Have I touched a nerve, Avery? What did you want Marianna to do that drove her to take her own life? Did you try to turn her? Did you force yourself on her like you did Dena? Did she refuse to let you take her blood?
Avery lunges at me, bending me back over the table before I can counter his thrust. “I grow weary of this conversation,” he hisses in my ear. “It's time to end it."
His teeth grab the skin just at my jugular and start to rip it away. I work an arm between his face and my chest and heave him back.
He doesn't fall completely away, but his body gives enough for me to leverage myself with one hand on his chin and the other on his chest. I push with all my strength, keeping those snapping teeth away from my neck. But I can't reach his neck, either, so we're caught in a macabre embrace.
Anna, look at me.
But I press my eyes shut. I know what he's trying to do.
Open your eyes. You can't resist. You know that.
But I do resist, though I don't know how long I'll be able to hold him off. He's wearing away at my strength and resolve. He's in my head, telling me to let go, telling me how easy it will be and how peaceful when it's over.
No. I won't let him kill me.
I reach deep into myself and channel all my anger towards him for a final thrust. It's a feeling that starts in the pit of my stomach, a fury that gains momentum and power until it explodes outward. Suddenly, it's Avery, not me, bent over that table. I grab his arms and fling him onto the ground, bent on finishing it. He fights back, sending me flying off him and crashing into a chair. I feel it disintegrate into a hundred pieces beneath me. But before I can regain balance, he's on top of me, holding me down. His face moves closer, a smile twisting his mouth.
It would have been so good, Anna. I waited so long for a worthy companion. I reveled in finding you, in showing you what could be. I loved you. I loved you.
His anguish burns through me, first the love, then the hatred. It sears into my brain, cuts nerve endings and flays my flesh. I feel it stripping away. He isn't using his teeth, he isn't draining my blood. The intensity of his hatred peels my skin as if with a knife. I'm on fire. He wants me to suffer before he ends it.
Frantically, I feel around for something, anything, to use as a weapon. My hand closes around a wooden spool, the armrest of the chair I'm resting upon. I snatch it up, grasp it with both hands, and with a single motion, plunge it into Avery's back.
There's a moment when all time stops. Avery's face hovers above me, his eyes reflect surprise, then sadness. A pitiful howl erupts from deep inside him, and in the next instant, he's gone.
I don't know how long I lay there, alone, exhausted, afraid, the stake still clutched in my hands.
Finally, I hold up a hand before my face. I expect to see blood and exposed bone and sinew. Instead my arm is whole, unmarked.
It was a mind trick, the flayed skin, the burning.
It's over.
Avery is gone. Disappeared. As if he never existed. My heart thuds a dirge in the center of my chest. It could have been me.
Should have been me.
I can't figure out why it wasn't.
The answer comes from a now familiar voice.
Avery was careless. He underestimated you. And your loyalty to your friend.
I look around slowly, too weary to be startled. Casper?
Are you all right?
I gather strength, pull myself into a sitting position. My hand goes to my neck. There's some blood but Avery never got a real hold.
Thankfully. Where are you? Why don't you show yourself?
All things in time, he says enigmatically. I just wanted to be sure you were all right. Robert is out back with the car. He'll take you home.
Home. I shake my head sadly . I don't have a home.
Sure you do. Avery's place is yours now.
I sniff. I don't think so.
But it's true. You vanquished an old soul in defense of your own life. All his possessions are yours.
What if I don't want them?
Up to you. But before you dismiss it out of hand, think of how much good you could do with that kind of wealth. You could help a lot of people.
I have to think about that.
No rush. You have all the time in the world.
I don't remember the ride to the loft or letting myself into David's or falling as if dead onto the couch. When I awaken, I simply find myself there, bone weary, despite having slept for ten hours. I drag myself into the bathroom, stripping off Avery's dress. Balling it up, I stuff the thing into the trash. Then I take a long, hot shower. Lately it seems I can't get the water hot enough. Still, even the scalding heat doesn't quite wash away the feel of Avery's hands on my body.
I'm not sure anything will.
After, I pull on the only clothes I can find in David's room that fit—a pair of Gloria's designer sweats and a Raider sweatshirt—and haul myself down to the garage to get the Hummer.
Max is sitting by David's bedside when I get to Beso de la Muerta. I'm not even that surprised to see him. After what I've been through the last few days, it will take a lot to surprise me from now on.
David is asleep, tubes still attached, but his breathing is deep and regular.
Max reads the question in my eyes and says, “He's going to be all right. The doc says he'll be out for another day or two, but when he awakens, he'll be as good as new."
He gets up and puts an arm around my shoulders. “Culebra told me you've had quite a time of it."
I don't respond to that, I don't know how. Instead I ask, “What are you doing here?"
He gives me a kiss on the forehead. “I guess you haven't had a chance to see a paper in the last couple of days. The operation is over. I'm just here to clean up a few loose ends."
"And you know about this place?"
He nods.
" All about this place?"
He shrugs. “If you mean do I know that there are some rather interesting specimens that occasionally use Beso de la Muerta as a hideout, the answer is yes."
I'm wondering if he's going to ask me how I found out about it when Culebra joins us.
He bends at the waist in a little bow toward me. “Anna. How nice to see you. I explained to Max that you followed Donaldson down here and that David was injured trying to apprehend him. I'm afraid it's probably the last we've seen of that one."
I send him a quick thank you, which he acknowledges with a smile. Then I turn to Max, “So, you two were working together?"
"Culebra has helped us on several projects."
"Only, of course, when Max's interest doesn't conflict with mine,” Culebra adds.
"Of course,” Max responds. Then he gestures toward David. “I have to get back to San Diego. Will you be staying here with David?"
"For a little while. I'll bring him home as soon as he can travel."
He touches my cheek. “I heard about the fire. Where are you living?"
"At David's for now. Then, I'll probably move home with my folks until the cottage is rebuilt."
He nods and after exchanging a few words with Culebra in Spanish, he kisses my cheek and is gone.
Culebra raises an eyebrow at me. “You aren't staying at—” he starts to say “Avery's,” then corrects himself, “Your other place?"
I shake my head. “I don't think I could stand to be there. I don't know what I'm going to do about that yet.” I narrow my eyes and look hard at him. “How do you know so much? Are you reading all that in my head?"
He laughs. “It's a blessing and a curse."
"Do you really think David will be all right?"
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