Norma Egan - Virgin in heat

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Norma Egan

Virgin in heat


In the small Mid-Western town of Oakdale courting couples gathered by the dozens every Saturday night at Trout Lake to play a familiar game. In each parked car a boy was trying to persuade a girl to go just a little farther. And in one car, a green '72 Chevy, the boy seemed to be succeeding.

"Wendy, baby," Dick Borden panted, "I want you so much."

Wendy Evans eagerly returned Dick's hot embrace and sighed, "I want you, too, Dick."

"How much do you want me?" Dick said, nuzzling her neck. "Enough to marry me?"

Wendy drew back. "Dick," she said sadly, "you know that isn't possible."

Dick gave her a hurt look, and once again Wendy felt caught in a terrible dilemma. She loved Dick and had been planning to marry him for a long time. But recently she'd had a chance to enter the Miss North America beauty pageant, the dream of her life, and the pageant wasn't open to married women. She had to choose between the man she loved and the greatest ambition of her life.

"Does that damned contest really mean so much to you?" Dick said bitterly.

Wendy bit her lip. "Dick, I want to be in that contest more than anything," she said. "It means so much to me. We could get married after the contest. We'd only have to wait a year."

"We've already waited two years," Dick snapped. "I'm not waiting any longer. Marry me now, Wendy, or forget it."

Wendy felt a sudden rush of anger. She was only twenty years old, a spectacular tall brunette beauty with her whole life ahead of her, and Dick wanted her just to settle down in a one-horse town and have babies. Much as she loved him, she wanted more out of life than that.

"I'm sorry, Dick," she said, "but I'm going to enter that contest, and I'm going to win."

"And to hell with me?" Dick said angrily. "All right, baby, to hell with you, too. But before we say goodbye, I'm going to get something I've always wanted from you – and I'm going to get it now."

He grabbed Wendy roughly, nearly squeezing the breath out of her, and kissed her hard. In spite of her anger, Wendy felt the melting lust she'd always had for him. They'd never gone all the way, wanting to wait for marriage, but sometimes it was damned hard to resist. Like now. Wendy wanted Dick so badly she could have screamed.

Dick pressed his lips hard against hers, forcing her lips open. He snaked his wet hot tongue deep into her mouth. As his tongue played hungrily over her tongue, Wendy felt her horny virgin pussy swelling up plump and hot, a feeling she very often got with Dick.

So far she'd been able to resist that feeling, but tonight it seemed harder than ever. Soon she'd be leaving town for the beauty pageant, and it would be a long time before she saw Dick again. Maybe she'd never see him again, he was so angry at her. If she was going to go all the way with him, now was the time.

Yet something held her back from surrendering her virginity. It would be a pretty big step to take after all. She and Dick had always agreed it was right to wait for marriage. Locked in his hot exciting embrace, Wendy just didn't know what to do.

As he kissed her ravenously, his tongue teasing hers, Dick slid his hands up and down her tall voluptuous body, feeling every curve. That excited Wendy even more. She couldn't resist running her hands over his body, too, feeling the hard-muscled flesh. Dick was twenty-two and extremely well built.

"Ummmmm," Wendy murmured.

Damn those contest rules. She would have loved to run off with Dick tonight and get married. They could stay at a motel and finally do all the things they'd wanted to do with each other. She'd finally know what it was like to take his cock into her body. But as a married woman she couldn't compete in the pageant – so marriage was out.

Dick finally broke their long steamy kiss and whispered hoarsely, "You want me. I can feel it."

"Yes, of course I want you, Dick," Wendy sighed, "but we agreed to wait till we're married."

Dick spoke in a harsher tone. "Well, we're not getting married. YOU decided that, Wendy. This may be the last time we'll be together – so why not fuck each other now?"

Wendy blushed. He'd never used that word around her before. "Dick," she said desperately, "please be reasonable. Even if I win the contest, we'll only have to wait a year. And if I don't win, it could be just a matter of weeks. Let's wait."

"No, I've waited long enough for you," Dick said coldly. "Jesus Christ, Wendy, I'm only human. I've been so horny for you for so long, it hurts. No, I'm not going to wait any longer for you. I'm gonna have you NOW."

He pushed Wendy down on the seat of the car and rolled on top of her, pinning her in place. Wendy squeaked in alarm and tried to push him oft but he was too heavy for her. He began kissing and pawing her, his breathing loud and raspy. She'd never seen him out of control before. He seemed bent on raping her.

"Dick, no, please," she gasped. "I'm not ready. I don't want to do it."

Dick silenced her with a savage kiss. Wendy felt totally confused. She wanted to ball him, and yet she didn't. She would have loved going all the way with him in bed, as his wife, but not on the seat of a car in a rough near-rape. She wanted everything to be just right when she gave up being a virgin.

Yet she couldn't deny the molten-hot swelling in her pussy as Dick kissed and caressed her. She was just as horny as he was, though her modesty wouldn't let her admit it. Whenever she and Dick necked, her virgin slit would grow swollen and wet and hot like this, and she'd ache to know what it was like to make love totally.

Dick fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, and Wendy felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Sometimes she'd let Dick fondle her tits through her blouse, but she'd never let him see or touch her naked breasts. She'd been raised by very strict parents, and she knew when to draw the line.

"Dick, no, please don't do that," she whimpered.

"For God's sake," he panted, "be reasonable, Wendy. It's our last time together. At least let me look at your body. Give me that much to remember."

Wendy melted. It seemed like such a little thing to do, considering that she was walking out on their engagement, giving up Dick in order to follow her own ambitions. He'd always been so gentle and patient before, too, never going farther than she wanted. Perhaps he deserved a reward.

"All right, Dick," she said shyly. "But you can only look."

"Sure," he sighed, "I'll only look."

He awkwardly unbuttoned her blouse, while Wendy lay trembling beneath him. Now that she'd given her permission she felt scared and embarrassed. No one, not even her mother, had seen her mature breasts naked. Dick finally got her blouse open and drew it oft leaving her in just her dainty white lace bra.

"Oh, Jesus," he breathed.

Wendy had very large breasts, the cleavage deep and ripe, and her full tits seemed about to burst from the tight confinement of her bra. The white cups poked straight up, luminous in the moonlight. Dick's hands sweated and shook as he reached around her and fumbled with the hook of her bra.

At last he got the catch open. Wendy blushed hotly as he drew off her bra and dropped it on the floor of the car. Both she and Dick stared in wonder at her pale full tits. It seemed unreal after two years of courtship during which they'd never removed an article of clothing.

"Jesus, you're gorgeous," Dick said at last, his voice husky with longing.

Wendy's big full breasts were perfectly firm and pointed even though she lay on her back. They were the size of small watermelons and similarly shaped. The flesh of her boobs was creamy-pale, in contrast to the healthy tan over the rest of her body. She had dainty little nipples the color of coffee and cream.

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