Elizabeth Watson - An unholy desire

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An unholy desire: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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For answer, he accepted, trying to keep his eyes above where the towel she was wearing had fallen part-way open over her breasts. Cumsville! He could see some of the deep, mind-bending crease between her tits, even a part of one where it began to swell out from her chest like a Playboy gem… soft looking… creamy white from a bikini halter… and even part of one full satiny thigh! No question! He'd bet his crummy paycheck she was naked and bare-assed underneath that towel that kept slipping!

Suddenly, she leaned forward, displaying all but the nipples of her rounded white breasts to him as she touched the sewed-on crest of his high school letter sweater. "What does it mean, dear, and how did you get it?" she throatily questioned, the soft tips of her fingers searing into his chest like branding irons!

"Pole vaulting," he answered, his eyes burning from the strain he was putting on them. "I… I won this last spring."

"Really? Pole vaulting? Now you'll have to refresh my memory, doll, what's that?"

"That's… that's when you run with a pole and stick it in the ground and jump over a pole…" God, but it sounded dumb when he said it.

"That's beautiful darling!" Ann exclaimed, clutching at his broad youthful hand, the smooth softness of it as intoxicating to her as the feel of its hot, young masculinity. God, he was a beautiful young specimen. The feel of him and his nearness were creating new blinding shocks of incredibly sensual fire, fusing her with unknown daring. God almighty, she had to have him… had to! "What… what did your girlfriend say when you got the sweater? Bet she was proud of her boyfriend, huh?" She studied his expression over the rim of her glass.

"Well… I-I haven't been going with any girls for a while… not since I've been working part time, that is. Oh, there's been a couple on the side, but I get tired of the bitches nagging at me, calling me and wanting me to take them out," he boasted foundlessly. Hearing his own tight-throated reply as if it'd garbled out of a third person in the room, he realized he'd never been so fucking uptight in his whole life and his painfully throbbing cock was as hard as a pole.

Oh man, what should he do…? She was coming on about as subtle as an earthquake, and he wanted it, whatever it was that she was coming on with… but he was scared shitless!

"Yes, I guess it must be hard for such an athlete like you to keep the girls away. Tell me, Eddie," she said with an air of confidentiality, raising her eyebrows as she took another long sip of her chilled wine. "Do you really think morality has changed since the advent of drugs?"

"I-l really don't know, ma'am," he stammered nervously, clutching his ice tea glass till his knuckles turned white.

"Do you turn on?" Ann half-whispered, letting her tiny pink tongue slip out to nervously run over her lushly heated lips. He said something, but she paid little attention, her now seething thoughts racing madly as she leaned even closer to the virile teenager. Then she did it, without even thinking; she set down her glass and reaching out for his hand, slowly put it inside her terry cloth towel, pressing it against one vibrantly naked breast.

"A young man like you needs an… an older girl, Eddie, my love," she whispered, moving her face nearer to his until she could smell the delicious, clean aroma of soap from his fresh, youthful skin. "A… a girl more my age… in fact… a girl I know very well."

Short of being mummified, Eddie could only gape at her! She was holding his hand tight against the softly yielding warmth of her naked breast, and he wondered crazily if the smooth mound of pliant flesh might not burn a hole right into his palm! Christ! He didn't know what to think, let alone do! Her naked, soft, hot tit right in his hand! Jesus, oh Jesus! Mrs. Dexter, the doll every guy on the street would give his left nut just to touch. Oh, Jesus, he'd never been so turned on his whole life, and if he didn't keep a lid on the explosion, he just might blow his wad right there and ruin everything!

Ann found her own use of words catching in her throat! God, she'd never done anything the equal of this in her life… but it was a bit late to reflect on the morals department, even if she wanted to, wasn't it? What should she do with him? Oooohhh… did she want to suck him? He was so young and so handsome… and… and it, his young splendor, had to be the same! It was an integral part of him… his beautiful teenage cock… his youthfully sweet sperm…!

"Y-You haven't really answered me, Eddie, baby… about a girl my age…" she hissed, her torrid eyes hungrily devouring him.

"I-I said… I didn't know…"

"Do… do you want to find out, baby?"

He swallowed hard, his young Adam's apple intensively working. "Yes… if you want to…!"

The licentiously flushed young wife sensed a chill of rapture prickle over her near-nakedness. She lowered her eyes and saw the revealing bulge at the front of his jeans. She kissed him lightly on the lips and dropped one hand down to touch his cock with an exploring, caressing feel, whispering, "Ah yes, you do like me, darling. I can tell by how hard your cock is!"

Eddie gasped out, his muscular, young teenage body uncontrollably jerking at the contact of her caressing hand with his swollen stalk of male hardness. He gaped down at her thumb and forefinger, watching them trace the elongated outline of his throbbing cock with a gentle touch, the sudden fear that he might shoot-off right there in his shorts sending a shudder over his youthful frame.

"Wh-What're you going to do?" he blurted, writhing excitedly beneath her caressing hand, and feeling like an idiot after he'd said it.

"I'm going to love it for you, doll!" the near-naked Ann lewdly whispered, dropping from the chair onto her knees and gently spreading his strong young legs wide apart as she worked her way between them. "You want me to, and I want to!" She looked up at him, her frenzied blue eyes pools of tinted, female lechery. "You… you do want me to, don't you Eddie?"

"Uggghhh… yes, you know I do!"

God, she'd had no idea that a boy of his age would have such a length and thickness! She caught hold of both his hands and placed them inside the towel, molding them to her tingling, hardened nippled breasts as she knelt between his legs! She pulled open the towel, loosening the knot so that any slight tug would make it come undone, then she began to unzip his fly! Unbuttoning the Levi's at the top, she tugged them loose, looking up at him without a word to make him lift up so that she could draw them down, then she began to work inside the white cotton of his jockey shorts. Instead of lowering those immediately, she slipped her hand inside the front opening, letting her eager fingers curl around the swollen heat of his virile young cock, while the back of her hand brushed the soft pubic hair of his lean loins!

"Oh… oh damn, Mrs… Ann!" he chokingly whimpered, his ardent young hands excitedly clutching her full ripened breasts.

"Raise up again, lover," she whispered, tugging his shorts down as he did, revealing the climactic delight of his entire, sensually inflamed young cock and balls completely exposed to her in their own lustful, fired state! God, what a handsome young cock! Teenage? Who would believe that, if it were all they saw of him? It was so long and so thick, yet white and unscarred, its bluish veins transparent within the sleek, hot jacket of its foreskin! And his sperm-filled youthful balls… so delicately fringed with softly curling dark hair, a virtue-destroying sight to any normal red-blooded American woman! He was breath-taking!

The fiery head… only the end… of his throbbing cock protruded from its encasing sleeve of tender skin. A tiny droplet of pearl-like liquid clung to its tipped slit, glistening in the sunlight streaming through the windows over the piano, and Ann almost insanely wondered if her husband ever knew of the erotic descriptions he'd so graphically reported in his interviews. Nothing could describe this delectable teenage beauty, she maddeningly thought as she leaned down close to it, flicking out her tiny pink tongue to steal that illusive drop!

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