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George Chesbro: Dream of a Falling Eagle

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George Chesbro Dream of a Falling Eagle

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"You do nice work, Francisco. Thank you."

"Thank you, sir."

"All right," I said to Garth as I hopped down off the table to the floor, "rest time is over. Fournier said the president and vice president were probably already dead, but that doesn't make it so. We've got to find our clothes and a phone, not necessarily in that order."

Chapter 14

We found neither, but behind one of the two doors at the far end of the loft we did find a toilet and laundry sink, where Garth and I washed Fournier's blood off us as best we could. Behind the second door was a small storeroom filled with voodoo paraphernalia and a pipe rack with a half-dozen robes similar to the one Fournier had been wearing.

"Here," Garth said, tossing me one of the robes. "This will have to do."

Garth was about the dead Haitian's height, so his robe fit just fine. Mine did not, to say the least; I looked like a neon, voodoo version of Casper the Ghost. I ended up wrapping it around my body like a sarong, and then we quickly followed Francisco out of the ceremonial chamber toward the front, through narrow corridors and past storage rooms filled with what appeared to be old theatrical props and dilapidated sets. We emerged in a small parking lot of a warehouse abutting Twelfth Avenue. The first thing I took note of was the relative quiet.

"It hasn't gone down yet," Garth said, echoing my thoughts. "If it had, all hell would be breaking loose-helicopters, ambulances, and police cars all over the place."

"Right," I said, looking around me. "Now all we have to do is find a way to stop it."

We were only a few blocks away from the convention center, and traffic was sparse as canny New Yorkers took alternate routes around the cavernous building to avoid the inevitable road blocks and potential traffic jams. There were no cabs, which was a moot point since it was unlikely any hack driver would pick up a party of three with two of them dressed like Garth and me. There were also no pay phones in sight. There were buildings, presumably with phones, on either side of us, what looked to be production studios for various television shows being shot in the city, but they were sealed off by high chain-link fences topped with coils of razor wire.

My pulse quickened when I suddenly heard the sound of sirens approaching from the north. My first thought was that it was a convoy of ambulances speeding to the site of a double assassination, but the sirens turned out to belong to a brigade of police on motorcycles escorting a stretch limousine with smoked windows that streaked by.

Garth said, "Somebody must be late."

"Over here, sir!" Francisco shouted from where he had wandered off to the side of the building, where there was a narrow alleyway. "There's a car!"

Garth and I sprinted to the alleyway, saw a dark green Ford Taurus parked a few yards away, next to a side exit. The car doors were unlocked, and the key was in the ignition. Garth climbed in behind the wheel, I got in beside him, and Francisco jumped in the back. Garth started the car and, with the tires squealing, first backed out of the alleyway, then turned the car and tore out onto Twelfth Avenue, the rear end of the car fishtailing as we headed for the Jacob Javits Convention Center.

We'd gone barely a third of a mile when we turned a corner and came to a road block set up to detour traffic east, around the convention center. Garth and I knew the patrol officer leaning idly against one of the yellow barricades, a cop by the name of Harriet Boone. She started when she saw our car barreling down Eleventh Avenue toward the barricades. She jumped out into the road and began frantically waving her arms, then jumped back when Garth braked the car to a sliding, screeching halt next to her cruiser. She started to reach for her gun, then froze and gaped as Francisco, my voodoo-robed brother, and I leaped out of the car.

"Mongo?! Garth?! What the hell are you-"

"Harriet, there isn't time to explain why we're dressed like this," I said quickly. "Every second counts. You have to get on your radio right now and say anything you have to in order to get word to the Secret Service that they must keep the president and vice president off the stage, or get them off immediately if that's where they are now. There are two assassins down in the front rows getting ready to pop them. Then get us into the hall. We can identify the shooters."

The woman, who still seemed stunned, shook her head in disbelief. "Mongo, there's no way I can get you in there. Security is even tighter than usual. There have been reports that somebody is planning to try to kill the president."

"Harriet," I said, grimacing with frustration, "you're not listening to me. Garth and I are responsible for those reports and the tightened security. But it's not going to do any good unless we act now. The shooters are already in the hall, probably sitting with some delegation that's close to the stage. Both the president and vice president are going to die unless you do what I ask."

A big, strong hand gripped my right shoulder, turned me around. I found myself looking up at a very solidly built man wearing a dark suit, sunglasses, a plug in his ear, and a Secret Service pin in his lapel. His right hand was inside his suit jacket, and he was leaning back slightly on his heels. "What's this talk about assassination?" he asked curtly.

"Look, you're just the man I want-"

"I heard what you said. I want to see identification from the three of you."

I flipped the ends of my robe in exasperation. "I seem to have left my wallet home."

Harriet said, "I can vouch for these men."

The Secret Service agent was unimpressed. "I don't care who you vouch for, Officer. We've got three men here who drive up in a speeding car, two of them dressed in clown suits, and one of them talking about assassination. Now, I want the three of you to turn around slowly and put your hands on top of the car."

"You're a fucking idiot," Garth said as he stepped forward and hit the man with a snake-quick jab to the point of the chin. The man's knees buckled and he went down.

"My God," Harriet murmured, staring in horror at the unconscious man lying on the pavement at her feet. "You can't hit a Secret Service agent."

Garth went to the police cruiser, opened the door on the driver's side. "Harriet, you've got two choices; shoot us, or get us down the block to that hall. Otherwise, we're just going to take your car."

"You stay here!" I shouted to Francisco as I opened the rear door of the cruiser and jumped in.

"No, sir," Francisco replied evenly as he clambered into the car beside me. With impeccable logic, he added, "You couldn't have gotten this far without me. I'm going with the two of you."

"Harriet?" Garth said calmly. "Hurry up and make up your mind what you're going to do."

"Garth, this could cost me my pension!"

"Or get you a medal and a promotion."

"You're going to get yourselves killed if you try to barge in there!"

"We're counting on you and your police radio to keep that from happening. Come on, Harriet. This is righteous. You're about to help prevent two assassinations."

Now the woman reacted, brushing past Garth and sliding in behind the wheel. Garth raced around to the other side of the car and got in beside her.

"This is Officer Boone with a Code Fury emergency!" the policewoman shouted into her microphone as she started up the cruiser, floored the accelerator, and crashed through the wooden barriers in front of her. "Somebody's getting ready to shoot the president and vice president! Get them to safety now! I'm bringing in three men who can identify the assassins! Hold your fire!"

Within less than thirty seconds we had reached the convention center. Harriet braked to a skidding halt beside the stretch limousine that had passed us earlier, and which was now parked up on the sidewalk near an entrance where the door had been left open. Garth, Francisco, and I jumped out of the car. Harriet started to follow, but I pushed her back behind the wheel. "Stay on the radio, Harriet! Keep broadcasting that message!"

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