Roy Manning - Secretary in heat

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Roy Manning

Secretary in heat


Janet stood in the bathroom, trembling. She was a woman who loved cock and had had plenty of it from the age of fifteen. She was now a beautifully developed twenty-one.

But tonight she would fuck the only man she had ever truly loved. Ted – the man she had married that afternoon. During the two months she had known him, been mad for him, he had given her no more than innocent good-night kisses. Two months of cold showers. Two months of hot sleepless nights, aching for him, her sticky finger working in and out of her dripping pussy.

Now at last he would be hers. He had graduated with a degree in Business Administration. He had a job all lined up. He was an old-fashioned guy, insisting they wait till their wedding night to fuck.

I haven't even seen his cock, she thought, but tonight I'll have it in me. I'll caress it. Kiss it!

She was naked before the full-length mirror. She pulled her shoulders back. Her big breasts rode high. The long rosy nipples were taut. They're yours tonight, Ted darling. Everything I have is yours.

Her cunt was warm and damp. She slipped a black, see-through negligee over her creamy smooth body. She took a final look at herself in the mirror. Her smile was ecstatic. Her eyes sparkled with love.

She walked into the bedroom. Ted was in bed, sitting up, the covers pulled up to his waist. His torso was bare. Ted – the man she had lusted after for weeks. Ted – tall, muscular, thick wavy dark-blond hair. And so sweet and considerate. The ideal man she'd always dreamed of.

The room was bathed in a soft light from one small lamp. They exchanged smiles. But she thought she detected a hint of fear in his eyes. Or was it something far worse than fear?

She sat on the edge of the bed letting the negligee flow open. She heard him draw in his breath at the sight of her exposed titties. But he did not touch them, even when she arched her back, her heavy breasts lifting higher, making them more delectable-looking.

"Get into bed," he said hoarsely. His tone was flat, neither tender nor harsh.

She stood up. Slowly and carefully she removed the negligee. She let him look at her. Every contour of her creamy flesh was exposed in the soft light to his roving eyes. She trembled, feeling him take in the voluptuous curves of her hips, her high-rising breasts. Her rosy nipples were rigid.

She shivered, arching her back again. She took a step closer to the bed. She felt his hot breath on her cunt. Oh kiss it! She pleaded silently. Kiss my pussy, lick it!

Ted licked his lips with a warm, rough, saliva-covered tongue that would bring her such pleasure.

He will lick it, Janet thought, feeling lewd and elated. She was sure he would… lick the succulent folds of her cunt, dive his tongue into her pussy, spear her blood-gorged clit, warm lips sucking lustily at her pink hot cuntflesh.

She was weak with burning passion. But still she lingered, letting him look at her another moment. He had delayed their pleasure for weeks. She would delay it a few more delicious moments, her naked body trembling before his robing eyes.

She touched her furry mound. Her finger barely poked at the spot where his tongue, his cock, would enter. She took her hand away. She smiled softly.

"I said get into bed."

His tone puzzled her. He tossed aside the covers. Her eyes were on his cock. It was slowly erecting. It was beautifully shaped.

"Big enough for you?" he said. "Or are you used to stallions?"


"C'mon," he said impatiently, patting the space beside him.

She trembled again. She didn't like the expression on his face – it made his handsome features cruel-looking.

But she did as he asked and lay next to him. She could feel the heat from his virile body. But nevertheless he seemed so far away from her. In just a few moments he had become such a stranger to her. Well, what had she known about him, really? Only that she love him. He was the quiet type. Polite, but quiet.

"How many men have you done this with?" he asked in that dry tone of his she had come to dread.

"Ted, surely you must have known that I… We never discussed anything in detail, but…"

"Yeah." He got up off the bed.

"There hasn't been anybody since I met you, that's all that really matters, isn't it?" Her voice sounded choked.

"I know all about you and Harold and Sammy and Duke. I bet you even made it with Sue, that roommate of yours. She used to brag about being bisexual." He dared at her with cool contempt.

It was true, yes, she'd had sex with all those people.

"But I've never loved anyone the way I love you," she said shakily.

The tears still would not come. His voice was so icy cold. If only he would shout at her. "I'm just what you wanted in a husband, eh?"

"Yes," she said warily.

"Good," he said. "Because you're what I wanted in a wife." His lips twisted in a cruel grin. "A slut!"

Janet started to rise.

"Lay down!" Ted snapped.

He slapped her hard. She fell flat onto the bed. "On your stomach."

She rolled over onto her stomach. She was too dazed to resist. And she was deeply hurt – not so much physically as emotionally.

"You'll get what you deserve now," he said. She saw that his cock was bone hard now, twitching from side to side. His hot hand caressed one of her creamy smooth buttocks possessively. She felt the excited tremor in that hand. So his coldness had been only a sheath for some savage fire within.

Despite her confused fear, Janet's pussy juice ran hotter than ever. Such fire and passion from Ted, the cool Ted, overwhelmed her.

He squeezed her ass-cheek roughly. Then he gave her buttocks a sharp open-handed slap. Janet cried out, more surprised than hurt by the sudden if blow. Ted chuckled softly. The odd laugh was both sensual and frightening.

"Yeah, bitch, you'll get what you deserve tonight."

She hardly recognized his voice – so sexily husky. And so cruel and possessive. She knew what was going to happen the moment he got up off the bed. Her head was twisted to one side, facing him. And she watched, removed his leather belt from his trousers.

She was afraid of him. But, God help her, she still loved him. And the cruel-sexy expression on his handsome face made her heart beat faster. Whatever else it was, this was a completely new experience for her.

He folded the belt carefully. The room was very quiet. She saw his muscular arm lift high into the air, the belt grasped tight in his hand. She closed her eyes. Her big titties were crushed against the mattress.

"I'm gonna warm up that beautiful ass of yours," he husked.

She felt the stinging slap of leather against her shapely, silky smooth ass. The sound was sharp and loud to her cars.

She moaned and squirmed. She felt the second stinging blow. And a third and fourth and more. And she moaned and rolled her hips between each measured slap of the belt across her ass. And she sensed the dark fantastic pleasure her writhing, yielding body gave him.

She lost count of the number of times the belt struck her ivory-white flesh. She heard a soft grunt. And he tossed the instrument of punishment aside. She was shocked to discover that the sheet beneath her was warm and sticky from the drippings of her pussy-juice.

He was in back of her and she felt his hot hands at her hips. Her limp body was being lifted up until she was on her knees and leaning forward to rest on her elbows. Was he going to fuck her in the ass? She'd had that done to her plenty. But only when the cock was well greased. She loved it then. Especially when a finger toyed with her pussy, finger-fucking at the same time as the bone-hard dick ass-fucked.

Her ass ached now. And his hand stroked the tender flesh – stroked possessively, not tenderly.

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