Benton Collier - The jealous protector

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Benton Collier

The jealous protector


The small California valley lay quiet under the eerie light of a full moon. There were a few clouds in the dark sky, but they were so thin and wispy that they seemed to vanish like gossamer as they drifted across the face of the moon.

The valley was dotted with small houses scattered in haphazard fashion. It was hardly a town. There was a general store and a gas station, but no real center. Most of the houses stood on two or three acres of land; little homesteads with their own gardens and a few chickens. In a few years this would be just another suburb of the malignantly growing city that lay so near, but now it was still a haven of peace and beauty.

The night was warm; it was mid-summer. One of the little farms seemed smaller and older than the others, or maybe it was just the special nature of the moonlight. It was way out on the farthest edge of the valley by itself. In the daylight, with all the magic of the night stripped from it, it might have looked ragged and untended. But now the warped boards of the tool shed and barn, the sagging verandah at the front of the main house, the uneven clumps of wild grass were all a perfect playground for the moon. The whole place was a contrast of light and dark, from the white gleam of the ancient wood to the deep shadows trapped under the thick tangles of trees and bushes.

It had been completely still up to now, almost as if every living creature had been frozen into a kind of hypnotized silence by the strange light that illuminated the place. But suddenly a deep moan issued from behind a thicket of vines and then there was the suggestion of a half-hidden movement. It was dark where the sound had issued from, but then the moonlight shone upon something white. It was the face of a young girl, twisted in uncertainty. Another moan issued from her lips as the figure of a young boy hovered over her.

"Ooooh, Danny, I think we should stop." Her voice was shaky and breathless.

The boy looked down at her, unable to move. This had already gone much further than he had expected and he was a little frightened. He and the girl had gone into these bushes just a few minutes ago to steal a hidden kiss and one thing had led to another. Now she lay panting and twisting beneath him. He had never seen her like this. In fact, in all his sixteen years he had never seen any girl just like this. There hadn't been much opportunity in this little town, but now Patty Edwards, the girl he had had a crush on for almost a year lay writhing beneath him, her moans of passion exciting him as he had never been excited before. He could feel his hotly pulsing penis forming a great bulge under his thin trousers. He felt helpless against its desperate throbbing, and the desire to take her right there on the ground raced through his entire body. He could feel the warmth of her flesh, smell her intoxicating female odor. Her voluptuously firm body pressed up against him causing a scorching tingle deep in his loins.

Patty reached out for him and clasped him tightly, desperately. He could hear her heavy breathing. The tenderness and love he felt for her made his longing even stronger and he gasped, "God, we've got to stop this right now or it'll be too late. I can't stand it much longer."

Her answer was a low animal-like moan deep in her throat. Her hands clasped his neck and pulled his face down against hers so that their cheeks caressed while her hips pressed against him, rubbing up and down against the hard protuberance of his erection. With a joyful feeling that they were one person rather than two, he buried his lips in her neck and moved his hands quiveringly down the smooth warm flesh of her upper back until they were hidden underneath her between her dress and the ground.

As his lewdly exploring fingers reached the beginning of the outward flare of her hips, he pulled her ripe young body up hard against him. His hands moved down over the softness of her flesh until they were cupping her firmly rounded buttocks in sensual ecstasy. He forced her hips into his, crushing her loins against his penis until it hurt him, torturing himself. Her buttocks were smooth and hard as she strained against him, then she relaxed and the twin mounds swelled out into his hands.

"Do you love me?" he whispered, praying for an answer.

Her arms moved tighter around his neck in reply and she kissed him so hard that his lips were crushed back against his teeth and he could hardly breathe.

"I love you," she whispered softly. Patty Edwards' whole being thrilled with the words as she said them. She had dreamed of this moment nearly the whole two years she had been living in the valley. She had fallen for Danny Peters soon after she had begun classes in the small local school, but at first he had not seemed to notice her. She had been thirteen then against his fourteen, and she had to admit thinking back that there hadn't been much about her to notice. She had been a skinny kid, but about a year ago she had suddenly started to change. Her angular body had blossomed out with amazing speed. Many nights in the privacy of her room she had taken her clothes off and excitedly looked in the mirror to see how her breasts had swelled out high and firm and to marvel at the silky sheen of softly curling pubic hair that had made its appearance as a little sensuous triangle up between her long shapely legs.

And just a few months ago Danny had begun to notice her. She wasn't sure just when it had started but sometimes at school she had felt his eyes on her, and he seemed to keep appearing in the same places she did. She had been careful. The first few times he started to speak to her she had been cool and unresponsive, as if she didn't care whether lie existed or not. She didn't want him to get the impression that she was going to be an easy conquest for him, knowing instinctively that men never respected that kind of girl and would use them and quickly cast them aside. No, she had been careful and he had come after her, convincing himself little by little that this seemingly unattainable creature was the only girl he could ever possibly want.

She had started letting him come over to the house just a few weeks ago, and sometimes he took her to the soda fountain at the old-fashioned general store and bought her some ice cream. And tonight. Tonight had just happened. Perhaps it had been the moon. And then he had kissed her. He had kissed her before, but always shyly, timidly, as if he were afraid that she would run away from him if he showed any passion.

But it had been different tonight. They had sat down together in the deep shade of the bushes where they could look out at the moon swept yard without being seen. They had moved close together and he had taken her in his arms and kissed her hard on the mouth, a deep burning passionate kiss that she had felt echo clear through her whole being. Her body had responded in a way that had amazed her and in a few minutes they were lying on the ground pressed tightly together, writhing against one another as their accumulated frustrations came to the surface. She knew that she should be even more careful now, that she could ruin the whole of her carefully laid plans, but she was helpless now, ruled completely by the growing fire that burned up between her firm young thighs, brought to life by his hands as they ran up and down over her body with growing urgency.

Danny's fingers slid over her now hotly throbbing breasts and moved down the roundness of her hips to the resilient firmness of her thighs. They began to work at the hem of her dress, pulling it up slowly until he could feel the soft silky fabric of her little white bikini panties. She moaned gently under his insistent touch and pulled him tighter against her. It was then that she felt the sudden shock of something cool and damp being shoved against her unprotected belly, accompanied by a low puzzled whine. She looked up quickly to see her German shepherd, Champ, trying to force his head in between her body and Danny's. He was whining and seemed very upset by their frantic movements, but the girl had no time for him now.

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