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Devon Monk: Hell Bent

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Devon Monk Hell Bent

Hell Bent: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Instead of the deadly force it once was, magic is now a useless novelty. But not for Shame Flynn and Terric Conley, “breakers” who have the gift for reverting magic back to its full-throttle power. In the magic-dense city of Portland, Oregon, keeping a low profile means keeping their gifts quiet. After three years of dealing with disgruntled magic users, Shame and Terric have had enough of politics, petty magic, and, frankly, each other. It’s time to call it quits. When the government discovers the breakers’ secret—and its potential as a weapon—Shame and Terric suddenly become wanted men, the only ones who can stop the deadly gift from landing in the wrong hands. If only a pair of those wrong hands didn’t belong to a drop-dead-gorgeous assassin Shame is falling for as if it were the end of the world. And if he gets too close to her, it very well could be....

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I hesitated. She was begging for mercy. For relief from the tortured life she had been living. But I hadn’t come here to show her mercy. Only to make Eli hurt.

Then Brandy was gone, and it was Eli looking through her eyes again. Panicked. Begging me not to kill her.

“You know where to find me,” I said to him.

I placed my fingers against her chest and drew a glyph there. I stared into Eli’s pleading eyes, wanting to see his pain.

Magic filled the invisible line I traced, crushing her heart.

Tighter. Tighter.

Until there was no beat left. Until she was cold and dead. Until even Eli’s hating eyes were gone.

Brandy’s ghost stepped free of her body and threw her arms wide, head tipped back, smiling as if she had taken her first deep breath in many, many years.

I waited for her to see me. Judge me.

She touched the side of my cheek with cold, cold fingers. Thank you , she mouthed.

Then she was gone.

Revenge, mercy. Tonight they were the same.

I left the room. Left the building. Strode away into the darkness of night.

I flicked my fingers and canceled the Scatter spell and Sleep spell. No one would know I had been there. No one would see the glyph I had drawn. No one would remember.

Only Eli.

Everything was just how it had been only moments before.

Except everything had changed.

This was my war now.

Read on for an exciting excerpt from the next Broken Magic novel by Devon Monk,


Coming in April 2014 from Roc.

The door behind Eleanor opened, letting in the March wind, a little rain, and the man I had come here to kill.

The man was a few years older than the photo I’d seen, black hair shot through with gray, white face gone pudgy behind square bifocals. His name was Stuart, and he carried himself like someone who was irritated with his own skin: stiff movements, coat clutched closed with one hand over his stomach, a scowl hammered into his face.

Not what I’d expected a murderer to look like, but then killers came in all shapes and sizes.

He glanced around the diner. Didn’t notice me. I didn’t stand out in a diner that hadn’t passed a health inspection in a decade. And although it would be fun, I didn’t wear a sign that said “Shame Flynn. Death magic user, loyal friend, troublemaker, and the last guy you’d want to meet in a dark alley if you’d done something naughty.”

He didn’t notice Eleanor either, but that was understandable.

Eleanor was a ghost.

She sat across from me, long blond hair flowing with an underwater grace as she moved. Soft features, sweet smile, she was beautiful when alive, and still beautiful when dead. She noticed me noticing him. Tipped her head a bit, narrowed her eyes. “What?” she mouthed.

I couldn’t actually hear her because—hello—she was dead. But I’d learned how to read her lips over the last couple years since she’d been stuck with me.

“Nothing,” I lied.

She, as usual, didn’t believe me.

She scanned the diner, saw the guy take the booth just off to our right, looked back at me. Shook her head.

“Not listening.” I stared at my breakfast so I didn’t have to see her, poked at the waffles. My fork bounced off the hardened whipped cream.

She shifted through the table like someone forging a stream and floated in front of me, half of her body stuck in the table.

“Jesus. Do you stay up at night thinking of ways to creep me out?”

“No killing,” she mouthed. Or maybe it was “No kidding.” I didn’t say I was good at reading lips.

“Sorry. I made a promise. I never go back on my word.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Fine. Lately,” I amended. “I never go back on my word lately. And that man”—I lowered my voice because, seriously, I did not need people looking at the crazy guy who was yelling at his waffles—“has done unspeakable things to people. With magic. For years. He’ll continue doing unspeakable things, with or without magic. He should have been dead a long, long time ago. I’m just taking care of business.”

“Terric.” She pointed at my heart, which wasn’t beating all that well today. A problem I intended to take care of as soon as the ghost got off her high horse so I could kill the guy.

I lifted my knife. “We’ll leave Terric out of this. Plus, he’s avoiding me, not the other way around.”

Not that I could ever get away from him. We were Soul Complements: Death magic, Life magic. Ever since the magical apocalypse a few years ago had made magic a gentle force, it was just us Soul Complements who could break magic and make it do the old, horrifying things.

Well, and the old, wonderful things too, but that wasn’t really my department.

I was the guy who handled the darker side of things.

I’d been a damn fine Death magic user back in the day. And now? Well, now I was death.

While it had its perks, it didn’t come without a hell of a price. I carried death, but if I didn’t let it loose, didn’t let the Death magic in me consume and kill, then it simply consumed and killed me.

I was never going to be an old man. Hell, I’d be lucky to live another year.

But I was damn sure going to live long enough to take out some people before my time was up. For one, that killer in the booth across from me, and for two, the psychopath Eli Collins, whom I still hadn’t tracked down.

A cold slap of pain hit my shoulder and forced my attention back on my surroundings. The grease and noise of the diner fell back around me again, the heat of the air, the cool of the wind coming through the door. Eleanor had her hand up, ready to slap me again to get my attention. She didn’t need to.

Another man stood just inside the door, scanning the diner.

Terric Conley was a bit taller than me, dressed better than me, and had blue eyes and good looks angels would fistfight for. His hair had been white since the day I’d tried to kill him and he’d killed me back. Altogether, he was the sort of man women fell for. Unfortunately for women, he was the sort of man who fell for men.

He was also a hell of a Life magic user, and, when we admitted such things, my friend, my partner, and my Soul Complement.

He annoyed the hell out of me.

He spotted me and started my way.

“Shame.” He stopped by the table, glanced down at the untouched plate of waffles, strawberries, and whipped cream in front of me. A frown wrinkled his forehead. “Breakfast? Why are you eating breakfast here? Now?”

“What’s wrong with here and now?”

“For one”—he glanced back across the diner, then at me—“this place is a dump. And you promised you’d go with me to a meeting today.”

I promised?”

“Okay, fine. I promised. Allie and Zayvion want you there. Us there,” he corrected.

“Busy. Sorry.” I sawed my way through the waffle with a wholly inadequate knife, then shoveled waffle and whipped cream into my mouth. Chewed. And chewed. And kept on chewing.

Tough didn’t describe this waffle. Kevlar had more give.

“Just . . . come, Shame,” he said. “Allie wants you there.”

Ever since Allie had gotten pregnant, she was all sorts of unpredictable in the emotional department. I found it endlessly amusing. Terric had taken to tiptoeing around her, and Zayvion had threatened to tie my spine in knots if I riled her up. Again.

I spit the waffle into the napkin. “If I don’t?”

Terric raised an eyebrow. “You need me to threaten you?”

“Might be amusing.”

“I can promise you it would not be.”

Had some fire behind those words. Man could deal out the hurt when he wanted to. Apparently, me not going would make him want to.

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