Nathan Silvers - Aunt in bondage

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Nathan Silvers

Aunt in bondage


Corinne Nelson tried not to break into tears as she fixed her make-up. She couldn't really accept that she had to go and plead with her nephew for money. But losing her job had left her with no choice. Julius was her only relative in the city, so it had to be him. That was the horror.

The irony was that Julius was only a couple of years younger than she was, the oldest son of her brother, who himself was nineteen years older than her. It had been a family joke when she and Julius played together as children, but that was a long time ago.

She eased her best stockings on. She had to try and make a good impression on him. She hadn't seen him in three years, when he first arrived in Chicago. Since then he'd become very successful, lived in one of the big condo blocks downtown and drove a BMW. They had never gotten along well as adults. Corinne thought Julius was a fast-lane type, running around with a lot of women he shouldn't have been seen with. Corinne lived quietly in her apartment in one of the less fashionable neighborhoods. She'd had one evening out with Julius and one of his women, but had left in a fury. The little whore made a lot of jokes about the size of Julius' cock. It was disgusting, and Corinne had said so.

And now she had to go and humble herself. She put on her best matching bra-and-panty set, and the little lacy white-and-blue slip that flattered her lovely figure so well. Sometimes Corinne thought she ought to wear very unflattering clothes, because she was always getting propositioned. By men in her office, by the buyers she had had to deal with, even by men who tried to pick her up on the EL. It made her shudder sometimes just to think about it. Men were such beasts; they didn't understand that a woman might want to save herself for marriage.

She tried to put that out of her mind as she rang the bell of Julius' condo. There was a pause and a woman's voice came over the speaker.

"Yes?" the voice said.

Corinne trembled with new fear. Another of Julius' whores probably.

"It's Corinne Nelson," she said. "Is Julius there?"


"Corinne Nelson."

"Wait a moment."

There was a horrible pause. Then the door buzzed and she pushed it open and went up.

"Well, Aunt Corinne," Julius said, leaning on the door, regarding her with a funny smile as she came down the corridor. "What brings you to the sinful city?"

"I-I wanted to talk to you," Corinne said. He took her in and waved her into a large padded chair. "Can I get you a drink?"

"No, no thank you," Corinne said and put her purse on the floor.

"Tell me, Aunt Corinne," he said, flopping onto the sofa, "how come a gorgeous bit of stuff like you never gets laid?"

He grinned and Corinne blushed to the roots of her lovely blonde hair.

"I came to ask your help, Julius," she said. "I'm in an awful fix. I lost my job, and I'm broke, and I have to pay a lot of bills this month. And I wondered if you could give me enough to make through until I get another job, and I'll pay you back right away, and I'm sorry but…"

"Hold on," he said, waving his arm at her. "How much do you need?"

Corinne gulped. "Well, about three thousand."

"Three thousand?"

She nodded, feeling worse than ever.

He questioned her further, getting all the humiliating details out.

"Hmmmm," he said, "wait a moment."

He got up and Corinne thought that success had added to his tail dark and, she had to admit it, handsome looks. He walked with an air of authority as he went into the kitchen, and she heard him talking in low tones to the woman who had answered the bell. At one point she giggled and made Corinne fed even worse.

He came back in and sat down again, grinning at her.

"Okay," he said, "but there is a condition. You can have the money as a gift. If, and only if, you agree to spend the weekend here. We're having a small party and we go and sleep and go and don't take any notice of the time. Do that, and the money's yours."

Corinne shuddered. That meant she would have to spend two and a half days in the company of people she despised. With their disgusting jokes and innuendos. She'd probably have to fend off some of them, particularly if they got drunk. It was awful even to think about.

"I sleep in a room alone," she said.

"If you want," he chuckled, and the girl in the kitchen gave another giggle.

"All right, then," Corinne said. "It was a good idea that I came in my best clothes."

"Sure," he said.

And, behind the wall, Corinne heard the girl go into suppressed laughter.

"Oh," Julius said, "this is Susie – my girlfriend." A pretty, but disgustingly sluttish girl of about twenty came out of the kitchen, her blonde hair flicking around her face. She wasn't the one Corinne had met before, but that was typical. She was dressed in a little black outfit that only just covered her large, swelling tits and stopped just at the top of her black stockings. Her five-inch heels accentuated the hot curves of her legs as she swayed up and grinned at Corinne.

"SO this is the aunt who can't take jokes about cock," she said. "Hi! I'm Susie."

"Yes," said Corinne, wondering if she was going to be able to get through the weekend with this soft of thing going on. "Julius told me."

She studied the girl, the sensual curves of her lips, the dark eye shadow, the curling ringlets falling over her shoulders. No wonder Julius liked her. She was just his type.

An hour later, Corinne was feeling even worse. She had met the people she would have to spend the weekend with. They were all from the condos around Julius.

There was Martin. He was of medium build, with fair hair and a dark business suit. He took his jacket off the moment he came in and tossed it over the sofa as if he were in his own house. That put Corinne off at once.

Then came Saul and his wife Melissa.

Saul was short, with massive broad shoulders. He was balding and that somehow made him look menacing.

His wife was a dark, sensual beauty. Her creamy skin set off her black hair perfectly as it flowed over her shoulders. When she shook hands with Corinne, she held it for a moment and stared at her.

"This is a surprise," Melissa said.

"Yeah," said Julius, "Mary cancelled, so Corinne filled in at the last moment."

Corinne gasped and looked at him, not understanding what he meant. He grinned, and she decided it was just another of his nasty jokes.

Then came Donald. He was tall, slim with a small mustache. He gave Corinne a long appraising look as they were introduced, an amused smile on his face.

Corinne tried to keep out of the conversation as much as possible. She thought she saw Susie giggling to Melissa and the two of them giving her a fast look. She ignored it and allowed Donald to chat to her for a while, even though site spent most of the time staring out of the window over the city skyline.

Suddenly the whole mood changed. Julius stood up and raised his drink.

"Are we ready?" he yelled.

"You bet!" Martin said. "Get the party rolling!"

"A toast to my Aunt Corinne," Julius said.

They all drank to her, while Corinne shivered and took a sip of her wine cooler.

"Now," Julius said, "since Corinne is our new member, she gets to show us what she has first. Agreed?"

"Yeahhhh!" the men cheered.

Corinne went scarlet. "What do you mean?"

"Why do you think we all spend the weekend together?" Julius grinned, enjoying Corinne's growling horror. "To discuss business? We're, here to fuck, Aunt Corinne, and you're gonna join us."

"Yesbhhh." Donald said, "can't let a fox like that go."

Corinne went cold and then hot. She saw the money flying away, but there was no way she was going to allow herself to be involved in casual sex.

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