Stanley Redman - Mark_s wandering wife vol. II

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Stanley Redman

Mark_s wandering wife vol. II


It was noon, a warm Saturday in August; Phillip Gates sat at the desk in the den of his suburban split-level home with several law books opened before him, while he watched subconsciously through the window the provocative full contours of shapely Beth Tierney, their next-door neighbor, who, clad in the briefest of white bikinis, was pretending at puttering with her flower beds. He noted further that the wisps of cloth straining to cover her generous endowments were wet, offering an almost diaphanous quality that caused him to swallow tightly. She had evidently just climbed out of their pool and it occurred to him suddenly that her damned near naked presence right in front of his window might not be coincidental. She was aware that he studied there on Saturday afternoons; besides, she had mentioned something to that effect when she and Jack, her husband, were over last night.

All the same, she offered no sign of awareness to his being there, but kept her head down as if she were taken up with her task, while Phillip watched her full rounded buttocks move smoothly beneath the skintight, partially covering briefs, the rich cleft separating her buttocks obvious to him as she squatted teasingly, her back to him, then worked herself around on her haunches until he was gaping along her smooth white thighs to the vee of her crotch where the material inlaid snugly, suggestively, outlining the soft creased mound of her vaginal lips.

At first, when she appeared, he'd watched her rather idly, subliminally, he supposed, his mind too occupied with his studies, plus the Party Convention in the Capital come Monday, then, all of a sudden he'd sensed a stirring inside his shorts and realized that his neighbor was stimulating his erotic appetite. The genital reflex startled him first off; he'd never paid that much attention to their sensually attractive neighbor… no more than the standard niceties and raillery one expounds upon a friend, and certainly he'd seen her hustling around often enough in those skimpy, tantalizing outfits she chose to wear, and he'd spent enough time in her company to get a charge from her before this, it seemed… Then, a few of her not so casual pointed remarks, fetching smiles and enticing body contacts briefly filtered through his mind and he traced his tongue over his dry lips… Cripes, had he been so engrossed with his work, studies and politics that he was oblivious to the more earthy things going on right under his nose? Hell… he grinned bitterly to himself, face it, man. That gnawing in your belly is nothing more than a holdover from last night's botch with Laurie.

He swallowed distastefully at that recollection, just as he heard his lovely young wife descending the short flight of stairs from where she had been packing and preparing for their three-day stay at the coming convention, with all of the fuss one might expect necessary for a six-month cruise. She appeared in the doorway to his right and smiled beautifully.

"Like some coffee, darling?" she said, hands on hips, elbows back, causing her full, erect breasts to strain against the thin, green material of the scanty halter endeavoring to contain them.

"No, thanks," he replied, his vision leveling on the smooth white flesh of her naked midriff and the lush swelling contour of her rounded hips in the matching, tight green shorts she wore. Damn, he was engulfed by tantalizing female flesh… Look, but don't touch, he thought drily. "I'll settle for a bourbon-soda though." He forced a little smile. "If you don't mind…"

Laurie Gates returned his smile with a warm, green-eyed-like expression of her own, meant to disarm him. She knew what he was implying… last night still very vivid in her own memory.

"Sure… Why should I mind, Honey?"

She went off leaving him to catch another glance at Beth Tierney who was bent forward toward him, her lush white breasts, all but their tips, completely exposed to him, and momentarily, he swore that would happen in a burst of glory if she leaned over one more fraction of an inch. Then Laurie entered carrying an ice-tinkling, partially filled glass and his eyes locked on her once more.

She was wearing her shoulder-length, strawberry-blonde hair in thick braids wound cleverly up on top of her head. She looked like a child, her hair that way and with no sticky makeup to mar her natural cream-like complexion… those wide sea-green eyes, straight little nose and full, perpetually pouting lower lip… even younger than her nineteen years, he thought, remembering back a year when he'd met her and she was "Home Coming Queen". She set the drink on his desk then crossed the room to the little table where he had tossed the daily mail. He watched the rolling sway of her generous, spherical buttocks and the long, tapering ivory columns of her perfectly formed legs as she moved gracefully away from him.

Christ, he thought, I have no right… absolutely no right…!

"Sooo… that's what you've been watching instead of studying, eh?" she said, a teasing lilt to her voice; and he saw her looking beyond him through the window at their neighbor who had bent down to retrieve something, the lusty, almost completely naked moons of her full, rounded buttocks staring directly at them. She dropped the mail and moved up beside his chair to watch. "My God, Beth might as well be naked… she certainly isn't leaving much to the imagination," she remarked, gasping at the tall raven-haired girl as she continued to bend and squat unconcernedly, puttering with her flowers.

Phillip sensed his face reddening. "Don't be ridiculous," he snapped, shuffling about in his chair. "I've got more important things on my mind…"

"Oh Honey, come on," Laurie laughed cutely. "Don't tell me you haven't been ogling Beth's charms…?"

He cut her short. "Look, Beth Tierney could be running around out there bare-assed for all the difference it would make to me," he lied, moving books and papers around on his desk nervously. "Right now, I can hardly study. All I can think of is the Party nomination for Governor coming up and how to keep Mark Coleman from getting it."

Laurie placed the full, firm cheeks of her round buttocks on the edge of his desk and studied him. "What does Uncle Julian say?" she asked softly.

"He hasn't committed himself," Phillip answered, tasting his drink. "But I can't imagine him endorsing Coleman… knowing that he's completely dominated by that scheming wife of his…"

"You don't think that Mark Coleman would make a good Governor?" she questioned, watching his disturbed, almost ruthless dark eyes.

"Byron Acker would make a better one."

"He's the City Councilman, isn't he?"

"Yes, and an honest, sincere man…"

"I've seen Mrs. Coleman several times," Laurie said. "She's very beautiful. Have you ever seen her, Darling?"

Phillip felt the blood rushing to his face again. He avoided her eyes and grunted something unintelligible as he began to fidget with his books once more. "I have to get back to studying if I'm ever going to be ready for my Bar Exams," he said, flipping pages, as though he were concentrating.

Laurie moved from his desk to stand beside him. She draped her arm around his neck, her hand resting on his shoulder. "You're trying to do too much, Darling," she said softly. "Going to school nights… working in the District Attorney's office through the day, plus getting yourself all wrapped up in Uncle Julian's politics…"

"Your Uncle Julian is the most powerful man in this State, Laurie. Whoever Judge Reed chooses to endorse as his candidate will win the nomination of the party and will undoubtedly be the next Governor. The Reed Machine is that strong… and I intend to have it behind me one day. In order to do that I've got to work and show your Uncle Julian I deserve it."

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