my dress, and with the other I carried my open parasol. I descended the staircase like the bride of Dracula.
Alexander and my parents were seated in the living room.
When Alexander saw me, his eyes lit up and he immediately rose. My heart dropped. He appeared more gorgeous than I'd imagined. Alexander looked like a sexy vampire idol in a silky chic dark suit with a red handkerchief poking out of his breast pocket. His hair hung in his face as his midnight eyes sparkled. He flashed me a sweet smile.
Alexander held his hand over his heart. "You are so beautiful. I believe you've taken my breath away."
He politely kissed me on my cheek. His soft velvet lips sent chills racing through me.
Alexander handed me a black rectangular box.
I opened the box. A red rose with white baby's breath was attached to an elastic lace band with red rhinestones.
"It's beautiful."
"It matches her dress to a tee. How did you know?" my mother asked.
"I want to put it on," I said excitedly.
My mother helped take the corsage out of the box and handed it to Alexander.
"I thought this was safer than sticking you with a pin like I did when we attended the Snow Ball," he said as he slid the corsage over my wrist.
"Billy," my father called. "Come down and see your sister."
"We have to take pictures," my mother gushed.
"No!" I said.
My parents looked at me oddly.
"It's bad luck."
"What are you talking about? Generations of people have taken pictures of their proms and have them in photo albums for years. It's a tradition," my mother corrected.
Alexander's eyes turned sorrowful. I could tell he felt he was denying me memories to cherish for a lifetime.
He grabbed my hand. "Mrs. Madison, I'll never be able to get out of my mind how beautiful Raven is today. A picture could never compare to her real beauty or be able to capture her heart and soul."
My mom was stunned. She put her hand over her mouth like she was watching a made-for-TV movie unfold in her very own living room. "You are making me misty-eyed."
"We have to go," I finally said.
"We have dinner reservations," Alexander stated proudly.
"Really?" my mother remarked. "Where?”
“It's a surprise," Alexander answered sweetly. Billy Boy sauntered down the stairs and sized up my Victorian garb. "For a vampire, you look awesome," he commented.
"You say the most wonderful things!" I hugged my bewildered brother and my gushing parents. Then Alexander and I flew out the door.
"Are we going to Hatsy's Diner?" I asked as we drove toward town.
Alexander continued to drive in silence as I tried to guess where he was taking me. Finally he parked in front of Dullsville's cemetery.
"Old Jim, the caretaker, is at Lefty's Tavern for the night," he stated knowingly. "No one will bother us, except for the occasional mischievous ghost."
Alexander led me by the hand between the tombstones to the back end of the cemetery. A weeping willow was draped with its branches over a rectangular wooden table covered with a black lace tablecloth and set for two with fine china and sterling silverware.
Alexander lit the antique candelabra and politely held my chair out for me.
Beside each plate was a covered dish. The setting was beautifully morose. I wondered what the main course could be. I'd watched way too many horror films and I imagined opening the aluminum covers to find severed heads. However, when Alexander lifted them, a delicious sight and smell lay before us—a dinner of lemon chicken, buttered green beans, and rice pilaf.
Alexander poured us sparkling cherry wine in pewter goblets.
"This is way better than the Cricket Club," I said.
"To us," he said as we toasted our goblets.
The sparkling wine tickled my tongue, and Alexander and I began our meal.
"Just when I thought you'd outdone yourself at the cave, you present me a five-star dinner at a cemetery."
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