Unknown - Spread for pleasure
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- Название:Spread for pleasure
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- Год:неизвестен
- ISBN:нет данных
- Рейтинг книги:3 / 5. Голосов: 1
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Spread for pleasure
Chris hurried out of the emergency room exit. After ten straight days of working as an ICU charge nurse, on the three to eleven shift, she finally had a weekend off. One of the nurses with whom she worked knew of a swinging party in the West San Fernando Valley and told Chris where it was. Driving to her apartment Chris wondered what a farm girl from Iowa would discover at a Southern California party. She hoped she would meet some people who had the same interests in sex that she did.
"I've been too long without romancing," she murmured as she undressed for her shower.
She was an attractive woman in her middle twenties. Her dishwater blond hair hung to her shoulders. She had small breasts with large, sensitive nipples, a narrow waist and, what her mother called, a "slat ass".
The thing most people noticed about Chris once they stopped staring at her beautiful oval face was her piercing green eyes. She often made people feel that she could look right through them. Because of this as she grew older she frequently avoided eye contact with strangers. This, she soon discovered, made her seem shy and vulnerable and, to many people, even more attractive.
After finishing her shower she spent a good while drying her hair. Finally, at about one thirty in the morning, dressed in designer jeans, a yellow, cotton turtle neck shirt, a camel hair jacket and dark brown loafers, she was ready for the party.
She drove west on the Ventura Freeway exiting when she reached Encino. It took her a while to find the street she wanted but once she found it it was not difficult to determine where the party was.
Amid the darkened residences south of Ventura Boulevard one house shown like a beacon. Lights gleamed from all the windows in a large two story Tudor structure. There were cars parked up and down the street for a full block on either side.
"Surprisingly little noise," she thought as she cruised slowly past looking for a parking spot. She pulled in behind a red Ferrari, about a block from the house, and parked. Sitting quietly she wondered if she should forget the whole thing. She had no desire to walk a block, at two in the morning, on a dimly lit street even in the swankiest part of the San Fernando Valley.
A tapping on her window roused her from her reverie. A good-looking woman stood beside her car door and motioned for her to roll the window down. Chris could see the woman was nicely dressed and decided to at least discuss her predicament through a partly opened car window.
"Yes," she said.
"Hi. I'm Marilyn Short. If you're here for the party let's go in together. I was waiting in the Ferrari for someone to walk me down the street."
"Oh great," Chris said taking the keys out of the ignition. "I was just about to leave because I didn't want to walk the block alone. I'm Chris Diamond by the way."
"Hi Chris," Marilyn said as she hooked her arm into Chris' and led the way to the party.
They entered the front room of the house. There was the smell of cigarette smoke and the sounds of soft music and whispering voices coming from somewhere nearby but the well lit room was devoid of human occupants.
"Well Chris, ever been to one of these before?" Marilyn asked as she walked to a table loaded with hors d'oeuvres.
"Nope. I haven't a clue as to what one does at theses things," Chris answered spearing a shrimp and dipping it in cocktail sauce.
Marilyn was shorter than Chris and older. She had thick, dark, tousled hair, a pretty oval face and a full figure attractively encased in leather pants and silk blouse.
"She looks as if she just woke up," Chris thought as chewed the seafood morsel and studied her new found friend.
"Well, first of all lets sit down and review the options," Marilyn said pouring herself a generous shot of scotch and loading a plate with various goodies from the table before walking to a cluster of chairs in one corner of the room.
Chris followed suit except that she found the champagne nestled in an ice bucket beside the table more to her liking. Then sitting down opposite Marilyn she prepared to listen to the voice of experience.
"It's safe to assume that neither of us is here for the food," Marilyn laughed. "Most people come to these things because they're interested in mildly kinky sexual experiences."
Chris smiled and asked, "Or just a tad horny?"
"Not really the usual reason," Marilyn shook her head. "Hell you could get all you need looking the way you do – don't tell me you came here just to get laid."
Chris blushed as she nodded her head.
"I don't believe it. What kind of work do you do?"
Chris explained her situation and the nature of her job.
"Oh wow. You work with doctors and you haven't been hit on in almost two weeks. What the hell is the medical profession coming too?"
Marilyn had finished her drink and moved to the table for more. Chris sat quietly and ate. Several people had wandered in and out of the room while they had been talking and eating.
When Marilyn returned, her plate piled high and her glass full, she said, "OK let me explain this kind of a party. There are people who get their kicks out of explicit movies. The hosts have a room set up for them upstairs. There are some folks who like group sex so the largest room in the place, usually a finished attic, is set up to accommodate them."
"Naturally, there are several rooms set up for quiet sexual liaisons. And finally, there will be one room equipped for those into mildly kinky stuff like soft restraints, stroking with feathers and, for some of the more modern women, fisting."
"Jeez does fisting really happen? I have heard of it but it scares the hell out of me. It just isn't that safe and it's more than mild kinkiness as far as I'm concerned," Chris said draining her champagne glass.
"Yeah it happens. You have to know how to spot the girls who are into it. Look for red hankies hanging out of back pockets – that is if you are interested in sex with other women. If not fisting isn't likely to be a problem for you at a party like this."
"Thanks for the information," Chris said walking over to the champagne bucket and refilling her glass. "What is your usual play at parties like this Marilyn?"
"God have you got piercing eyes girl. I shouldn't wonder that you could read my mind," she laughed. "I think you better let me ask you that question so that I wont shock you."
"Well, let's just leave it that I really enjoy sex and I am not bashful about telling my lover how I want it at any given time. Now you answer my question," she said staring hard at the dark haired, slightly disheveled Marilyn.
Marilyn drained her glass, looked into Chris' eyes and said, "I come to these parties because I'm into bondage – no S/M just restraints. Does that shock you?"
"Not really. So what do we do cruise this place or head for a particular room?"
Marilyn stood up and moved toward the back of the house. "I'll head for the room I know I want. Why don't you cruise?" she answered.
"OK – but just in case we don't see each other around let's exchange phone numbers," Chris said digging into her purse for pen and paper.
Marilyn, licking her full lips sensuously nodded and handed Chris a card she must have been holding for a while. It was damp and slightly wrinkled at the corners. "I am sure glad you suggested that, Chris."
Marilyn quickly disappeared up the broad stair case. Chris walked into the back of the house and found several men and women sitting, smoking and talking in the kitchen. An older women rose and offered to get Chris something to eat or drink. She explained that they were all with the catering service hired for the party.
Chris apologized for interrupting and decided she'd best explore the upper floors. She climbed the stairs and opened the door of the first room she came to. The room was dark except for a large screen TV displaying a man and a women actively fucking to the accompaniment of much groaning and squealing. Both actors appeared to be rather bored with the whole thing.
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