“I don’t get it.” Darius frowned. “Aerolus’ affai isn’t human? She looked human enough to me.”
“Let me put it this way. I wield magic, as do your brothers. Each of you have touched a spell or two in your time, but the elemental magic you reap is a part of you. In that sense you’re like Alandra. Being a Storm Lord is not just a calling, but an existence apart from other Light Bringers.
“The Aellei, on the other hand, are magic. I call it forth in spells, she herself commands it as an extension of herself, like breathing.”
“Interesting,” Marcus murmured. “Which leads me to something I’ve been thinking about for some time, the magic of our affai . Both Samantha and Tessa are human, but powerful humans with an exceptional call to magic. Their Light calls to the elemental in Darius and myself. Even in Tanselm they stand out more for their powerful energies than their foreign birth.”
“This is so,” Darius agreed. “Samantha’s powers have grown significantly since arriving in Tanselm. And believe it or not, I’ve taught her a few useful spells. Just basic stuff we learned when young, but she casts them like a sorcerer.”
“Spells?” Arim didn’t like the sound of that, especially coming from Darius. Aerolus was the only brother of the Royal Four with the capacity to wield mage energy properly.
Darius looked uncomfortable and unintentionally projected a series of thoughts to his uncle.
Relieved, Arim nodded. “Ah, spells . As in, a speedy way to dispense clothing, increased stamina for lovemaking, the ability to do what with wax, exactly?”
“You get the picture,” Darius growled, his cheeks flushing. He glared at his uncle, then at his chuckling brother. “I don’t know what the hell you’re laughing about. Samantha talks to Tessa daily so I know you’ve taught her the same things.”
Arim raised one brow at the guilty look on Marcus’ face.
“Now hold on,” Marcus said defensively, his voice crisp. “Tessa’s a siphon. I didn’t teach her the spells.”
“No, you used them around her enough that she eventually absorbed them from you,” Arim said sarcastically, deciding to needle his nephews. When they snapped at one another or at him, they weren’t so focused on the worries at home. “It’s good to know the Storm Lords are making good use of their time waiting for ‘Sin Garu and the Netharat to reappear.”
Both brothers scowled, their energy in tune and growing as they turned their hostility from each other towards him. Pleased at how much they’d grown since meeting and loving their affai , Arim hoped Alandra would not be a disappointment to Aerolus. With her magic and her love, he could only imagine the strength Aerolus might one day wield. And that edge might be just the push the Royal Four needed to oust the Dark Lords from Tanselm once and for all.
“Relax, you two. Your affai do you both credit, and I’m pleased that you both found exactly who you needed.”
Marcus nodded, his tension visibly leaving him. “Tessa is perfection. I couldn’t agree more.”
“Yeah, she’s the only woman who can stand your attitude,” Darius murmured, shooting his brother a smirk.
“Like you can talk. It’s a wonder a woman who looks like Samantha can be such a pain in the ass.”
Darius brightened. “She is a handful, Marc .”
Marcus exhaled heavily. “Talk to her about that, would you? It’s Marcus. Not Marc. Marcus .”
“Sure thing, Marc . So back to your original question, Uncle.” Darius grinned, ignoring his brother’s threatening glare. “I like Alandra. I know what the Aellei are capable of, but in my opinion, a woman who risked her livelihood and life to save Tanselm can’t be too terrible. And from the way she looked at Aerolus, I’d say she’s got it bad.” His red eyes glowed with approval.
“Much as it distresses me, I have to agree with the fire-breather.” Marcus arched a thumb in Darius’ direction. “From what you’ve said, she saved my life and Tessa’s, no question. I have no doubt the Nocumat we encountered would have devoured me whole. And if she’s been here for an entire year watching us, she could have done us harm at any time, yet she didn’t. I can only be thankful she’s here, helping us. And to have captured Aerolus’ heart, that in itself is no mean feat.”
“True enough. And yet,” Arim paused, unable to put into words the feeling that wouldn’t go away. When he’d attacked Alandra, he’d felt her vast magic, had sensed something familiar about it. The woman was of Shadow, this he knew. But why would an Aellei fight to save Tanselm when her kind might have it at their fingertips?
He’d been to Aelle. Though beautiful and spacious and full of interesting areas where Light met Darkness, Aelle’s magic was nowhere near as powerful as Tanselm’s. Had he been in the queen’s position, he might very well have schemed for their land.
The Aellei drew much of their energy from Aelle, from its majesty as much as from its well of power. But drawing from Tanselm would be like exchanging moonlight for sunlight. Why then would Alandra willingly leave her world of beauty for a magicless plane of existence, what the Aellei would undoubtedly categorize as an unsightly world? And to babysit a dread Light Bringer, one of the Royal Four, no less?
His instincts were never wrong, almost never wrong, his conscience prodded as an image of Lexa intruded. Frowning the thought away, he focused on the here and now.
“Alandra has Aerolus’ heart and loyalty.” He weighed his decision. “Since your brother has never before failed us when we most needed him, I suppose we should support him by giving Alandra our loyalty as well.”
“Nicely said.” Marcus smiled.
“Not bad, for an old man,” Darius chimed in, grinning when Arim narrowed his eyes. Old man?
“I can’t say I’ve ever met a sorcerer who’s older,” Cadmus added from the hallway, staring without surprise at his brothers. “Well, well. Leave the door open and see what comes wandering in.”
Darius and Marcus immediately stood, moving to greet Cadmus when Arim held up a hand, stilling them.
“Where have you been?” he asked quietly, aware something about his nephew seemed decidedly off.
“Just…around,” Cadmus drawled, staring at his brothers without a hint of welcome. His expression was strained, his eyes burning with what looked like malice. And the strange Dark aura that had possessed him for some time was gone.
Arim stared hard, then sent up an immediate shield over Darius and Marcus. “How did you get through?”
Cadmus shrugged. “Your boy’s been leaving holes big enough to jump through.” He smiled then, a direct look of hatred that made the hair on the back of Arim’s neck stand on end. “We’ve got the girl, you know. It’s almost over.”
“Son of a bitch,” Darius growled, fire flaming from his fingertips as he pointed them at Cadmus.
“An Aellei or Djinn?” Marcus asked calmly as he stared at the image of his brother, power vibrating off him in waves.
“Or neither,” another voice added from behind them. Strong winds surged through the room, surrounding Cadmus and pinning him in place.
Arim stared in surprise as the normally even-tempered Aerolus seethed with battle-lust. Dressed in dark trousers and a red tunic, signifying his status as a warring sorcerer, he looked wild, dangerous, and perilously close to losing control.
His grey eyes snapped with lightning, and his wind seethed through his hair and clothing, stirring Arim’s concern at the darkness of his power. For once the level-headed Wind Mage was angry—deeply, truly angry.
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