Alandra undulated over him, fucking him with needs and love and hunger. Desire flooded him, and he studied her with his inner eye, blissfully content as he once again saw their auras entwined.
Brilliant Light and fathomless Darkness surged and kissed as Aerolus gripped Alandra’s hips, controlling her movements with a rough hands.
“Oh, love, do it to me, make me come,” she said, parting her thighs wider.
Wanting her more than breath, he grazed her clit and pushed up, mashing her pelvis against his as she rocked over him, slamming down with force while his winds encouraged her ride.
Loving the eroticism of watching them make love, he talked to her, telling her what he saw as he made love to her, stimulating her to new heights as she neared climax.
Wanting to see her explode, he rubbed his thumb over the ripe berry of her clit, harder, teasing. She gasped and moaned his name as she increased her pace, and in moments she clenched around him, praying his name over and over.
Her walls were slick, her pussy unbelievably enticing. He cried out, unable to help the spasms that shook him as he spilled into womanly perfection. As he came, he stared into her glowing eyes and gave her all he had to give. His magic, his seed, his very life was hers as it had ever been.
In a hoarse voice, he confessed, “You bring me hope, life, where before there was only loneliness and duty.”
She smiled and blinked back tears. “Go on,” she said, leaning over him.
Still joined, he hugged her to him and kissed her. “Despite your petite frame, you have the most luscious, milk-white breasts and crimson nipples. Such a smooth, taut stomach for one so small and feminine.”
She raised a brow and he laughed, knowing she wanted more.
“Your body and face are perfect, and I never want you to change even one small fraction of any of it.”
She beamed.
“I love you, Alandra. I’ll never forget what you’ve given me, or what you’ve given up for me.”
“Now that was really good.” She kissed him with tenderness, then more passionately as he began to harden again. “So soon?”
“Not soon enough,” he murmured and moaned as she levered off him.
“How about if we do it this way?” she asked, going down on all fours as she glanced over her shoulder. “It’s much more masterful like this, my prince.”
He grinned. “Trying to control me, hmm? We’ll just see about that.”
Hours later, totally spent, Alandra smiled and stared down at her lover, her mate, and stroked his cheek. His eyes were closed, and though he’d told her he wanted only a moment to recover before they joined his family, he’d fallen asleep.
Rising from his side, she stretched and patted the shadowed grass that even now, despite the bright moonlight, refused to accept the moon’s beams.
“Just lovely.” She sighed. “I’m definitely going to love it here.”
Hearing a trickle of water nearby, she cast a small protective spell around Aerolus, using his power now as easily as she used her own, and walked into the cool stream. She washed away the sweat of long passion and the remaining feel of having nearly died.
“I just wanted to thank you for what you did,” she said quietly, knowing the source of her and Aerolus’ well-being lingered near, for protection more than intrusion. “And I appreciate the privacy you allowed us.”
No one responded, not that she’d expected anything. But with Aerolus’ elemental magic in addition to Tanselm’s incredible core of energy increasing her latent magic, Alandra could feel the added presence and knew instinctively it was not Aerolus, but the person who’d healed her.
“I just want you to know that I owe you my life, and his as well. I won’t forget that, nor will I speak of it, since by your very silence you expect silence in return.”
Alandra started at a small patch of Darkness against the shadow of the forest that suddenly shifted.
True love should never be denied , echoed in her mind.
The Darkness seemed to deepen, if that were possible, before vanishing as if it had never been. Had the Shadow of Tanselm just given her its blessing? Alandra let out the breath she’d been holding, not nervous, but very, very thankful for the chance at happiness she’d been given.
Returning to Aerolus’ side, she hated to disturb him but nudged him awake. “We need to let your family know you’re alright before we get any unexpected visitors.” She glanced wryly at their nudity.
He grinned and spelled them both with clothing.
Seeing the ugly jeans and clingy T-shirt he’d once before given her, she grimaced, then laughed at his challenging expression.
She readied her magic to meet his dare, when the sound of racing footsteps approached.
Aerolus immediately stood and placed her protectively behind him. She thrilled at the act, reaching around to embrace him. “I’m so glad you love me,” she whispered.
“It wouldn’t kill you to return the sentiment every now and then,” he growled from the side of his mouth, then relaxed when he noted his brothers and uncle nearing.
“Thank the Light you two are alive and well.” Darius breathed a sigh of relief and reined in his horse. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you for hours.”
“That’s odd.” Aerolus frowned and drew Alandra next to him. “You should have been able to feel us right here.”
“Yes, we should have,” Marcus said as he stared at them both. His grin widened as he continued to stare, and Alandra knew he noticed the rosy glow of satisfaction on her face. “I knew when I felt that certain spark you were okay. But damn, Brother, you had us severely worried for a while.”
“I did?”
“Yes, you did,” Arim said, appearing next to Marcus on foot. “According to Darius and Marcus, you were at death’s very door. What happened?”
He explained what he knew, but Alandra understood there was more to their recovery than arriving in Tanselm. She wanted to share her theories but needed privacy and an audience with her new husband, alone. He would accept the Shadow in their lives, but she wasn’t so sure his family felt the same, not yet. With enough time and effort, though, she knew she could bring them around.
She clutched Aerolus’ hand tight, thanking fate for him in her life. Light or Dark, he was hers to have, hers to keep.
“Alandra?” Aerolus asked, concerned with her tight grip.
“I’ve got some bad news,” she murmured, remembering what Lidra had said a world away.
The party stilled and waited.
“Did you know I’ve got distant Light Bringer in me?”
“I know you just had some in you,” he said under his breath, making her blush at Darius’ loud guffaw.
“Well, then,” Marcus said, his approval making her back stiff. “Welcome to the family, little sister.”
“Oh, so you wouldn’t have welcomed me without that—” she began, before Aerolus cut her off with a kiss.
“Thank the Light he’s learned something about women from us,” Darius remarked. “Now before you two get hot and heavy again, we have to bring you to see Mother. She’s been worried to tears, and she won’t rest until she sees your pretty face again, Aerolus.”
“He wanted to say ‘ugly face,’ but even he’s not that stupid, at least not all the time.” Marcus grinned at Aerolus and Alandra, ignoring the finger Darius gave him. “I tell you, the habits he’s picked up from Samantha are crude, not to mention insulting.” He turned to Darius. “You two are perfect for each other,” he ended, his eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Funny, but I saw Tessa giving you that same finger just yesterday, Marc .”
Aerolus chuckled, hugging Alandra to him, and she felt warmly content for perhaps the first time in her life. Her new brothers were going to be a handful, a challenge she thrilled to accept. And her new sisters, hmm. She already liked the sound of them.
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