D Abby - The juvenile casting couch

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D Abby

The juvenile casting couch


Patrick Leary was very unhappy about his current situation. He had just moved from Chicago to Los Angeles. He'd lost all his friends and he didn't like it at all. He didn't have anyone to talk to or anyone to play with. He didn't know where anything was and he was a little afraid of getting lost. It seemed that the only thing left for him was stay home and watch television. The television stations were different, he couldn't even find the programs he wanted to watch.

Sean Leary had a job as a script writer that paid almost twice as much as his newspaper job he had in Chicago. He knew the dislocation this would cause for a twelve year old boy but this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. His wife Robin agreed with him.

They tried to make things easier for Pat but so far they hadn't been very successful. They took Pat to Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm, but that only took a couple of days. The adults couldn't spend all their time entertaining him and he was left on his own a good bit of the time. He spent most of the time watching TV.

Pat had known the kids in his sixth grade class since he started school. He had always had John and Harry to talk to and play with. They came home from school together and went to each other's houses every day. They even pissed together standing around the toilet in whoever's house they were at. All of their pricks had just started to grow and they measured them when they were hard at least once a week to see how much they had grown. The three of them talked about girls and what you could do with them.

Each of their fathers had gotten them a book on sex and they all read the books together. They sneaked into the adults section of the library and read some more books on sex so they had a good idea what it was all about. They also got hold of copies of Penthouse and looked at the pictures in secret. Now he had no one to talk to and no one to do those things with. He missed them a lot.

He missed another person too. He had known Sally a long time too, but in the last year it had been different. On the days that he didn't go home from school with John and Harry he would walk home with Sally. She had held his hand one time and it felt good to him. It embarrassed him but he held hands with her when they walked home together ever since. Last month they had taken a walk in the park and he had kissed her and that was different from any kiss he'd ever had before. He would miss Sally even more than he missed John and Harry. He couldn't understand that because he spent much more time with the boys than he ever spent with her.

The move had taken place in August and he couldn't even find any kids on their block. Pat later found out that there were several, one boy his age lived in the big house next door, but they were either at summer camp or with their folks on vacation. From the size of the house next door they must be rich and the kid probably wouldn't be interested in doing things with him anyway.


School started the beginning of September and his mother drove him to school that morning. He still hadn't met any kids, not even the ones that lived on the same block he did although the real estate agent had said some lived there. He was starting in junior high school and it seemed to him that all the kids there were meeting old friends. Everyone else knew lots of other kids and he was left out of everything.

Going home, another boy from his class got off the school bus with him and Pat found out that this was the boy that lived next door to him. Pat didn't even know his name. David Cohen was very talkative and he introduced himself to Pat and invited Pat to his house for a snack. Pat wasn't sure he liked David or that he wanted to get friendly so soon and declined the invitation. He went into his house and was sorry he hadn't accepted.

When he got into the house he found his refusal was only temporary. Robin had gotten together with Sylvia, David's mother, that day. She found out the family just got back from Hawaii the day before. Sylvia had immediately arranged with Robin for David to take Pat around the neighborhood and show him where things were.

Pat didn't like the idea of his mother making plans for him, after all he was almost thirteen years old, but there was nothing he could do about it now. David knocked on the door a half hour later and the two boys went out to explore. David was loud and pushy. Pat didn't like that very much but had to go along with the deal. He couldn't avoid David since he lived next door.

David showed Pat the neighborhood. Where the McDonalds and the Seven Eleven were is important information to a twelve year old boy. David took him into the Seven Eleven and bought slurpies for both of them. Pat was startled when David paid with a twenty dollar bill, he'd gone on errands with a twenty dollar bill but he'd never seen a kid with one of his own before. The Cohens must be real rich for David to have a twenty dollar bill.

David guided him to the playground where they had a basketball setup and the park where the kids played softball. At the park David took him behind some bushes where the older boys took their girl friends. He searched around a little while then pointed out some rolled up bits of rubber. David told him they were used condoms. He was getting used to David's extrovert personality when David startled him by asking a very personal question.

"How big is your prick? Mine's three inches long when it's hard."

Pat blushed at this almost stranger asking a question like that. His initial reaction was not to answer but David gave out the information about the size of his own prick so he guessed he could tell David how big his was. Pat hadn't measured his prick since the last time he'd done it with Harry and John. He knew it was bigger now because that was over a month ago.

"Uh, the last time I measured it was three inches too, but it's grown some since then. I guess it's about a quarter inch bigger now."

"Gee, I measure mine every day. I can't wait till it gets bigger. Do you shoot cum yet? I started about six months ago."

Again Pat didn't want to tell this to an almost stranger but he couldn't see a way out without seeming to be stuck up. The only ones he ever discussed this with had been John and Harry.

"Uh, well, I guess I started about the same time."

"How often do you jerk off? I do it at least twice a day. Some days I do it four or five times."

Pat always jerked off, or masturbated as the books he'd read put it, more than twice a day. He knew that it was normal for a boy to do that from the books but he thought he did it too often. He promised himself each time that he wasn't going to do it as often but that only lasted until the next time his prick got hard. Now what was he going to tell this busybody.

"Uh, I guess I do it about that often too."

David was reading his mind.

"Yeh, I think I do it too often and I tell myself that I won't do it so much any more, but it doesn't do me any good. It just feels too good to stop."

"I read in a book that all boys do it, and it's natural to do it, so I don't worry too much."

Pat was getting a little more comfortable with the conversation they were having. Maybe he could get to be good friends with David, they did think the same way about some things. David continued the inquisition.

"Have you ever seen a naked girl?"

"Only pictures in Penthouse."

"I have a fourteen year old sister, Sarah. You'll meet her. A couple times she didn't close the bathroom door and I saw her taking a shower. It wasn't very clear through the shower stall glass but my prick got hard and I had to jerk off. I'd like to get to see more of her."

"Gee, I guess I'd jerk off if that happened to me too. The only girl I ever saw naked was a year old. I wonder what it looks like inside that slit girls have."

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