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Anonymous: A Man With A Maid II

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Anonymous A Man With A Maid II

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“How dare you!” she managed in a shuddering, low, husky voice.

“I shall dare a great deal before you leave here, Marion. And before you do, you will have paid me back for every slander, every slur, every haughty and insolent look, every threat and curse and vilification. And then there is that infamous slap you rendered me, thinking yourself beyond reprisal simply because of your sex. It is going to be a long afternoon for you, I fear. Let me see now, how shall we begin? But of course-I must see if those splendid breasts are as firm as they seem to be through your bodice!”

“What do you mean? You infernal fiend-I forbid you to touch me! If you do-I will kill you, I swear I will, as soon as I am free,” she cried in an almost hysterical frenzy.

Looking up at the ceiling, she dragged ferociously on her wrists, but she did not succeed in loosening them to the slightest degree. And, much to my delight, her violent maneuvers made her breasts jiggle in the most suggestive way. I watched her greedily, waiting for her to come to the awareness that, despite all her bravado and defiance, she was doomed.

But from the savage rancor on her lovely, arrogant face, the fulminating surge of her magnificent bosom, and the convulsive jerks she continued to give to her pinioned wrists, it was evident that she was still a long way from that realization. As for myself, my cock was swelling and aching with the infinitesimal relish of the mysterious delights I meant to provide for it before this long and delicious afternoon had been concluded.

“Can it be, my dear Marion,” I pursued a new track now, “that all this hostility of yours originates from your jealousy of Alice?”

She was startled by this unexpected question, for she looked at me with a piercing, questioning gaze, and her fine forehead furrowed as she strove to catch my meaning. Before she could reply, I continued in the same bantering tone, “Perhaps with you it is a case of sour grapes, my charming sister-in-law to be.”

“You contemptible liar!” was her angry, hoarse retort. “You have no more intention of marrying Alice than does the man in the moon, and you will not have the chance, for I intend to inform her once and for all of your heinous character, you odious blackguard!”

“It has been said by many a famous writer, my dear Marion,” I ignored her furious insult, “that hate is akin to love. Well, presuming that is so, you must secretly love me very dearly to hate me so, or at least to profess that you do.”

“I-love you! Oh, you are impossible! I will not say another word to you except to warn you that if you do not release me at once, yon will repent it till your dying day!” was her panting reply.

I drew up a chair and seated myself before her. She caught her breath and bit her lower lip, staring down at me. Now, perhaps for the first time, I could detect a hint of fear in those dark blue, imperiously cold eyes, for they now held a shadow of uncertainty. Almost instantly, however, she looked upwards and jerked strongly at her wrists, finding it difficult to balance herself, for the ropes at her ankles had drawn her legs slightly apart-though not to their fullest extent-and the traction in two directions was proving to be a sore trial for her.

“I assure you they will hold you fast till I deign to let you down, Marion. Yes, you are quite attractive, and I think you know it. I think perhaps you give yourself too many fine airs, and this may be one reason why you are no longer united with your husband. But quite beyond that, and let us be honest at this moment if at no other,” I blandly continued, “is it not the truth that having learned that I am really not such an odious person after all and that my prospects and my person are quite sanguine, you resolved that if you could not have me you would make certain Alice would not either? This, my dear Marion, is the very quintessence of sour grapes.”

“You are absolutely insane, sir, to even suggest such a despicable thing,” and her voice trembled as her magnificent bosom began to heave wildly again. “I detest and abominate you, do you understand? If it meant my very life, I would never submit myself to you, and the thought that you have been able to enjoy my sister as intimately as I know you have-for her stupidly radiant behavior has told me that without her having had to say a word about what has passed between the two of you-really makes me quite ill!”

“But if Alice has not told you-to use your words, my dear Marion-what has passed between us two, yon have no realistic basis for your repugnance. I mean to put you in a practical way of understanding just what does occur between a man and a woman. It may well be a lesson that you stand in need of, considering that you could not hold your husband for all your delightful charms. And now, with or without your leave, I am going to learn for myself something of their nature.”

I had seated myself in this chair, just as I had done with her sister, only with Alice I had not bothered to bind her ankles because she had not thought of kicking me. I now placed my hands on Marion’s waist, and she at once uttered an angry cry and twisted herself back from me.

“I warn you, sir, I warn you,” she panted. “If you do me any indignity, you will expiate your crime in prison and for as long a time as I can have my solicitor charge you!”

“Well, since you have already determined to have me languish in a cell, my dear sister-in-law to be,” I retorted merrily, “I may as well be hanged for a wolf as a sheep.” So saying, I slipped my hands behind her shapely back and moved them round until they were at the sides of her breasts.

Marion uttered a wild cry and twisted and dragged at her wrists, to no avail. Gnashing her teeth, her eyes bulging with fury and now a definite fear, she tried to evade my unwanted caresses. I prolonged the moment to the longest possible degree, and then I boldly cupped the globes of her bosom through her clothes!

“Ohh! I forbid you-you inhuman monster. Stop that at once, you vile, lecherous fiend-Oh, help, for God’s sake, help me! I am at the mercy of a monster,” she shrieked.

I dropped my hands at once, letting her think she had won her point, for when I next pursued my devious designs upon her, it would be the more shattering to her enervated psyche. I stared up at her, seeing how violently her face was flushed, her lips trembling, her eyes exorbitant, her forehead deeply furrowed, and, delicious telltale sign, a bead or two of sweat appearing along her high forehead at the fringe of those flouncy, affectatious curls. Her breath was erratic, and her nostrils flared and shrank as she tried once again to wrest herself free.

Now, Alice’s breasts were firm, upstanding, saucy, and inviting. Perhaps a trifle too full for perfection, but they were also set rather widely apart, and the aureolae were wide and of a most delicious soft pink hue, in whose centers nuzzled dainty little crinkly buds. Yet from the first tentative palpation I had had of Marion’s bosom, it had seemed to me that her breasts were rather closely set together and splendidly shaped like firm ripe pears with an uptilting verve to their crests. Even through the thickness of dress and bodice and perhaps the camisole which she must be wearing, her flesh seemed to me to be wonderfully resilient and jouncy. It was a magnificent augury of what was to come.

In the pocket of my dressing gown I had deposed a pair of shears. These I had used to dispossess Alice from the confinements of her final veils. There can be no doubt that once a woman is stripped naked, and no matter how obdurate or insolent her nature, she cannot but sense an atrocious loss of pride and dignity when in the presence of her disrober. Well, I was counting on that in my plans for the final subjugation of arrogant and beautiful Marion.

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