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Paul Gable: Trained, chained cousins

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Betty followed her cousin with her eyes, leaning against a porch support. Abbey could feel her sympathetic looks and fought not to cry. She rushed upstairs to her room, closing the door and tearing off those awful clothes. Showering several times, the girl rubbed the soap around her swollen cunt, making sure she cleaned every last drop of Al’s jizz from her pussy. But still she could feel his cock rod tunneling through her cunt, making her feel so good!

Again the girl pushed those thoughts from her mind. She would make up some excuse and leave the country as soon as she could. Dressing, Abbey was about to go downstairs when she encountered Betty in the hall. The girl was standing there, her golden hair fanned out around her narrow shoulders. She had her arms crossed, her blue eyes narrowed piercingly.

"Something happened on that road, didn't it, Abbey? I know. Something… ”

Abbey looked open-mouthed at her cousin. She couldn't have guessed she was going to confront her with the truth.

"No, I… ”

"Your clothes. The tears. Those boys, oh my God, the way they were looking at us the other day and what they said. They didn't… " Betty put both hands up to her lips, her eyes rounding in horror.

"No, no! You don't know what you're saying," Abbey whispered.

"I know. Something tells me, I don't know what, but they raped you, didn't they?”

Abbey could have told any number of lies. But suddenly having her cousin Betty confront her with this truth brought the pent-up tears of rage and hurt from her soul. She shook her head but still the tears came. Covering her face, Abbey felt her knees shaking, then giving away. She collapsed to the floor, rocking back and forth.

"Oh, oh, oh!”

The hurt cut through her like a knife now. The shame and horror and sheer terror of being stripped and fucked so brutally while everyone laughed came back to her in force. In a second she felt Betty's comforting arms around her.

"My God, my God," Betty cried over and over, hugging her sobbing cousin to her tits.

In a torrent of half-formed words Abbey told her cousin just what had happened, omitting, of course, her own pleasure. When she was through, she pulled her head up and stared tearfully at her cousin.

"I don't know what to do. I'm so mixed up," Abbey said truthfully.

Betty held her for a few moments longer, biting her lower lip as if hiding a secret.

"I'll tell you some place you can go. But you can't tell my mom. Okay?”

Abbey nodded.

"I found someone, Abbey, someone who helped me when I was feeling down," Betty began, her eyes starting to glow unnaturally.

Abbey cocked her head to one side, staring wonderingly at her cousin.

"It's a group I belong to. I just joined, a few weeks ago. But it's run with one thing in mind… loyalty to yourself, and loyalty to God and Jesus," Betty whispered.

"Oh no!”

Her cousin. Her own cousin a Jesus freak! It was almost laughable, especially under the circumstances. There she was, on the floor, sobbing out her heart and her cousin was going on and on about having joined a God cult!

"I don't think that's for me, Betty. I really think I need more professional care and… ”

"Oh no! They're very good. It's not like all those freaky stories you hear about in the papers. I think you'll find it's a lot of fun and it'll help. No one tells on anyone else, okay? Come on, we're having a meeting tonight. I told mom I'm going into town to meet some of the girls for a cheerleading party. She'd freak if she knew what I was really up to.”

Abbey thought she had to be losing her mind when she agreed. She was so confused! Still, she remembered reading about how some of those groups had men and women trained to treat various psychological problems. Perhaps she could talk to a professional and get some advice.

Dinner went quickly, Betty talking excitedly about the games coming up in several weeks once school resumed. Abbey could hardly speak, amazed by the way her cousin was pulling the wool over her aunt's and uncle's eyes. When seven o'clock rolled around the two girls slipped from the house and Betty drove them off.

"Where is this place?”

"Oh, just on the other side of town. I don't think many people know we're there. Brother Geronimus and Brother Septillian came from another group in Sacramento and found some of us here just waiting for someone like them. Oh, wait until you see them and hear them, Abbey. It'll change your life!”

Chapter 4

The group consisted of about twenty young men and women of Abbey's age. The house they inhabited was a sprawling old farmhouse that had been remarkably fixed up. There were hobby shops in some of the rooms with the boys and girls industriously making various articles to be sold, Abbey was told, on the streets of Sacramento or San Francisco to pay for the cult. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until Brother Geronimus appeared.

"Oh, there he is!" Betty gasped excitedly, pointing out a tall dark figure coming toward them from a near-by corridor.

"He's so… big!”

Brother Geronimus was indeed big-nearly six-feet-three with a black, imposing beard. Abbey drew against her cousin, feeling somewhat frightened when the man came up to them and bowed his head.

"Sisters. Sister Betty, this is someone new.”

He smiled, his black eyes glittering with something other than holy light, Abbey thought. But then again, that might be her natural skepticism on the rise once more. She tried settling herself, ignoring the wash of warmth she felt on her flesh when Brother Geronimus stared so intently at her! She couldn't help how his white teeth gleamed like ivory. And how his thick black neatly trimmed beard moved when he walked.

Abbey's eyes flashed over his body while he talked to Betty. Even with that loose-fitting brown monk's robe the girl could see his body was thick and powerful. He was young, maybe twenty-five or six, still a bit older than the boys who had popped her cherry.

Her pussy spasmed as she thought about it. No, that's not right, not here, she told herself as she tore her eyes off the big man and stared around at the others. They all worked furiously, rarely looking up at the two girls. How curious Abbey thought as she moved her eyes back to Brother Geronimus to find him staring at her.

"Is something wrong, Sister? Have you been shown around?”

"Yes… I mean no. My cousin… Betty showed me some of the things. But she hasn't been here long and… and… ”

The big man stared beneficently at her, barely smiling at her confusion. "I have some time. Betty, why don't you go into the crafts room there and help some of the others with their projects? We have to make some money for our little group. Brother Septillian will be here soon with some new converts," he said, a twinkle in his eye.

Abbey caught that little sparkle and wondered what on earth was it doing in a holy man's vision.

"Here, this way.”

He was behind her, explaining one thing and another about the crafts shops, then about the way everyone helped one another. There were live-ins, runaways, all sorts of young people who came here to live. Abbey was only half-listening to him, feeling something else other than religious fervor coming from the big handsome man behind her. The tips of her tits were so hard and itchy, scratching deliciously at her bra cups and her pussy swelled open again.

"And over here… ”

Brother Geronimus stopped, smiling broadly down at the girl. They were outside now some thirty feet away from the main building. He was guiding her out to what was a tool shed and behind her Abbey could hear the busy sounds of the group.

She was still unsure of this man and his cult. Who was he? Betty had given her some details-they had religious group meeting every Thursday where they discussed various parts of the Bible and how it applies to modern-day life. Brother Geronimus had also mentioned something about self-help groups. Perhaps there was something about rape clinic help here, Abbey thought.

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