Brad Allison - Brother and sister

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Brad Allison

Brother and sister


Nancy Goodman softened in her boyfriend's embrace and held her mouth up for a kiss, shivering as she felt his right hand slip from her waist toward her bulging blouse. Henry Walton was rather good looking and smooth, she liked to date him, he was the right age for her, twenty-one to her seventeen, but somehow the sparks did not really fly when they were together.

She was much too aware of the couple in the back seat, her own handsome blond brother Steve and her best girlfriend, Toni Allen. On the drive from town, where the four had gone to an outdoor movie in the Walton family sedan, Toni and Steve had started playing around, and now Toni's pleased giggles and certain movements in the shadows of the rear seat told Nancy that Toni was really having a bundle of fun.

No wonder! Steve was the most popular unattached young man in Potter, he was going to WSU on a baseball scholarship, and young sexy chicks were calling him all the time. Nancy knew, because she answered the phone at home a lot, and she was sure that Steve was screwing several of them!

But Toni seemed to have the inside track; she was leggy and pretty and had been Miss Everything in high school, rather bold where Nancy was shy.

And I'm sure Steve is fucking her! Nancy thought. She said she's on the Pill, and I know my brother's reputation. If they don't put out, he dates somebody else! I still have my cherry, though. I'm saving it for a very special guy… Not Henry, either. Oh, I can't dream about this awful thing that's inside me, who I REALLY want! I must be twisted and evil because ever since I was twelve I've been nuts about my own brother!

As Henry's mouth melded into Nancy's opened, waiting lips, as his hand slid across her blouse, cuddling a tender, thinly covered breast, an excited giggle from Toni made her shudder.

"Oooohhh, Steve! Now you stop that!"

Steve's interested chuckle, another series of movements in the back seat shadows, which Nancy could see dimly via the rear-view mirror, sent waves of terrible envy through Nancy's body. A very definite aroma of pussy was in the air in spite of the opened windows, and Toni's sudden whimper of pleasure, a little intimate gasp, could mean only one thing – Steve was either screwing her or was nearly ready to!

The sounds were affecting Henry, too. His mouth pressed down harder on Nancy's lips, he began to unfasten her blouse. She had let him go quite a way the last few dates, she did love being kissed and fondled by a good-looking guy, she was turning on, she really did need a lot of it, but she would go only so far.

In spite of what a lot of hep young chicks around town were doing, Nancy wanted to be a "nice" girl. Ohhh, she knew a lot about sex, she had experienced her first orgasm at twelve, she had been having them regularly ever since, using her fingers on her clitoris, a thing she no longer felt really guilty about because a book she had read at fourteen had told her that normal girls had to have relief, just like boys.

But she carried no contraceptives, she had to be good! One little squirt of cum and her fun days would be all over…

Potter was really a square town, a farming center in the Palouse churchy wheat belt, and good girls were still expected to present the groom with an unbroken hymen. Toni was careful, too – Steve was the only guy she had ever gone steady with, she did not put out the way some of the mod GO-GO chicks did, she was very popular.

Of course Nancy was not really sure they fucked. There were lots of ways to have fun without going the distance. Nancy knew most of them herself! But with Toni on the Pill, what else was there to assume…

Although the girls were very good friends, and they talked in roundabout ways about sex and guys, Toni had never really admitted that Steve was getting his prick in her. Probably because Nancy was his sister and was considered rather naive.

I'm not as green as they think I am! she thought, opening her mouth so Henry could stroke his tongue in and out. I'm getting so I can cum real good on my hand, especially after a date! But the trouble is, I dream about Steve when I have my goodies! It's terrible, it's incestuous, it's forbidden, but he's so wonderful and handsome and sexy I just can't help myself. I wish HE would get my cherry! He could have it any time he wanted it! Double-dating with him is awful torture! And Henry believes HE is turning me on. When we go out alone I hardly feel anything.

A muffled, excited gurgle of pleasure from Toni, a pleased chuckle from Steve, more squirming in the back seat that rocked the car a little were like hot daggers in Nancy's crotch. She slid her arms around Henry's neck and darted her tongue across his. He shuddered, his hand working faster on her blouse. Her nipples were rising in her bulging, lacy bra, she felt wetness in her bikini pants.

"Oooohhhh!" Toni gasped. There was a sudden rhythmic creaking of the rear seat cushion, rising above the music coming from the radio, then a faint unmistakable groan of male delight, and a long gaspy sigh from Toni! One of her legs kicked the back of the seat, the aroma of pussy was now stronger! Ohhhh, they were fucking!

Henry's mouth swerved away from Nancy's puffy lips, he muttered thickly as his hand fumbled with her bra.

"Let's take a blanket and split, Nancy! Jeeeesus!"

"I won't go the route!" she whispered.

Henry shuddered, releasing her and reaching under the front seat. He drew a blanket out, and Nancy reached for the car door handle. But she hesitated. When the dome light went on she would be able to see Steve and Toni actually going at it!

"We'll be back in a while, you two," Henry said. Nancy knew it was a signal that the light would turn on. There was a scramble in the back seat, several girlish giggles, and when Nancy did open the door Steve and Toni were sitting up and she was trying to pull her opened blouse together. Her red hair was tousled, her lipstick smeared and a pair of thin green panties rested on the seat beside her…

Nancy hurried out of the car, her hands shaky, her pussy turning damp and itchy. They had parked near a grove of trees on the outskirts of the village, there was a lot of thick grass this time of year in mid-July.

"Have fun, you two!" Toni giggled.

Nancy was unable to answer. Henry came around the car, carrying the blanket and Nancy clutched at her handbag, her legs trembling. She had never had a "blanket date", she had gone out with only a few guys and Henry was the only one who had ever gotten her breasts out and fondled her between the thighs. She had never had an orgasm with a date; she always had her relief after she got home!

She was familiar with Henry's prick, though. The last few times they had dated, with Steve and Toni, Nancy had played with his bare prick and worked on it until he had his climax. He deserved that, at least! After some hot kissing and fooling around just a few squeezes on his cock brought his fun; she always aimed his prick away from her crotch, though. She had heard about a girt getting knocked up by letting her boyfriend squirt on her panties.

Several yards from the car, behind a row of bushes, Henry spread the blanket and caught her around the waist, drawing her down. She was already feeling a certain coolness, her need was not as strong as it had been in the front seat.

Knowing that Steve was getting his prick in Toni's cunt made me wild! she thought. But now that I'm away from my big, handsome brother I don't feel really excited. Henry just doesn't have what I crave. I'm NOT going to fuck, no matter what!

A pleased laugh from Toni seemed to drive a dagger in Nancy's pussy. Steve was surely screwing her again! Now they could fuck and fuck and not be interrupted! She was safe, she was on the Pill. Steve's reputation was true; if his dates didn't fuck he found another willing chick.

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