“Sir?” Erin asked to take the focus from Anin. Canunn and Synster looked at her.
“Where is Ryen?”
Synster shook his head. “Your brother is another problem, I’m afraid. I had to sedate him rather heavily. He’s in another of his rages and practically tore me apart when I came to get Anin. It took seven stuns to get him to ground, and another four to put him under.” Canunn stared, open mouthed. “But Synster, that much at once could kill him.”
“I don’t think he will ever work out, Canunn. His death will most likely be for the best.” Best my ass. Erin counted to ten, but thoughts of Ryen possibly dying without her or Anin, all alone, broke her ability to remain silent.
“Where is he?”
Synster narrowed his gaze. “I hear someone had a time with you. But you don’t look any different to me. She still subservient?” he asked Canunn as he walked around her, eyeing her like a piece of meat.
“Yes. But I don’t think—” Canunn tried before Synster cut him off.
“Erin, Anin, with me.” Synster stormed out of the room and Erin followed with pleasure, wanting more than anything to get Synster alone. Unfortunately, he had more brains than she gave him credit for.
They returned to lab four alpha, Synster’s favourite place to fuck her sister. Anin often complained to Erin about the cold temperature, but apparently Synster liked how it made her nipples stiff, since he obviously couldn’t arouse her.
Inside the room, he posted two guards on either side of the door. The men watched Anin and Erin with interest. Synster meant to put on a show.
“We’re appropriately guarded, Erin, so don’t even think about resisting.”
“No, Sir.”
“Good girl. Now watch how Anin makes me come. I want you to do what she does. Or do you have a frame of reference to go by already?” He sneered.
The prick. “Sir?”
“You were raped repeatedly on the outside, weren’t you?” She could feel the prurient interest in the guards watching them. To her disgust, she saw erections growing through their uniforms.
“No, Sir.”
Anin glanced at her, but sympathy turned to confusion in her eyes as she stared.
“No? Then you’re saying you invited such attention?” Synster hurriedly stepped out of his lab coat and clothing and faced them. The other males ignored him and focused on hers and Anin’s responses. Anin glanced at Synster and looked away, as if bored. Erin, however, stared at Synster, amazed he’d been able to do anything at all to Anin with such a small penis.
She turned to Anin. “Is that as big as it ever gets?” Anin sighed. “Yes.”
Synster sputtered but Erin couldn’t help it. She began laughing. “No wonder you complained. That’s awful.”
The guards grinned until Synster turned to threaten them with termination.
Not caring about repercussions, Erin grabbed him by the throat the minute he turned his back. “One move and I’ll break his neck.” She released her pheromones and Synster stopped moving. Anin joined her and before long, all three males writhed on the floor groaning as they cupped their painful arousals.
“Ryen needs us,” Anin said softly.
“Yes, he does.” Grabbing the phasers from the guards’ holsters, she shot each male with enough force to knock him out for a long time. Handing one weapon to Anin, who only looked at it with puzzlement, Erin sighed and held onto both weapons. “Let’s get Ryen and get the hell out of here.” She paused. “Unless you want to stay?” The confusion Erin thought to see in her sister’s gaze flashed for a moment. Anin had trouble making her own decisions and always had. But to Erin’s surprise, Anin slowly shook her head. “I do not want to remain.”
Grinning, Erin nodded to the door. “Then let’s go.”
* * *
“We’ve got a problem.” Drekk grimaced at the readout in his hand. Before them, behind bars, dirty prisoners lay haphazardly around an overcrowded cell. The stench of unwashed bodies, human waste and spoiled food permeated the hopelessness of the place.
“The tracker still won’t work this close to the building.” He paused. “This is just like the other cells we found. It’s as if Blue Rim wanted to wash away any evidence of wrongdoing.
None of these prisoners are alive either, and all have been…experimented on. That guy has an extra leg, that one three eyes. That one, what the hell? Is that fur?” Rafe shook his head, thoroughly disgusted, not to mention worried out of his mind for Erin. Where was she?
“Rafe, you there?” Catam spoke into his earpiece, and Rafe answered back.
“What news?”
“We have a problem.”
“Fuck. Doesn’t anyone have any good news?”
“Major situation, here. We were talking to our buddy Canunn on the vid feed when we lost video. Audio, however, tells us they have a massive battle going on in the lab. Something is loose in there, and it doesn’t sound human.”
Drekk and Rafe looked at each other before hauling ass back to the main building and away from the holding cells some distance away.
“Rafe, we’re landing to back you up,” Catam informed. Though Rafe didn’t want the help, he needed it. The peacemakers wouldn’t arrive for a few hours more. They were on standby orbiting the largest asteroid around Eyra. Rafe didn’t want to chance Erin getting found out or hurt when they took down the labs. But if he didn’t hurry, he feared he’d lose her to whatever had cut out transmission inside the main building.
Knocking out the security guards and overriding the system protecting the lab’s west entrance, Rafe and Drekk entered into a long corridor. Following the sounds of a loud firefight, they cautiously entered another set of double doors into what looked like Blue Rim’s main lobby. What they saw, however, stopped them short. Security guards and a few scientists spattered the pristine floor. Broken bones and blood sprayed everywhere.
“Not good,” Drekk muttered. “Fuck.”
Rafe centred himself and sought Erin’s scent. Though he hadn’t detected her outside with any of the other prisoners, he immediately knew she’d been in here, and recently at that.
He followed her trail to a lift and entered. He and Drekk stopped on each floor, and on the fourth floor, he picked up her scent again.
They exited the lift and heard shouts and gunfire to their left. Hurrying after the sounds, Rafe paused when they entered an overlarge room, what looked like the laboratory’s control grid. The ceilings were at least two stories high, and the large space was divided into several smaller ones around a huge centre, separated by clear partitions and equipment. In the middle of the main floor lay two metallic tables surrounded by monitors and machines.
Large data storage vaults smoked and burned while a giant ripped into them with what looked like an arm-cannon. Easily seven feet tall, the dark haired male—who looked Ragga—turned the cannon on several guards entering onto the platform above the northern bank of wall-mounted monitors.
The guards returned fire while half a dozen men and women in white coats rushed for cover.
“Ryen, stop this nonsense at once.” A mousy looking man with short brown hair and wan features twitched with fear. “You’re causing Anin great distress.” Rafe zeroed in on the female, Anin, being shoved towards an exit under protest, dragged by several guards.
An altercation to his right showed Erin fighting for freedom. She pushed past several men bent on restraining her and ran after Anin. Heedless of the danger, Rafe chased after her. With preternatural speed, he dodged several laser blasts and knocked two guards together, putting them out of commission before they could reach Erin. He gave the giant with the cannon a wide berth and tackled another guard aiming at Erin’s head.
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