Taylor Anderson - Into the Storm

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As advertised, the weight and inertia of Walker’s corvus drove the spike into the enemy ship with a tremendous crash. The entire structure bowed alarmingly, but sprang back to its original shape. The frame, like almost everything else from Baalkpan, was made of the heavy bamboo. Alden blew a long, shrill blast on his whistle. Sword in one hand, pistol in the other, Matt followed the Marine across the bouncing bridge. The rest of his immediate party raced after him, followed by a closely packed line of yelling destroyermen and chittering Lemurian Marines. As soon as they gained the enemy deck, they deployed into a protective semicircle, which quickly expanded as more boarders joined them. Grik bodies were everywhere. Some were shot to pieces, while others had been crushed by falling debris. The foamy water coursing across the deck was dark with their blood.

Matt glanced back. The second wave, led by Shinya, was just starting across. The dismasted hulk wallowed horribly and the strain on the corvus was unbelievable. The spike was battering a growing hole in the deck and despite Dowden’s best efforts, the bridge began to fail. “Quickly, quickly!” he shouted. They couldn’t be quick enough. Ultimately, it was the attachment to Walker that parted, not the spike in the deck. Shinya had almost reached them when the corvus behind sagged under the reinforcements and then, with a deafening crack! fell into the sea.

“Grab the manropes!” Alden screamed as the spike jerked out of the hole and the whole thing tilted over. Dozens did so, and fortunately it was already so entangled in the debris of the rigging that it couldn’t have fallen completely, but Matt dreaded what he would see when he looked over the rail. At least a dozen men and ’Cats dangled by the ropes. Some were actually in the water, holding on for dear life. A few disappeared astern, waving their arms in the air.

“Get them up!” Gray leaned over, snatched Shinya like a doll, and threw him on the deck. Others joined him, hauling the men and ’Cats up as fast as they could. Silva’s BAR hammered. The Grik were coming up too.

Tony Scott stood by Walker’s rail, wide-eyed, watching the figures struggling in the water or clinging to the ropes. He’d been next to cross. His foot was on the corvus when it failed. For a moment, all he could do was stand there, clinging to the chain. He would have been in the water! So far, none of the terrible fish had arrived. Maybe the heavy seas kept them deep or disoriented, but he doubted they’d stay away long. And there were still people in the water. One wore a helmet, like most of the destroyermen did, but seemed too stunned or injured to do more than hold a rope. With quickening dread, he saw the long brownish blond hair unfurl and stream out from beneath it when a wave washed over the helmet. He gulped.

“God in heaven! That’s Lieutenant Tucker!” He glanced wildly around. No one could have known she was there! What was she doing there? He screamed, trying to be heard on the Grik ship, but the waves and growing gunfire drowned him out. Laney heard him, though; he was right beside him.

“Tough break!” shouted the machinist’s mate with genuine remorse. Tony looked at him, appalled. But he was right. There was nothing they could do. Nothing he could do. Just like that, everything was falling apart. Only a little more than half the boarding party made it across. The rest were stuck on this side, with nothing to do but watch, and now the skipper’s dame was in the water. He couldn’t stand it. Terrified as he was, he just couldn’t stand it. He saw Dowden’s worried face over the wing rail and he caught his eye. He made a whirling motion over his head and pointed at the other ship. Dowden seemed confused, but within seconds Walker briefly nudged back within twenty yards of the derelict. Scott wound up like the pitcher he was and slung his heavy Thompson across the gap. He hoped it didn’t hit anybody in the head. The ammo belt followed the gun.

“What the hell are you doin’?” Laney demanded, incredulous. Scott just looked at him, slapped him in the gut with his helmet, and leaped over the side.

The water was warm and familiar, but the memories of a lifetime spent within its comforting embrace couldn’t prevent his shriek of terror when he thrashed to the surface. There, just a few yards away, was Lieutenant Tucker, eyes shut tight, trying desperately to pull herself along the rope. He looked up at the ship and saw that nearly everyone else was safely aboard or climbing out of the water. Either they hadn’t noticed her or the rope was fouled and they couldn’t pull her up. Something slammed into the heel of his shoe. He lunged for the rope, right in front of her, and shouted over the crashing sea: “Put your arms around my neck, Lieutenant! I’ll pull us up!” He never heard her reply, but she did as instructed and he hauled against the rope with maniacal strength. In moments, he crashed against the side of the ship. Nearly stunned, he just hung for a moment. Something that felt like oak bark dragged across his leg.

“Help!” he screamed. “Help, goddammit! I’ve got Lieutenant Tucker here!”

Almost immediately, the captain himself was hanging above him by the wrecked corvus. Garrett and Chack and a couple of others too. Garrett was hacking at something with his cutlass while the rest tried to heave them aboard. Suddenly the rope was free, and Tony and Sandra snaked up the side and sprawled on the deck.

Scott got to his hands and knees and vomited into the water swirling around him. Then he felt himself rising, and there was Silva’s grinning mug in front of his face.

“Here,” he said, pushing the Thompson into his hands. “You idiot!”

Before he could respond, Sandra had her arms around his neck again, kissing his cheek. Blood thundered in his ears.

“Thank you!” she said, and kissed him again. His legs felt like melted wax. For the moment, the shooting had stopped. They must have chased the lizards back below.

“Yes, thank you, Mr. Scott!” Matt said earnestly, squeezing his shoulder hard. He looked at Sandra. The mixture of profound relief and rage on his face was something to behold.

“What on earth were you thinking?”

Her wet chin came up. “I was thinking, Captain Reddy, that you might need medical help over here!”

“And because of that thinking, I… We almost lost you!”

“Captain,” Alden interrupted, “we have to push ’em before they get their act together! We’re a little shorthanded, and it looks like there’s more of ’em crammed below than we figured.”

“Of course, Sergeant. Carry on. I’ll deal with Lieutenant Tucker!”

Alden nodded. “Mr. Shinya…” He hesitated only an instant. “Take A company. Work your way forward! Be sure and check under all this shit before you pass it by. Chack, take C company and follow ’em. Find a way below from the fo’c’sle! We’ll get ’em stirred up amidships and you can hit ’em in the rear! B company, with me!”

They’d gathered near the wreck of the mainmast on the raised quarterdeck, with an open companionway gaping in front of them.


Silva slung the BAR and fished in a satchel at his side. Retrieving a grenade, he pulled the pin and lobbed it into the hole. There was a muffled whump and the deck shivered beneath their feet. A chorus of shrieks and snarls punctuated the blast.

“Guess somebody is home,” Silva quipped.

“Another!” shouted Alden. “Scott, you okay? You and your Thompson follow the grenade with first squad. We’ll be right behind you!”

Tony jerked a quick nod and poised himself near the ladder. After what he’d just been through, a battle was a cinch. In the water he’d been helpless. Now there was something he could shoot. Silva pitched a second grenade. More screams accompanied the explosion, and the coxswain bolted down the hatch with a dozen yowling Marines. Bra-ba-bap! Bra-ba-bap! roared the Thompson amid yells and screams and clashing weapons.

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