“Fine, I’ll get my purse.” I walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed my purse. “This is insane.” I kissed my son on the cheek. “I’ll text you. If you don’t hear from me…”
“I know. I know. Call the police.” Jackson said.
Tony opened the door for me. “Try to walk out looking like you want to go out.”
“Fine.” I peered back at Jackson. “I’m killing your father.”
Once I stepped outside to my small porch, I saw the car across the road and my eyes moved to spot the one down the street.
If that was a federal agent, why were they watching my house?
An eerie feeling crept into my gut. Tony placed his hand on my back and whispered ‘look happy’ and walked me to his black SUV.
The whole thing didn’t make sense and yet, I went along with it.
I had to truly be insane.
I was full of questions when I got in the car, but Tony seemed focus on the fact that not only did the reporter follow us, but so did the federal agent.
“You have a lot to ask, I know.” Tony said. “We’re going to Wilson’s and that’s only a few minutes away. You can ask me anything there. I promise.”
“Why can’t we start talking now?”
“Because I have this thing about talking face to face.”
“I don’t understand why Gil went to such elaborate measures to make the press think we aren’t getting back together.”
“It’s a little more than that,” Tony said. “Actually, a lot more than that.”
“Am I in trouble or danger? I mean, why is a federal agent following us? That’s never happened.”
“It’s to ensure that Senator Jenner is not passing information to you.” Tony answered. “If they think there’s some sort of relationship rekindling then they can put two and two together. The shopping list, etc. We can’t have them trace the items.”
“You know about the shopping.”
“I know about it all.”
“Then you know what’s going on?”
“I do,” Tony said.
“I’ll tell you after we get inside the restaurant.”
“Can you at least tell me why? Why Gil sent you?”
“Because of national security, he cannot let things slip. It’s vital. I am more than just a date to throw off the relationship rumors, I’m your contact with Gil. I am your source of information.”
“Do you know why he cut off contact? Was it because of the me talking to the reporter?”
“Somewhat, more so a flag,” Tony said. “See, certain individuals are watched. Because every single communication can only be scanned, key words or flag words are placed in the monitoring system. For example, if you have a suspected terrorist, if the word ‘bomb’ is said or texted, it flags the communication. Senator Jenner is watched. You said a flag word. Because of that, all communication with him must be ceased and diverted.”
I was so engaged in the conversation I hadn’t noticed that we pulled up to the restaurant. “I said a flag word?”
“More so you sent a text with a flag word.”
“What was it?”
Tony shut off the car and looked at me. “Comet.”
Wilson’s was the place to go if you wanted to spend a ton on a meal. I couldn’t say whether the food was good or not, because before my ‘date’ I had never stepped foot in the place. It wasn’t my thing.
“Why here?” I asked Tony after leaving the SUV with the valet.
“Because you can’t just walk in here and grab a table. You need a reservation. So the federal agents on our tail can’t follow us in here. They can,” Tony thanked the doorman as we passed through the entrance. “But anyone who knows this place, knows you need a reservation.”
“So you’re from around here?”
“No. Do I sound like I’m from Texas? No. Illinois.”
Silently, I questioned Illinois as we were led to the table. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the prices on the wine menu and they were for a simple glass not a bottle. I decided right there that I was going to order the most expensive items all the way around. If I was going to be dragged out on a date, then they were going to pay heavily for it.
The waiter brought out the three shots of bourbon in separate glasses as Tony had requested. He held up a hand to the waiter to get him to stay put, then Tony downed the first one. He handed it to the waiter and then downed the next. “I’m good now, thanks.” He told the waiter, flashing a smile.
“You aren’t downing that one?” I asked.
“No, I’ll sip it.”
“Are you an alcoholic? I never saw anyone drink like that.”
“It’s two shots and you’re not an easy person to handle.”
“I resent that. I’m very easy going.”
“So why haven’t you had a date in six years? You’re a fairly attractive woman, it should not have been a problem.”
My jaw dropped in offense. “I find relationships intrusive. Besides, I had a child to raise.”
“He’s almost a man.”
“He’s still my child.”
“You’re right. They’re always your child. No matter how old.” Tony brought his drink to his lips, took a sip and cleared his throat. The waiter came and took our order, then Tony leaned forward. “So how do you want to do this? Do you just want to ask questions or have me go first? You know what, never mind. I’ll go first. That way if you need to ask me if you’re my prostitute or any other extremely uncomfortable questions, you can just interrupt. Okay?”
“Yes.” I pulled out my phone.
“What are you doing? Texting?”
“No, taking notes.”
His hand reached for my phone. “You can’t take notes.”
“I need to take notes. I may forget something I want to ask you.”
“Just… interrupt when a question pops in your mind.”
“Fine.” I set down the phone and pushed it aside. “Go.”
“As you know, my name is Tony Garrison. I own and operate GSS. Global Security Solutions…”
“How long have you known Gil?”
“Six years. Anyhow. GSS is a private company that employs former special ops and military men to go into situations that the military wants to publicly avoid.”
“Are you friends?”
“Excuse me?”
“You and Gil. Are you friends?”
“We don’t hang out and have beers, but we have met face to face one time so I’d say…”
“No.” I interrupted. You’ve known him for six years but aren’t friends. Probably why he set up this date.”
“Anna.” He firmly stated my name. “Why are you interrupting so much?”
“You said to interrupt if I have a question.”
“I haven’t even started yet. Are you sure you don’t want to go first?”
“No. Go on. It would be easier if I could take notes.”
“Then take notes.”
“Thank you.” I lifted my phone.
“Anyhow,” Tony exhaled. “Six years ago, Senator Jenner contacted me and we initiated a plan called GSS Protocol I. That was our name for it, because we were able to mask what we were doing under the guise of the rules of the Geneva Convention Protocol I. Understand?”
I nodded and shook my head. “No.”
“Basically it protects victims of international conflicts.”
“What does that have to do with me?” I asked.
“Nothing. It was a code name. If we came up with something original it would be flagged and people would wonder what we were talking about. This way they just believed I was running a security detail. Following me?”
“I am now.”
“Shortly after our first contact, Senator Jenner began to experience deep religious convictions and selflessly started donating his lottery winnings to the Church of Higher Worth, a nonprofit organization located out of Nevada.”
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