“More,” she moaned, gripping the grass beneath her fingers.
“Yes. All of it.” Rafe surged in and out, his tempo fast, his thrusts rough. Honest lust rode them both as she took him the way an animal takes its mate. Pure possession seared her soul, and as Rafe took that last part of her yet untouched, Erin fell headlong in love.
“I’m going to come,” she whispered, shocked at how sudden her orgasm was upon her.
The energy enveloping them both sizzled along her nerves, and every time he pushed inside her, his balls slapped her clit. Filled and still teased, the dual sensations on her sexual receptors caused her passion to rise to a fevered pitch.
“Not yet. Not until I let you,” Rafe grunted as he pounded her.
“Please, Sir,” she begged, conscious she’d never in her life begged for anything with so much fervour. Not even her Creator, in the early days of her existence, had bidden such utter devotion. But Erin felt it all for Rafe. Love and tenderness, utter need and basic lust.
Rafe slammed once more and stilled, his quiet moan incredibly erotic. Erin literally felt his hot seed as it washed her and began trickling down her thighs. She quivered with the need to come, her body one huge mass of nerves.
Breathing heavily and leaning over her, Rafe tongued the shell of her ear and reached a hand around her waist. In seconds his fingers found her clit and pinched, hard. “Come now.” Unable to hold back, Erin exploded. She cried out and seized, her walls convulsing around emptiness even while another part of her gripped Rafe, holding him tightly within her.
“Erin,” he groaned as he emptied yet again inside her. Joined, they knelt together, wainu hovering overhead if only they had the strength to reach for it. “Take it, baby. Take it in.” Rafe brought it to her, and she sighed with contentment.
He gently withdrew and left her for a brief moment, but she didn’t care. She soon felt him tending to her, but the brightness of perfection all around her bound her to that restful dreaminess she’d previously experienced. Even the smooth glide of a cloth over and between her butt cheeks didn’t bother her, when by rights she knew she should have felt some discomfort.
“Rafe?” she murmured drowsily and reached for him. When he remained out of reach, she panicked. “Rafe, where are you?”
And then she felt his arms around her, saw his face in front of her, floating in clouds of bliss.
“Sleep, baby. Sleep. You’ve had a long couple of days and you deserve it.” Erin nodded and huddled close to his warmth, free for the first time in forever as she held onto the blanket of love covering them both.
Rafe groaned when Drekk interrupted his paradise. Damn, he knew he shouldn’t have joined Erin in wainu , but the temptation to sooth and be with her, so close, was impossible to deny. With a frustrated sigh, he pulled back from euphoria, disgruntled, and glared at Drekk.
“You sure know how to pick ‘em.” Drekk ran his gaze over Erin with a thoroughness that set Rafe’s instincts on alert. Not bothering with himself, he quickly threw Erin’s jacket over her, effectively covering her from Drekk’s gaze. “She really is perfection.”
“She really is mine . And don’t forget it,” Rafe growled.
“Sure thing, Mardu.” Drekk had the temerity to chuckle. Drekk, laughing? “Course, you’d be much more effective if you weren’t standing there with yet another impressive hard-on. You going to fuck me with that thing or shoot it off again? You know you didn’t finish claiming her.”
Rafe blinked at Drekk in surprise. How the hell did Drekk know how the Xema mated?
“I know a lot more about you than you think.”
Answering Rafe’s unspoken question put Rafe on full alert, and whereas before he would have trusted Drekk implicitly, now Rafe wondered, because it wasn’t just his safety, but Erin’s on the line as well.
Again, Drekk responded without Rafe uttering a word. “Oh, relax, Rafe. I’m no telepath. I’ve worked with you for years, and I’m a great character study. Besides, I know quite a few Xema, though there aren’t all that many of you. And I know the way one Xema claims another. You still have to mark her. What the hell are you waiting for?” Rafe flushed, not wanting to share that particular facet of himself with his friend, though Flor knew he wanted to finish what he’d started with Erin. Only he hadn’t planned on going as far as he had with an audience. From the onset, he’d known Drekk watched them. The minute the man had teleported into the treeline, Rafe had sensed him. But Erin, caught up in their loveplay, had been deliciously oblivious.
His cock throbbed again, and despite his tired body, Rafe’s entire being quivered with need. I know the way one Xema claims another . Rafe blinked in astonishment. No wonder he was so taken with Erin. She had Xema traits. That strength, speed and agility wasn’t all Ragga, nor was it Zephyran. He should have known. So why the hell hadn’t he? And of all people, why had it taken Drekk to point out what should only have been obvious to another Xema warrior?
“Come on, Rafe. You owe me. I let you have her when Gar ordered me to bring you in days ago.”
“Please.” Rafe snorted. “You don’t do anything you don’t want to, orders or not. Hell, you barely did what I asked you to.”
“And that’s the difference between you and Gar. You asked. He orders.” Drekk shook his head. “Now admit you owe me one.”
Rafe couldn’t help recalling all the times he and Drekk had watched over one another.
Truth be told, on their last mission together, Drekk had pulled his ass out of the fire.
Still…Erin was his .
“If it makes you feel any better, it’s not Erin I want to watch.” Rafe started, staring hard at Drekk, who grinned slyly.
“If you could see your expression. What’s wrong, Rafe? Afraid you might want what only I can give you?”
Rafe chuckled. “Unless you’ve got a pussy between those legs and Erin’s brain, body and soul, you’re out of luck.”
“Thought I’d ask.” Drekk sighed, yet his eyes sparkled with something Rafe hadn’t seen in a while. Real joy. And to Rafe’s surprise, he realised most of what he’d missed about his job as Cheltam had been his friendship with Drekk. “Come on, man. Get to it.” Drekk cupped himself through his trousers, displaying an impressive erection. “It’s been a while for me, too. Your brother’s a stern taskmaster.”
“Don’t I know it,” Rafe muttered. He glanced from Drekk, his friend, to Erin, the woman he couldn’t help feeling so deeply for. “This is a sacred part of the claiming. We don’t usually have witnesses. It’s an intimate thing, and one you shouldn’t understand, though you obviously do.” When Drekk raised one brow and waited, Rafe sighed. “Okay, but don’t let Erin know about this. She wasn’t all that happy about you watching the last time.” Not that Rafe minded overly. Claiming her with an audience only reinforced his possession.
“Why are you really going to do it while she’s out of it?” Rafe opened his mouth and immediately closed it. “Fuck. Because you’re a pain in the ass, that’s why. Because you’re my friend and I feel like a dick because I left you to Gar.” Drekk chuckled. “And because I don’t want to give her the chance to say no.”
“Honest at last.” Drekk slowly pulled his trouser fastening apart to expose a thick cock.
Stunned, Rafe watched as Drekk began stroking himself, and to his bewilderment, a subtle, seductive scent enveloped him. It wasn’t Erin’s, yet its pull was almost as strong. As Rafe’s body hardened even more, he stared at Drekk in absolute shock. “ No. No way . Not you, too? How the hell did I miss that one?”
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