Bob Hawkins - Doing it for brother

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It surprised no one. She was always watching the television or spending her afternoons even her evenings at the movies.

Linda and Alice had been counting on this very thing. Now they could be alone in the house with Sam.

They had a plan.

There was a loud thud and crash upstairs.

Sam tore up the stairs five at a time and raced down the hall to the bathroom just as Alice was stepping out the door.

"Hurry, Mr. Brooks!" she cried, holding her bathrobe closed over her belly.

"What the hell happened?"

Alice stepped aside as Sam strode into the bathroom. He stopped short. There, sprawled out on the tiles of the bathroom floor, was Linda. She was half-in and half-out of the shower stall, one leg bent under her body.

Sam gawked openly at her.

She was stark naked. Her legs were wide open.

And her one leg, twisted as it was under her, forced her naked little pussy into a high and obvious position.

"Ooooo, Daddy," Linda moaned. "I slipped and hurt my leg. Please help me up."

Sam gulped hard, glanced at Alice, who had let the collar of bet robe slip open to expose the tops of her large tits. He knelt beside Linda and started to reach out to slide an arm under her body. But the girl's utter nakedness made him hesitate. He longed to lift her tiny tight body and hug her to him as he carried her down to her bedroom and laid her out gently on her bed.

But he wondered how Linda would react.

His eyes flickered toward Alice again. Her pretty eyes were glittering strangely. She had a slight upward curl to her full sensuous lips. She was looking him straight in the eye, not flinching at all.

He gave her a tentative smile.

Alice broke into a lull sweet sexy smile of her own, even nodded a little bit.

Sam was stunned, but suddenly his heart was hammering hard.

He looked down at Linda.

She was looking into her father's eyes, too. There was no hint of pain in her eyes, only a smiling and innocently teasing hint of lust.

He scooped the light little body up into his arms, and Linda threw her arms around his strong neck.

She nuzzled her face into his throat as he carried her down the hallway to her bedroom, with Alice leading the way.

Sam carefully laid the naked girl out on her bed and straightened back up. He stood there, breathing hard as he wondered what the fuck to do next. He was afraid to make the first real move, and he was even more afraid that these two relatively inexperienced little girls would be unable to make it. They might be playing the game right so far, but Sam was getting too horny to let it go on much longer without some real relief.

He cleared his throat.

"Uh what happened in there?" he asked sternly.

Alice was grinning.

Linda was smiling smugly to herself. Both girls kept looking at each other, signaling for someone to say something.

"Well?" Sam asked again.

"Uh… nothing, Dad. I mean, I fell – I guess and hurt myself, and Alice went to get you."

"Ummm-hmmm," Sam said, making a face of disbelief. "Well, girls, why don't you just come right out with it? You've been on the verge of hysterics all morning and all afternoon. Now come on, out with it."

Both girls burst into laughter.

They giggled and chuckled and covered their pretty mouths with delicate hands and blushed.

"You tell him, Alice," Linda begged, one hand pressed to her naked belly.

"OK," Alice said, stifling her giggles.

"Well, I guess this is the best way to say it, Mr. Brooks.

Alice simply yanked the cord at her waist and shrugged, and suddenly she was standing in front of Linda's dad, naked as the day she was born and ten times as beautiful, with her robe in a billowy mass around heir ankles.

Sam sucked a deep lungful of air and let his eyes take in the incredible beauty of the girl. She was utterly magnificent in her nakedness. Her huge tits stood out straight and firm, really needing no support at all.

Her belly was hard and flat and her cunt hair was full and dark. Her thighs were, long and slender.

Alice obligingly turned around and stuck out her bare ass.

Sam shuddered at the sight of those twin globes of sweet young virgin ass meat. Alice's flesh was smooth and tanned, without a hint of a bikini mark. She was absolutely delicious.

She wiggled her ass, a bit for the man, then turned back, a huge sexy smile on her face.

"I want you to fuck the shit out of me, Mr. Brooks."

Alice said the words so matter-of-factly that if he hadn't been standing right there with the girl before him, totally naked, offering herself, he would have never believed it possible.

"And so do I, Daddy!" Linda said from the bed.

Sam glanced at his young daughter. She, too, was a stunner of a little pussy. Her cunt was less hairy than his cousin's, but it had a beautiful downy growth of pale yellow cunt hair that just barely hid the full puffy mounds of her pussy-lips.

Sam was nearly drooling at the prospect being so openly offered to him. "God Almighty!"

Alice reached out and began stroking his forearm, playing with the hair on his arm.

Sam almost jerked it away.

His thoughts were totally scrambled. He longed to fuck both girls, but he could foresee nothing but horrible trouble for himself if he gave in and did it to them.

"We know you were watching us last night, Daddy," Linda said softly.

Sam blushed hotly.

"How… how do you know a thing like that?"

Alice clutched his arm tighter.

"We saw you looking through the peephole," she said as if it were hilarious.

Sam quivered. He felt hot and faint. He started to draw away from the girl's soothing hands.

"No, don't pull away, sir," Alice pleaded, reaching up with one arm and grabbing his shoulder.

"If you don't fuck us," she whispered in his ear, "we'll tell your wife about your hideout up in the attic."

Damn kids!

Sam gritted his teeth. The was blackmail. Damn it all, all he'd done was have a little fun innocent fun spying on a young girl in her bed.

"Yes, Daddy. If you don't fuck both of us, we'll tell on you," Linda said, her voice light and airy.

Sam suddenly realized that they had no intention of telling anyone anything. They were merely giving him an out, in case fucking two young girls was causing him some problems.

So, be thought, they really do want some fucking and sucking. And they're begging for it, in the only way they know how.

Sam relaxed and smiled slightly at both girls.

"You want some cock… is that it, ladies?"

Alice grinned and nodded. She lifted one leg and rubbed her knee gently against the man's thighs. She could feel the huge bulge of his already hard cock inside his pants.

"He's ready for us, all right, Linda," she snickered.

Linda looked her daddy right in the eyes and slowly and blatantly spread her slender thighs wide. She lifted her ass off the bed, offering the moist virgin delights of her cunt to her own father.

Sam licked his lips.

Alice was reaching down along the front of his pants now, cupping his cock and balls through his pants.

"OK," he said. "I'm yours. Do with me what you will!"

He grinned as he felt Alice's eager fingers seeking the zipper on his pants.

He decided to let them do whatever they wanted. It had been a long time since any woman had undressed him. His wife had lost interest in sex, it seemed to Sam, about three seconds after they were married.

He felt his cock lurch as Alice ran the zipper down, and his underpants bulged out through the gaping hole in his pants.

Alice sighed and cupped the hot bulge tenderly. She caressed it lovingly, pressing and stroking, feeling the rigidness of the man's tremendous cock.

"He's as big as any pretend cock, Linda!" Alice cried in utter amazement. She had never dreamed that a real cock could be so fucking huge and hard!

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