Adrian Errikson - Jessie

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Chapter I

Jessie left the empty house behind her, climbing into her classic 66 yellow

Mustang. Backing out of the drive, she slowly drove the beautifully restored convertible through her small hometown.

Jessie was a gorgeous blonde coed just home from her freshmen year at

Arizona University. She was trim, athletic, with long legs, supple thighs, and a rounded ass that turned heads. Her hair was long, curled around her face, thick and healthy. She had a full mouth, perfectly white teeth, and eyes with an intensely beautiful dark green color. As she drove through town, every male who saw her stared. She was the perfect picture of the sex drenched young beauty that boys and men have dreamed about forever. She had the world at her beckon command, and appeared the picture of someone who had it all.

But Jessie was worried, and very afraid. As she drove, she didn't pay attention to the stares she received. Instead her mind relived the past few weeks, going over detailed memories and almost frantically seeking a way out of the dilemma she was forcing her to drive towards her destination.

Three weeks ago, Jessie had returned to her dorm room after a tennis match with a friend. Tossing her items on a chair, she quickly stripped out of her tennis skirt and shirt, standing in front of the air conditioning vent soaking up the cool air in just her panties and bra. Her eyes closed, her head thrown back, she allowed the cool air to caress her soft silky skin.

Over the past year, Jessie had slowly relaxed her modesty. Though her roommate, Ashley, might walk it, she didn't care if she was in her underwear or not. It was Ashley, in fact, who had helped Jessie relax, for she usually wore only panties, not caring that her breasts were exposed to Jessie's sight. It had taken a few months, but Jessie had begun to accept Ashley's exposure, and it no longer bothered her.

Jessie noticed the packet of mail on her bed. Picking it up, she quickly tossed several pieces of junk mail before looking at the large Manila envelope. There wasn't a return address, but the postmark was from the rural

Colorado town where Jessie was from.

Curious, she opened the envelope, turning it over on her bed as she sat down, dumping the contents out to spill in a pile on her covers..

She quickly noticed there were several sheets of paper, something that looked like a spreadsheet, some official looking documents, and several B/W photos.

Jessie froze as she reached for one of the photos. It was a dirty picture.

Taken from a camera that must have been over a bed, it showed a man…a naked man lying on his back on the bed. Seated on top of him was a girl.

Though only the top of the girls head was shown, and not the face, Jessie recognized the girl. She was naked too, and it appeared that she was involved sexually with the man. And the man was…Professor Leeman, her

Humanities professor.

Jessie's heart was racing as she looked at the photo. There was no doubt but that it was Leeman. This photo didn't show who the girl was. Picking up the next photo, Jessie noticed that the girl and Professor Leeman had changed positions. She was now on her back, and the Professor had lifted and spread her legs. Jessie could actually see his cock slipping inside of the girl.

Looking at the girl, she wasn't surprised to see who it was. She had known the minute she had seen that first picture. The girl was…Jessie herself.

As she sat there staring at the photos, the images and details of that horrible day returned to her. Jessie had screwed around academically her first semester. And she hadn't done much better to start the second semester. She knew that she was failing Professor Leeman's class, and she went to see him to get some extra credit assignments. However, he rebuffed her, saying that she should have studied harder. Her parents were not happy with her grades, and she knew that another failing grade in Professor

Leeman's class could cause her parents to stop paying for her College.

Jessie had heard rumors about the Professor, and in desperation, she had offered to "do anything he wanted" if he would improve her grade. He had leered at her and said that if she accompanied him to a motel, he'd see that she passed. Jessie hadn't taken the time to think about it, but agreed. The professor had stood and taken her to his car, not giving the young coed a chance to think about what she was doing. She didn't have to change clothes, to think about her decision, or prepare herself before she found herself riding in the Professor's car to a motel at a town 20 miles from the campus.

It had been a horrible experience. After entering the room, Professor Leeman had walked in the bathroom and began urinating after telling her to "strip and get your ass on the bed". Jessie had been trembling, but did as he said, sliding under the cool covers, her body naked. Fear had made her cold and

Goosebumps had covered her skin as she waited for the older man to reappear.

The Professor had come back into the room stripping his clothes off as he came. He was only half erect as he took the covers and pulled them off of the naked girl. She tried to cover her breasts and crotch with her hands, but he had slapped her hands away as he stood, masturbating as he looked at her beautiful body. Jessie's eyes were huge as she turned her face away, embarrassed to see her Professor stroking his prick.

Climbing on the bed, he lay on his back and roughly ordered that Jessie mount him and "ride" him. Jessie was not a virgin, but she had only had one sexual experience, and she had been too afraid to enjoy it. She slowly sat up, and then straddled the professor, numb with shock at having placed herself in this situation. She was dry as she tried to force his prick up inside her. He became impatient, and grabbing her hips had pushed and shoved until his cock was inside her, causing her to cry out in pain.

Jessie's body mercifully began to lubricate after Professor Leeman had thrust inside her several times. For several minutes he made her rise and fall on his cock. She was still nervous and was trying to find a smooth rhythm as she rose and fell on the man.

"Damn, what a crummy lay you are!" he had finally muttered. Pushing her off him, he rolled her on to her back. Taking her legs, he spread her and again penetrated her pussy. He had been rough and Jessie had begun softly sobbing.

He started calling her the most vile names, calling her a Whore, bitch, slut, and fuckmeat. The pain began to fade as he roughly sawed in and out of her. She tried to ignore his name calling as her body began to experience tiny tendrils of pleasure.

It was then that Professor Leeman had cum inside of her. Jessie had lay still as he rested on top of her, gasping to catch his breath as his cock began softening. He pulled out of her, and walked to the bathroom again. He showered as she huddled under the blankets, feeling his cold wet sperm leaking out of her body and dribbling along her thigh.

When he came out of the bathroom, he quickly dressed. Tossing a $20 bill on the dresser, he had said "I have to get home. Here's money for a cab back to campus." He had then left the room. Jessie had cried for ten minutes after he left, feeling dirty, shamed, embarrassed, and humiliated. He had treated her like a whore. But, she told herself, she had asked for it. She had showered, taken a cab back to her dorm room and slept for the rest of the day.

Professor Leeman barely acknowledged her in class, and she had relaxed after several class periods. Apparently, he wanted nothing more from her.

She had tried to put the experience out of her mind, and it had gradually faded…until now. She looked at the other pictures and saw that in several, her face was very detailed. No one would think these were fakes.

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