Meliana’s father is there beaming with pride. How many men’s daughters have such important people in attendance at their marriage? James pauses a moment when they reach his side. “Thank you sir,” he says. It took some doing in getting all this arranged in such short order. But when he asked Meliana to marry him, she went into high gear and got it all arranged.
“You do my daughter right now,” her father says.
“I shall,” he replies. With a grin to his bride, he says again, “Rest assured I shall.” Then they resume their trek to the main entrance where Scar and Potbelly stand guard.
“…and that’s why I said they’re like a horde of locusts,” concludes Potbelly. Noticing that the newlyweds are on their way, he nudges Scar in the side and they take their positions to either side of the entrance. Standing straight and tall, they draw their swords and hold them up with the tips touching to form an arch that the couple will pass through.
The courtyard grows quiet in expectation as the couple makes their way forward. When James and Meliana appear, the crowd cheers and applauds. The couple pauses there a moment as the cheering goes on and on. The people there know him well. His deeds have been sung in every tavern from Cardri, Madoc, and beyond. They know that no other person has been more responsible in gaining Madoc her freedom.
“Hurry up man,” Scar whispers to him.
“What’s the hurry?” James whispers back.
“I’m hungry!” he replies. “Been standing here a couple hours at least.”
James glances at him then breaks out into laughter. Meliana can’t help but do the same. Then they begin moving down the steps and make their way into the crowd with Jiron and Aleya right behind. The rest of the wedding guests follow led by Lord Pytherian and the Patriarchal Council.
“Look!” James says to Meliana with barely restrained laughter. She turns her head and sees a table filled with tarts. Next to it stands one of Miko’s new priests that he’s gathered to Morcyth. “He’s making sure the High Priest, who since he performed the marriage is traditionally bound to be the last to leave the temple, will have some when he gets out.” Unable to restrain himself any longer, he allows the laughter to roll forth.
The afternoon and evening is filled with merriment, eating and socializing. When the sun at last begins it’s descent to the horizon, James and Meliana quietly slip out from the party. Not too far away is a fine inn, one of the first to be rebuilt after the Empire left. There they will spend the night before leaving for The Ranch in the morning.
Heading there arm in arm with his bride, he says, “Never has a man been happier than I am right now.”
She squeezes his arm and says, “I’m glad.” She then lays her head on his shoulder as he puts his arm around her.
“I just wish my grandparents could have been here to see this,” he says a bit wistfully.
“I know,” replies Meliana. Shortly after they were engaged, he had filled her in on everything.
When they reach the inn and are ascending the stairs to their suite on the third floor, they hear the inn’s door open and footsteps running toward them. “Damn!” he says and begins hurrying his beloved along.
“What’s wrong?” she asks.
“Come on!” he yells and grabs her hand as he races up the stairs. When they reach the third floor landing, they hear the person on the stairs below, rounding the second floor landing on their way up to the third.
Running down the hallway, he fumbles in his pocket for the key. Beside him, Meliana begins to grow fearful. Arriving at the door, he mumbles “Come on!” to himself as he quickly tries to find the key. Just as he plucks it from his pocket, Jiron appears on the third floor landing.
“James!” he yells.
James thrusts the key into the lock and opens the door. Practically throwing Meliana inside, he closes the door just as Jiron hits it from the outside.
“Open that door!” Jiron yells.
Placing his back against the door, James keeps it closed. “No!” he yells. “Go away.”
“But it’s custom!” Jiron yells through the door.
“Not for me it isn’t,” replies James. Then he throws the bolt and for good measure, seals the door with magic. He turns to see Meliana’s face alight with amusement. “What?” he asks.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“James! You’ve got to let me do this!” Jiron yells.
Ignoring Jiron’s attempts to gain entry, he comes to his bride. “What’s so funny?” he asks again.
“Miko told me about what happened at Rylin’s wedding,” she says. Then she giggles at his expense. “Go away Jiron,” she yells through the door, “I think that particular tradition ends here tonight.”
Jiron bangs one more time on the door before a very undignified giggle causes him to turn his attention to the stairwell. There he finds the High Priest of Morcyth with a tart in one hand, berry juice dotting his right cheek and giggling. Grinning himself, he moves down the hallway to Miko. Then together they head downstairs and leave the newlyweds to each other.