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Frank Brown: Wild naughty daughter

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Sally gnawed on the spongy, hairy cunt-slabs, pistoned her tongue in the clutching sexy hole, drank the hot, tart fluids that drooled from Denise's madly contracting pussy. The juice tasted tart, sweet, just like her own pussycream.

The elevator chime broke their sexual union. Within seconds, Sally was on her feet, wiping her mouth with her hand. Denise wiped her own mouth and adjusted her dress, although still apparently experiencing the aftershocks of her orgasm. She caught her breath three or four times as she squeezed her legs together. Sally mumbled that she was going to lunch and slipped quietly between some shelves so the customer wouldn't see her. She waited for the customer to enter Sporting Goods, then made for the elevator without, looking back.

Forty-five minutes later, Sally stepped back out of the elevator, her stomach satisfied with a tuna sandwich and a fruit salad. She spotted Denise behind the sales counter talking to a muscular young man, whom she immediately recognized as Rick Johnson. She marched toward them, her heart pounding, her stomach tightening.

Denise gave her a smirk. "Have a good lunch, girl?"

"Yes," Sally said, hardly looking at the bitch. "Hello, Rick."

"Hey babe, where you been? I would have left a long time ago if Denise here hadn't convinced me to stick around." He blew a bubble. He was dressed in the same clothing as he'd worn yesterday.

"Glad you stuck around?" Denise said, reaching over the center to caress the boy's muscular arm.

"At least one part of me is," Rick said, giving his bulging crotch a squeeze, and Denise giggled.

Sally wanted to slug her. She pictured Rick's huge cock stretching Denise's lips, could almost hear Denise growling as she sucked out Rick's cum.

Rick put his finger on Sally's lips and stroked them. His finger smelled like cunt. "I'm going out for a ride tonight, hotlips – about eight. I'll pick you up in front of the store here. Be on time." He gave her a pat on the cheek and swaggered toward the elevator without another word to either of the two girls.

"Lucky bitch," Denise said. "I could slug you."


It was a muggy evening, and a fine sweat misted Sally's face as she nervously paced the sidewalk in front of Lipman's Department Store. The streetlights had just come on in the hazy summer twilight, and the cars cruising past were starting to turn on their headlights. More than once Sally was offered a ride by a carful of teenage boys, and once by a man in a big Cadillac. She politely but firmly declined their offers, wondering whether, if she hadn't been waiting for Rick Johnson, she might not have gone with them. She wondered what it would be like to get felt up by a bunch of hot boys. She already knew what it was like to get pawed and fucked by a middle-aged man.

A motorcycle rumbled to a stop in front of her, and her brother Mark sat there looking her up and down. "What are you doing out here?" He wore jeans, boots, and nothing else.

"Waiting for somebody."

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"None of your business."

Mark laughed. "Too bad you're waiting for somebody, or I'd take you for a ride. You waiting for one of your girlfriends?"

"None of your business."

"Does Mom know, where you're going?"

"No, she doesn't, and if you tell her, I'll kill you."

"How can I tell her anything when I don't even know who you're waiting for? You sure you don't wanna go for a ride? It's a nice night for a ride, maybe out in the country."

"No thank you," Sally said. "Now will you please go away and stop bugging me."

"Must be a hot date," Mark said, revving his motorcycle. "I think maybe I'll do some shopping in Lipman's, since you don't wanna go for a ride. The job working out alright?"

"Yes," Sally said. "Now will you please go before…"

"What's his name?"

"None of your business. Now go!" Sally lunged at Mark to slap him on his bare shoulder, but he roared away, laughing.

She watched him turn the corner and head down the block, then turn into the huge parking lot behind Lipman's. She realized she was shaking, her guts all tied in knots, her blood surging so fast she could almost feel it. Mark had shaken her up, and in her nervous condition she didn't need any shaking up. Here she was, about to embark on her first real date, and Mark almost ruins it. If Rick had come along and seen her talking to another guy, he might have got mad and just driven on. Rick could have any girl in town he wanted. He'd find another girl in two minutes. Then again, Rick might have stopped to pick her up right there in front of Mark, and the embarrassment would have been too much for her. She was sure Mark and Rick knew each other, since they were both on the football team. For some reason, she just didn't want Mark to know she was going out with Rick. She was self-conscious about it, or something. She really didn't know what her feelings were.

She was all confused, wound up inside, ready to jump out of her skin. And to top things off, she'd fucked Mark this morning, and Mark thought she hadn't known who he was. It was all too confusing. She felt the insane urge to tear off her ultra-tight shorts, which had pulled up between her cuntlips like a gag, and her low-cut blouse, which she'd tied up so she could show off her bare tanned belly. She felt like ripping off all her clothes and running down Main Street like an escapee from, the local nut house. She couldn't understand the tension inside her. Maybe it was just the nervousness of going on her first date, but whatever it was, she couldn't stand much more of it.

The human traffic on the sidewalk and in and out of Lipman's didn't help her any. It was as if there was some kind of special sale going on in the store, although there was no sale going on, to her knowledge. Lipman's became a madhouse evenings. Half the town – especially the men – passed through the store's glass doors each evening. Sally had already seen a lot of people she knew entering or leaving the store. She'd seen her mailman and Reverend Rockford, and the football coach at school. She'd seen several neighbors, both men and women. And she'd done her best to hide her face as they'd passed by her. Why had Rick insisted on picking her up in front of Lipman's, for the whole world to see? And why in God's name had she arrived here to wait for him a half hour early? She must have been crazy.

A convertible came down the street and swerved toward the sidewalk so fast that Sally yelped and jumped out of the way before it jumped the curb and smashed her flat. The red car screeched as it stopped, and the driver, shiftless and blond, blew a bubble as he looked Sally up and down.

"So what are you waiting for, babe? I ain't gonna get out and open the door for you, if that's what you're thinking."

"Hello, Rick," Sally said shakily. She had trouble yanking open the door, then slid in clumsily beside Rick, her heart thumping. The door seemed to be made of solid lead as she tried to slam it shut. On her third try, it finally latched.

Rick appraised Sally's bare legs and feet. "Well, move over here, for Christ's sake. If you're gonna sit way over there, you might as well not even be in the car." Rick spat his bubble gum out on the street, then put his arm around Sally as she sidled close. His biceps bulging against the back of her head, he pressed their mouths together and kissed her so hard he nearly sucked the breath out of her.

Sally's mind swam. She was aware only of Rick and of the purring of his convertible. Her cunt did flip-flops inside as he kissed her, working his fat tongue in and out of her mouth. His sweaty aroma enveloped her like a cloud.

Suddenly there was some whooping. Rick broke the kiss, glanced toward the carful of boys that pulled up alongside his convertible, and said, "Her mouth's as hot as her pussy."

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