“Alandra,” he groaned as he shuddered. His climax lasted longer and was more empowering than any other he’d experienced. When he finally caught his breath, he noted a taint of gold in the white nimbus around her normally pale skin.
Though she’d milked him of his seed, she continued to tease him with her tongue, lapping his shaft with a comforting warmth that was slowly, surprisingly making him hard again.
Stunned, he began to thrust in time with her sucking, needing to taste her, to fuck her, to cement their soon-to-be unbreakable bond.
“No more,” he rasped and yanked her to her feet. Before she could say anything, he sealed her mouth with his and teleported them, naked, to his bed.
She gasped in surprise when the hair on his chest brushed her full breasts, but her gasp turned to a moan when his lips left hers to engulf one cherry-red nipple.
Her mouth tasted of him, and the thought made him just as hard as he’d been earlier. Thrusting against her thigh, he was lost in the sensual maelstrom of his affai . By the Light, she was rich, an erotic bounty of need, sex and magic that made him lightheaded.
She moaned his name when he nipped and sucked hard on her breasts, her pelvis thrusting against him, wanting what he needed to give her.
“I want to fuck you,” he murmured against her breast. Nipping the other one, he teased her nipples with firm fingers, squeezing with just enough pressure to make her beg for mercy.
“Aerolus, please.”
“Please what, Alandra? Tell me, love. Tell me exactly what you want.”
He pressed his mouth to her abdomen, using his elemental magic to caress her breasts and throat, kissing her with wind as well as his lips. He trailed lower, closer to the sultry scent and heat of her pussy— his pussy.
She moaned and jerked, her white curls meeting his mouth in perfect timing.
“Tell me.” He grasped her hips firmly, holding her still while his wind continued to caress her.
“Shadows, Aerolus! Fuck me! Take me.”
“How?” he asked softly, licking between her folds, lapping at the creamy honey flowing between her thighs.
“I want your cock in my pussy, your hands, your mouth all over me. I need you, Wind Mage, please,” she cried in a husky voice.
Her passion set off his own. Sucking deep, he drew her clit into his mouth and licked until she was bucking and begging for him to end it. Almost to the point of pain, his cock wept with desire, with the utter need to come inside her.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll come again and again,” he promised, meeting her desperate gaze. She looked beyond caring, beyond anything but raw lust.
Sliding up her sleek body, he gave her no gentle touch, no graceful easing to allow her familiarity with him. He thrust deep and hard through her slick sex, pumping with such force the bed knocked against the wall as he took her.
“Oh, yes, yes,” she cried and wrapped her thighs around his waist. The movement drew her clit against his abdomen as he rode her, and within seconds, she was climaxing.
Sobbing his name, she pulsed around him, her tight heat urging him to join her. But he needed to push her harder. He continued to plunge, deeper and deeper as she contracted, until she began climbing another peak and another. As multiple orgasms ripped her apart, he succumbed to his body’s demands and shouted his release.
“ Alandra .” He closed his eyes and continued to come, this orgasm as fierce as the last. They tensed and gripped one another, her body draining him of his last vestiges of energy. Climaxing so hard he saw stars, Aerolus was sweating and panting for breath before he could again think rationally.
Rising up on his elbows above her, he lifted his forehead from hers and paused at what he saw.
“Alandra?” he asked, alarmed at the glaze in her wide eyes. He hadn’t been gentle… Oh, shit, what have I done?
“I can’t believe how hot you are in bed.”
He stared for a minute as her words penetrated, then let out a relieved sigh. She looked absolutely stunned, not harmed, and he couldn’t help feeling a bit peeved that she sounded so surprised.
“I had no idea you had that in you.” She glanced down to where they were still joined. “You were celibate for so long,” she said softly, staring up at him with awe. At the look he began to grin. “I can’t believe you are so, so…”
“Incredibly talented? So large and so skilled?” he added, taking a turn at being the vain one in their relationship.
She frowned. “Large is right. You really let me have it.” A sigh replaced the frown, and with it, her pussy clenched around him.
“And I’ll do it again and again, whenever I want,” he said coolly, aware he ventured easily into sexual dominance. Surprisingly, for a man given to plain-speaking, he enjoyed their penchant for bedplay. Damned if he wasn’t growing hard again. He felt as if he’d used a replenish spell. What was the vixen doing to him?
“Alandra, what—”
“Shh.” She placed a finger over his lips and smiled. “I’m giving you what you demand, my prince,” she purred and rotated her hips to push him halfway out, only to draw him back in. “You’ve made me so wet. Your cum and mine, sliding together.” Her breathlessness was not an act, nor were the beading nipples scoring his chest and the glazed look in her now grey-violet eyes.
Something was happening between them, something magical and extraordinary, but Aerolus was too busy thrusting inside his affai again to give it the due attention it deserved.
First Aerolus, and now Cadmus was missing. Outpour had yielded no answers except the possibility that he might see Lexa, so Arim sought the one other lead he had on the unusual.
He stared suspiciously at Trudy Warner in her living room, just knowing the woman had played some part in his nephews’ disappearances. Today something about the woman was decidedly off. She gave him no hint of the desire she’d professed yesterday, nor did she possess any of the timidity she’d had in dealing with him. No, today Dr. Trudy Warner was all icy bitchiness, and that faint glow around her said it all.
He didn’t think she’d been shining the last time he’d seen her. But now he couldn’t be sure of anything. If the Aellei were involved, he might very well have met with an imposter yesterday, one that at least had the sense to mask herself better than she was now.
Studying the luminescent glow around the taller but still stout woman, he noted the abrupt way she stood, her legs splayed slightly wider than a woman’s stance, the archaic dialogue spewing from her mouth an obvious blunder. And the way she looked at him…‘she’ was most likely a ‘he’.
Who the hell had taught this young whelp to transform?
“Well, Mr. Arim? I suspect you’d best take your leave before I call upon the appropriate authorities.” Trudy crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a glare that promised grim retribution if he didn’t leave her alone.
Arim sighed. “I can kill you, or you can tell me what’s really going on. I’m feeling generous, so it’s your choice.”
Trudy stammered. “I-I don’t know what possessed you to say such a thing, but if you take one more step I’ll call—”
“The appropriate authorities. I know.” The thin tether on his patience drew taut. “Your speech is pathetic. I thought your kind visited this plane rather frequently.”
Trudy blanched and looked beyond Arim, giving him just enough notice to narrowly avoid a blast of green fire from his immediate left. Stabbing his fingers towards the source of the attack, he heard a muffled cry before the figure turned to stone.
In a lightning move too quick to actually be seen, Arim had Trudy by the collar and dangled her in the air in a grip too powerful to escape without incurring tremendous damage.
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