Charlotte North - The seduction of Laurie

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Charlotte North

The seduction of Laurie


Rebecca Larson shifted nervously in her chair, gulping a vodka tonic to settle her jitters and numb her nerves. The thirty-eight-year-old woman didn't know why she had agreed to this in the first place. Now she was having serious, second thoughts about staying here.

Rebecca couldn't understand why her husband, Robert had wanted to come to this 'secret' nightclub in the first place. They had a wonderful sex life together and she did nearly everything he asked, even to the point of taking some pretty severe ass whippings with his belt. Why he wanted to pay so much money to watch someone else have sex was beyond her imagining and she squirmed as she tried to think of a way to get him to leave.

"Do you think Laurie is ok?" she asked, attempting to worry him about their fifteen-year-old daughter.

"In case you haven't noticed," Robert replied calmly, "Laurie is getting to be a big girl now. She knows where the phone is and she has my pager number if she needs us. Now just relax and enjoy the show. I'm sure it will start anytime."

Rebecca cursed to herself as she looked around the dark room. Twelve tables surrounded a small platform that rose about a foot off the ground. On the platform was a small, twin-size bed with brass head and footboards rising from it. The bed coverings were lush, fully quilted and very soft looking, mostly feminine. The intimacy of the room would allow the patrons a close up view of whatever happened on that small stage.

The club, La Petite, was appropriately named. It was a small room, the tables only a few feet apart and large drooping tablecloths hung nearly to the floor. Rebecca had to lift the cloth and place it over her lap to sit down. The only source of light was the candles place at each setting and a very dim chandelier that hung just above the small bed.

Rebecca took another good pull of her drink and a then a deep breath. If she had to sit through a public sexual exhibition, she certainly wasn't going to do it sober. She counted the guests. Fourteen in all, and she wondered how the owners managed to keep the club open with such a small turnout. She eyed each of the guests nervously. To her, the most unusual thing about them was they didn't appear at all embarrassed at being here. On the contrary, even the women, of whom there were only three, had a look of hot anticipation on their faces. Only one other male and female couple was in attendance and they were huddled close together with their hands in each other's laps. Two women sat together at the table closest to Robert and Rebecca and were holding hands on the tabletop as they chatted quietly.

Robert Larson impatiently checked his watch.


Fifteen minutes until show time. His stomach churned with anticipation and dread. This one performance could mean the end of his marriage or the beginning of a new chapter in his sex life. He prayed it would be the latter.

Although Robert loved Rebecca dearly, and the sex they had was wonderful he had decide to at least try and live out his darkest fantasy. To have his beautiful young daughter, Laurie, share their marriage bed. This one evening could possibly be the first step towards that fantasy. He held his breath and crossed his fingers as the dim ceiling lights faded to black.

As soft sensual background music faded in, so did a soft amber spotlight, highlighting the small stage with a warm, sexy glow. Rebecca felt her nerves relax as the hypnotic music played from the shadows. Robert leaned into her and placed his hand on her knee, relaxing her even further. A tall good looking and well-dressed man walked to the stage. His voice was masculine and warm.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to La Petite!" the man said. "I am sure you will be thrilled with our little show tonight. The girls have been rehearsing all week! Remember our waitresses will be serving drinks throughout the show and to keep from disturbing the performance you need only raise your hand and they will be at your service."

"And now without further delay, may I please introduce to you, the loves of my life! My pride and joy! My daughters! Ladies and gentlemen, sixteen-year-old Trish!"

Rebecca's jaw dropped as a back door opened and a dazzlingly beautiful young teenage girl danced sensuously into the room. She wore only a short white toga that barely covered her upper thighs. The crowd broke into applause as Trish made her way provocatively to the stage, swinging her almost exposed ass as she moved. She gave her father a lingering kiss on the lips then moved sensuously to the bed.

Rebecca couldn't believe her eyes. This young girl could not possibly be one of the performers. She wasn't even old enough to be in this place. Then it dawned on her. THAT was why the tickets were so expensive! It also gave a better explanation for the name of the club.

"Trish is beautiful by herself," the man announced, "but she wouldn't be complete without her lovely younger sister, fourteen-year-old Tina!"

The door opened once again and a nubile young thing shyly slinked into the room, her silky blonde hair flowing down her back. She wore a gauzy see-through gown that clung to her young body as she moved. Her only undergarment was a pair of sheer bikini panties. A blush of red crossed her face as she slinked between the tables.

"As you can see," the man continued, "Tina is quite shy but as we'll all soon find out, Trish really brings out the best in her."

Tina kissed her father in much the same way as Trish did then moved to her sister on the stage. The two of them stood holding hands and swiveling their hips invitingly.

"Ladies and gentlemen! My name is Buck. If you need anything at all just ask our waitress. Have a wonderful time and let the show begin!" He nodded to his daughters and walked to the small bar to sit.

Rebecca was dumbstruck and could barely move. She couldn't believe they were sitting here about to watch a sex show with two young sisters performing together. She waited just to see how far this thing would actually go. She thought that perhaps the two youngsters would just strip and maybe dance. She looked to her husband but his attention was on the stage.

Robert's eyes were transfixed on the two beautiful girls, his heart pounding heavily in his chest. His cock had already thickened in his pants and was straining for release. He unknowingly tightened his grip on Rebecca's knee as he gazed at the teenage sisters.

'Damn! He's really enjoying those two!' Rebecca thought as she looked down for the telltale sign of his arousal. She eyed the large bulge in his pants and knew she would get one wild ride when she got home. Rebecca decided to stay, at least for a while. Why not let Robert get his jollies. She couldn't see the harm in that and she would receive the benefits from this show anyhow, once they were home.

Rebecca's eyes were drawn back to the stage as the music swelled slightly. Trish and Tina were locked in a lovers embrace, their open mouths pressed together in a luscious kiss. Tina opened her small mouth and laid her tongue out invitingly, moaning softly as if begging for something. Trish open her own mouth and allowed a small drool of saliva flow out onto her sister's tongue. Tina sucked it into her mouth deliciously and swallowed. The two girls seemed to drift into a world of their own as they kissed passionately and their hands caressed each other gently.

Robert's mouth was hanging open in complete awe of the youthful sensuality of the two sisters. Trish's long smooth legs and dark hair gave her that 'older sister' look and Tina's small, undeveloped body made her the epitome of purity and innocence, at least in appearance. Robert was entranced, his cock throbbing, and already he could feel his warm pre-lube oozing from the tip of it.

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