“Yeah, that’d be good. I’ll drop you off by Chad’s and head up to the house,” Falcon said.
“I’ll run real fast.” Josh told him.
“I’d appreciate that.” Falcon guided them to the property. James was out front keeping watch, and opened the gate for them. He called out a welcome to Falcon as they rode by.
Falcon would have stopped to talk, but he really wanted to drop off Josh and get Mrs. Gleece.
Chad’s property was about ten yards off the driveway and Falcon brought the Vike to a stop. Chad was out front of the trailer smoking a cigarette. He waved with a wide grin.
“Look, there’s Chad.” Falcon pointed.
“Dad,” Josh called out softly.
“Tell Mrs. Gleece…”
“That if she needs me to come down, I will,” Falcon continued.
“What is it?” Falcon asked and then turned to the back seat.
Josh only lifted his eyes. “Something is wrong with Belle.”
Immediately, Falcon felt his blood flow thorough his veins. It ran hot and he could feel it all the way to his face. His cheeks burned, his chest felt heavy and his ears filled with a rushing sound of his own heart beat.
He jumped from this seat and to the back seat.
“Daddy?” Lilly whimpered out. “What’s wrong with Belle?”
“Dad.” Josh’s eyes welled and his mouth pouted.
Falcon bit his lip, held up a finger then reached in for Belle. A painful, aching moan, seeped from his gut, up his chest and into his throat the second he lifted Belle and her lifeless body flopped in his arms.
“Daddy!” Lilly cried. “Daddy, what happened to Belle!”
“Dad?” Josh whimpered.
Falcon couldn’t think. He couldn’t move.
“Hey, all!” Chad called out, trotting their way. “Glad to see…” He stopped cold.
Falcon spun way, back to Chad, to Lilly to Josh. Both of his children were crying out, crying his name, and asking what was happening.
Falcon held up his hand without looking. His words breathy, “Take them to your house, please, Chad.”
“Sure thing. Come on.”
Falcon heard Chad gathering the children, telling them their father would be right with them and they needed to go with him.
He heard that, but it was faint. His ears were clogged with a rushing sound.
Mouth open in a silent scream, Falcon curled up his arms to bring Belle’s dangling body into his chest. Then holding her to him, he slid back against the Vike until he crumbled on the ground.
How long had it been since he had cried? Really cried? Years? He didn’t even get a chance to cry for Stacy because he was so engrossed in Lilly and Josh.
Falcon was a strong man in spirit and in strength. The entire town knew him as a tower of strength. He kept the farm together, his family and strangers. He never wavered.
But right there on the ground, Falcon didn’t just cry, he sobbed. He sobbed from the depth of his soul from the broken heart he felt over that little girl.
Anguish consumed him.
A mere child, not even three, she didn’t have a chance. She was born into a damned world and her short life was just as damned.
An innocent child didn’t deserve the tortured life she had. Not enough food or water. No home, living outside. Crying and reaching for a mother who had died right next to her, a mother who wouldn’t answer.
Falcon couldn’t even make her life better; he didn’t have the chance. All he could give her were some measly scraps of food and water and that wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to save her life or make up for what she never had.
It was then Falcon grew angry at himself. Angry for all the times he felt bad for his children, felt sorry that they never saw green or had a tree, or when they wanted more water and couldn’t have it. He was angry for all the times he cursed God for the life his children had to lead and what they didn’t have.
He was enraged with himself because all along he shouldn’t have been cursing, should not have been feeling sorry for his children. He should have been grateful.
His children weren’t like other children.
Belle was. She was just one of millions of children who would never know a full belly or have their thirst quenched.
His children were the exception to the rule and were fortunate.
He’d remember that. He’d always remember that, and should he forget, he need only to think about the day that Belle passed away.
Outside on the ground, hidden behind the Vike, Falcon held on to Belle. He’d do so before he found his children and buried the baby.
Belle had given him a gift. She showed him more in the day he knew her than he had learned in years of war. She had given him a life lesson, a true realistic view of things. Such an enormous unselfish gift had come in such a small package.
Falcon wanted to hold Belle a little bit longer. It was the least and the last thing he could do for her.
America’s Demise
By Jacqueline Druga
Copyright 2011 by Jacqueline Druga.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover image provided by: prozac1 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Thanks to Liz for her inspiration
Ann, you rock, that’s all I can say. Thanks for taking this one on and being eagle eyes for me.