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Roger Grayson: A Neighborhood Party

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The trip to Harry's lake cabin was several hours long and they passed it quickly and enjoyably. Charlie Evans, sitting in the front seat with Harry, had brought several bottles along and they passed them around in the car, discussing animatedly all the time their plans for the two days they were to spend there. She didn't know too much about Evans, he too was a new member and she had only made love with him one time when they both had already been through the mill so she listened particularly to anything he would say to see if she could figure him out. It did not help much. He was the quiet type that made it difficult to tell what really smoldered beneath him. She had the feeling that it was a great deal but she wasn't certain she liked it. Harry Burns was a sadist, there was no question about that but he was a loud, crude one. You always knew what he was thinking, but with Evans it was different. He was too quiet and she had a tinge of fear about being alone with him in a room with no one else around. She just didn't know what he might do to her.

"House coming up in about three minutes," Harry said as they rounded a bend on the dirt road they had been traveling since turning off they main highway several miles back. "Start getting your pants off, girls," he joked, knowing the effect it would have on Sarah Castles.

Carol could see her flush a little from the remark and twist nervously on the handkerchief she carried in her hand, and suddenly for the first time, she could understand the excitement that Marsha must have felt when she had watched her being taken that first night. There was a little added something, perhaps the small degree of sadism latent in all of us, that increased the enjoyment of watching someone who was not quite willing in the beginning to turn suddenly into a wild inferno of uncontrolled lust. This wouldn't be Sarah's first time, but it certainly would be the first time she really got it with no holds barred. There was no husband around now to object if things really got out of hand. And… she knew with these three that they very well could. She found herself guiltily looking forward to seeing Sarah having it thrown to her good. God, she thought to herself, I'm getting as bad as the rest of them.

Harry pulled the car up in front of the stone and redwood cabin that sat right on the edge of the lake and switched the motor off. They all pitched in carrying the food and liquor into the house and had cleared the car in a matter of a few minutes. The sun was just going down over the far edge of the lake and presented the most beautiful sunset Carol had seen in a long time. The air was a bit nippy at this altitude and Harry had built a huge roaring fire in the stone fireplace that gave the cabin a warm, homey look, belying the real reason they were here… A stranger walking in at this moment, she mused, would have thought they were just two married couples and a friend up for a quiet weekend of fishing or bridge. But, if he happened to stay a few minutes longer, he would soon see that that was not the case.

Harry, as usual, had had the interior done in perfect keeping with its purpose. The living room was huge with a high oak-beamed ceiling and a large stone fireplace that looked like one from the old frontier days. It was so large a person could almost stand up in it and it heated the house beautifully. Several large double mattresses were scattered around the floor against the walls without bedsteads. Nice, she thought drily, one doesn't hurt oneself if you fall off in the heat of the moment.

They busied themselves for awhile with all the domestic activities required to open the cabin up for living. The men carried in wood and after a long struggle got the hot water heater going with the electric generator. The cabin was too isolated to have electricity and Carol noted with a grimace while she and Sarah were tidying up the kitchen and putting the food away that it had a wood stove and they would have to prepare the meals on that. She had never cooked on one before but Sarah had and she let her handle that part of the chores.

The men relaxed and fixed the drinks while they cooked the steaks and she noticed that Harry kept pouring a little more for Sarah than he did the rest of them. They began to tell after awhile but she didn't stop, she seemed to be trying to build her courage up for the time when she knew she would have to produce according to the club rules in spite of her fears.

"Sarah," Carol said warmly at one point when they were in the kitchen alone and she could see the poor girl shaking so badly she could hardly hold the pan she was cooking with. "Don't worry about later tonight. It'll be all right."

Her reminder of what was to come seemed to be the final strain on Sarah's nerves.

"Oh God, Carol, I-I just can't go through with it. Phil and I didn't really know what we were getting into with all of this," and she dropped her head in her hands. "Phil needed the job Charlie Evans offered."

"Well, why did you join?" Carol asked with sympathy in her voice. "You should have known after the first time you came to one of the parties."

"Oh, it was too late then," she blubbered into her hands. "Phil just couldn't turn down the job offered him and we were so afraid of losing it with all the debts we have to pay for my mother's hospital bills and all. It really is a good job and we need it so badly."

"You poor dear," Carol consoled, her heart going out to her. "You mean he gave Phil the job just to get at you?"

"Y-Yes, he did. And he hasn't had me yet but he will now, and-and I know it's just going to be awful. I don't think I can stand having him or the others touch me."

"But didn't you like it the first time?"

"No, no I didn't, but I did it for Phil and now he's not here. He's off with someone else doing the same thing. It's just horrible, horrible."

Carol started to say something about the way she and Bob became involved but decided against it. It wouldn't help Sarah and besides, she might say something to the others and they mustn't find out they had become members just to take advantage of the accounts Bob would get.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. You just relax and let things take their course. You'll see how easy it will be-and fun too," she added as an afterthought, hoping to cheer her up.

"I-I don't care, I just can't and I'm not going to."

"Here, here, what's all the fuss?" Harry Burns came through the kitchen door with a grin on his face. "Let me fix up the drinks, it looks like you girls are empty."

He took the glasses and patted Sarah intimately on the buttocks as she kept her face turned away from him so that he could not see her tears.

"You know," Carol said quietly as he left the room.

"You don't have a choice under the rules. Once you've accepted membership you've got to do it. It would ruin Phil if you didn't."

"Oh God, I know, I know," she whimpered again but suddenly straightened up again and turned back to the stove as Harry re-entered carrying their fresh drinks.

"They're good and strong now," he joked jovially. "Now let's get on with these steaks. Old Daddy here needs some energy to make this little dolly eat her words about being able to take us all on."

"Oh Harry, damn it, get out of here," she laughed back, playfully squirming away. "You'll get your chance, don't worry."

Harry opened several bottles of wine for the dinner and they all ate voraciously from the effect of the cool mountain air and the long trip up from the coast. The others laughed and joked while they ate and Carol could notice Evans' eyes drifting over to Sarah almost devouring her luscious young body right at the table. She sat quiet and said little unless asked a question.

"Come on, Sarah, cheer up," Jack Sherman said when he noticed the sadness in her face. "We'll get to you girls soon, you don't have to look so impatient."

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