Unknown - All In The Family

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All In The Family

Chapter 1

Keri Simpson was mad, hurt, and felt betrayed by her father, whom she adored. He had told her earlier in the day that he was planning on getting married again, to Susan Adams, the woman he had been dating for the past four months. It wasn't that Keri didn't like Susan, she did, but she just never considered her as a mother, or as someone who would take her own place in the life of her father.

Since the death of her mother six years ago, twenty-year-old Keri had taken over all the household chores that had once been her mother's, trying to take care of her father as best as she could. They had managed fine so far, so she just couldn't understand why he felt he needed to add another woman to their lives at this point. And not just another woman. Susan had two sons, Mark and Steve, who were nineteen and twenty, respectively, and who would also be moving in with them.

She had met the two brothers, and while she admitted they were both very handsome, she didn't like the way they looked at her with leering eyes every chance they got. She felt as if they were undressing her with their eyes the way they looked at her.

She was still a virgin, although she knew there were a lot of guys who would love to remedy that particular situation for her, but she just wasn't interested in them. She knew she was considered beautiful, at five-feet-tall, a hundred and five pounds, with her large firm tits that didn't need a bra, her wisp of a waist and her beautifully rounded ass, all topped off with her waist-length platinum blonde hair and incredibly green eyes. But the boys in the junior college she attended were just that: boys. To her, none of them could match the maturity, masculinity and sexuality of her forty-year old father, whom she was really in love with.

She knew it was wrong to feel towards her father the way she did, to think about crawling into his bed, his arms, and feeling his hard muscular body against her own as she opened her legs to receive him, giving him all the pleasure a woman could give to a man. It was a fantasy she lived with night after night, often using her fingers to bring herself off, because she was afraid to let him, or anyone for that matter, know about her true feelings for him.

Dave Simpson, her father, was the most handsome man she knew. He stood well over six feet tall, with wide, strong shoulders that tapered down to a trim waist. His arms were equally thick and powerful, and he carried an enormous bulge between them that protruded from his jeans all the time.

She had never actually seen her father's cock, but she had a feeling it was huge! She had done some comparisons by eyeballing the guys she knew, and while some of them seemed to be impressive, none of them appeared to match what her father carried around. And she wanted it! She wanted that big cock to take her cherry, to fill her pussy like no other cock ever could.

Just the thought of her father's cock started her cunt to twitching. She reached beneath the covers of her bed, slipping her slender fingers inside the waistband of her bikini panties and massaging the little button at the top of her slit, feeling the tiny sparks of electricity shoot through her.

She closed her eyes and imagined that it was her father's fingers touching her, probing gently as her hips began to arch and squirm on the bed. She eased her middle finger into her cunt, feeling the walls clamp down on it and knew that her tiny pussy would be stretched to the limit by her father's cock, and that she might even hurt a little from it, but she didn't care about that. She would endure any discomfort to feel his cock stuffing her full.

With the image of her father behind the closed lids of her eyes, she worked another finger into her steamy cunt, shoving them in and out, pretending they were her dad's cock, feeling her orgasm starting to build quickly.

She kicked the covers back and jerked her panties off. She spread her legs wide as her fingers worked faster and faster in and out of her cunt, which was becoming very wet and hot from the action.

She used her other hand to massage her tits, squeezing the large firm globes, pinching and pulling on her hard nipples as her hips began to bounce up and down on the bed. Faster and faster her fingers worked, driving her wild with desire as she imagined her father's cock driving in and out of her burning cunt.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" she cried out in the empty room as her fingers came into contact with the barrier of skin that was her cherry. "Fuck me! Drive your big beautiful cock into me and make me cum! Ohhh, yess!" she cried as her body finally exploded into climax, flooding her fingers with her juices as her body tensed, every muscle going rigid for nearly a minute.

After a while, she began to relax, her body splayed out on the bed, the room reeking with the odor of her musk and pussy juices. She brought her fingers up to her lips and slowly licked them clean before finally getting out of bed, tiptoeing down the hallway to the bathroom.

Just as she reached the door of her father's room, she heard the sounds of bed springs squeaking from inside, and heard the sounds of Susan Adams urging her father on. She crept to the door and turned the knob slowly, opening it just a crack.

Her father's bed was situated so that she had a side view of both him and Susan. Susan's legs were bent, the ankles locked behind his powerful thighs as his hips drove his cock in and out of her cunt.

"Oh, yes!" Susan was crying, her arms wrapped around Keri's dad, her own slender hips slamming up to meet the thrusts of the cock being fucked into her.

"Oh, Dave, you have the biggest, most beautiful cock in the world!" she cried as Keri's father slammed his hips down powerfully, his head bent to suck on Susan's right tit, drawing the large extended nipple into his mouth and biting down on it gently, causing Susan to arch her back and cry out again.

Keri was mesmerized by the sight. She had to admit that Susan was a beautiful woman. She was nearly as tall as Keri's dad, with big firm tits, a flat tummy and a nice rounded ass that a lot of younger women would love to have. Even her face looked much younger than her thirty-seven years.

"God, Susan, your pussy is so tight!" Keri heard her dad say as he raised his head to look into Susan's eyes. "I've never had a pussy this tight before."

"That's because your cock is so big, darling," Susan told him, arching her hips to take all of his cock. "When we get done, I'm going to lick your cock clean and then give you the best blowjob you've ever had in your life!"

"I'll hold you to that," her father said with a grin as he grabbed Susan's legs, bending her almost double as he raised himself up and began slamming his cock into her even harder and faster than before. Keri felt her own cunt flooding again and reached down to finger it as she watched in wide-eyed wonder the giant cock of her father working in and out of the red-haired cunt of Susan. Even though she couldn't see it clearly, what she could see sent shivers through her and made her heart pound. It also gave her second thoughts about fucking him. Even in the pale light of the moon coming through the window, his cock looked enormous. Yet, the more she watched, the more she wanted his cock and knew she wouldn't be happy until she had it inside of her.

She felt herself cumming again as Susan began to cry out in orgasmic pleasure at the fucking she was receiving from Keri's father. Keri had to bite down on her bottom lip to prevent herself from screaming as her own climax overtook her. She finally closed the door and made her way to the bathroom on legs that felt as if they were made out of rubber, vowing to herself that she would get her father to fuck her, that she would make him forget all about marrying Susan and bringing her into their house to live..

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