Nick Eastwood - Virgins in heat

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Nick Eastwood

Virgins in heat


Riverport, a small college town on the Pacific Coast, has small hidden beaches where a person feels free to do just about anything, safe from the eyes of the public. On a warm May afternoon three young women walked to one of those beaches and stretched out in their bikinis to have a very private talk. In Riverport you didn't talk about sex just any old place.

The girls were college roommates, and all of them were eighteen years old, but physically they weren't much alike. Patty was a tall blonde with very large melon-shaped tits that looked ready to pop from her tiny bikini bra. Linda, a redhead of average height, had gorgeous long legs and perfectly firm round tits the size of grapefruits. Chris was a tiny brunette with a sleek curvy body and apple size tits. Each girl was attractive in her own way.

Their friendship went back a long time, for their parents had sent them all to the same convent schools. There Patty, Linda and Chris use to crawl into the same bed at night and whisper under the covers, speculating about where babies came from and bow boys were different from girls. They were still wondering about some of these things. Now it was their first year of college, their first chance to really find out about sex.

"I think I'm horny," Patty was saying.

"What does that mean?" Chris giggled.

"I'm not sure, but I heard some girls talking about it in the dorm," Patty said. "It means when you're really hot to fuck."

"Boy, your vocabulary is sure growing since you got to college," Linda teased. "So tell us, smarty, how do you know you want to fuck?"

"I've got this really weird feeling in my pussy," Patty sighed. "All hot and wet. I've had it for days. In fact I almost went all the way on a date last week."

Linda and Chris' attention picked up. "Oh, wow, tell us about it," Chris urged.

"Ok, but you guys have to tell me about your dates, too," Patty said. "You two didn't get in till after midnight last Friday, either. I bet there's a story behind that."

"Okay, we'll tell you about it," Linda said, "but toil us about your date first."

"Well, I went to a dance with this jock named Dave," Patty began.

Her friends groaned. "A jock?" Linda said. "How'd you find anything to talk about?"

"Hey, get off my back, you two," Patty said. "You know I have trouble finding guys tall enough to go out with. This dude was a basketball player and not too bad-looking, either. Now, you wanta hear the rest?"

"Yes, yes," Chris said, "we won't interrupt again."

"Okay," Patty said, "so we went to the dance and stayed till midnight, and as he was driving me back to campus I started getting this horny feeling. I don't know how to describe it, except my pussy felt all swollen and kinda wet. So when Dave warned to park and make out, I thought, why not? I mean I didn't intend to go all the way – not then, anyhow. And we got to kissing and feeling each other up, and I got so damned turned on. I don't know what came over me, I didn't like the guy that much, but I just wanted to go on doing it. You ever get that feeling, when you're necking with a guy, that you wanta go on and on, and you don't care where it stops."

"Oh, wow, do I over," Linda sighed.

"Me, too," Chris said. "I guess the only thing us is all that stuff they kept telling us at the convent, about how you'll go to hell if you fuck before you're married. But, go on, Patty. Then what happened?"

Patty grinned and said, "Well, Dave wanted to get naked. He said it'd be more fun that way. That sounded really exciting to me, so I said yes."

Her friends gasped. "Oh, my gosh," Linda said, "you let him see everything? You saw his cock?" She was breathless with excitement.

"Yep," Patty grinned, "we took all our clothes off and felt each other all over. Jesus, what a rush. I was just going crazy. He put his hand on my pussy and started rubbing, and it felt so great I got soaking wet down there. Creamed all over his hand." She giggled at the memory. "Hope he didn't think I peed."

"What did his cock look like?" Chris asked eagerly.

"Well, I couldn't see too well, 'cause it was dark," Patty said, "but it looked like a great big white sausage, bigger than a hot dog. It was hard as a rock, too, real big and stiff."

"Did you touch it?" Linda said.

"Yeah, he asked me to," Patty said, "and I was really curious, so I put my fingers around it and kinda pumped it. It was hot and smooth, and pretty soon it started dripping some hot sticky stuff onto my hand. That's when Dave got really excited. He started begging me to let him fuck me."

"Oh, wow, what'd you do then?" Chris said, almost panting with wicked curiosity.

"I was trying to makeup my mind," Patty said. "I really wanted to fuck. I'm just dying to know what it's like. But I wasn't sure I wanted to do it with him, you dig? So while I was trying to decide, he kept rubbing my pussy, and it felt better and better, and then suddenly – well, I came. I came like a bomb."

"Oh, WOW!" Linda and Chris chorused.

They were pretty impressed. Even back in the convent school the three girls had masturbated. They'd discovered how to play with themselves when they were just thirteen. By now they were experts at getting themselves off with their own fingers. But coming with a guy was something else.

"But you didn't go all the way with him?" Linda said. "How'd you stop him?"

Patty grinned wickedly. "It was an accident," she said. "Like I told you, I started to come, and I got so excited I just squeezed his cock real hard in my fist and started pumping it like crazy. And Dave groaned real loud and shot all this white stuff all over me and the car. A whole bunch of it came shooting out of his cock. That's how guys come, I guess."

"Anyhow, he was pissed off about the mess, 'cause it was his buddy's car, and he took me home. I decided it was just as well. I didn't wanta fuck him anyhow. But it sure was exciting. I was never so horny in my life." She sighed as she savored the memory of almost making it with that basketball player with the huge stiff cock. "Well, that's it," she said. "Now you guys tell me about your dates. Linda?"

"Just a second," Linda said, "I want to get a little more, sun on me."

She reached around and untied the skimpy bra of her bikini, and it fell onto her beach towel, leaving her back bare. Her luscious round tits were visible except for the nipples. Chris and Patty admired her body unashamedly. The three friends had been admiring each other's budding figures for a long time. Linda reached for her bottle of pop, and her pretty tits quivered. She took a long sip of the cherry flavored drink, then wrinkled her nose.

"Yecch," she said, "I wish we had something better to drink."

"Surprise," Chris said, reaching into her beach bag and pulling out a six pack of beer.

"Chris, you devil, how'd you get hold of that?" Patty said. "Did you get a fake I.D.?"

"No, I had an older girl buy it for me," Chris said, popping open three cold cans of beer. "Well, here it is, girls, our first alcohol."

"About time," said Linda.

"Gimme," said Patty.

As the three girls sipped the strange-tasting liquid, Linda got on with her story. "It wasn't much of a date," she said. "The best I could do was this kid I met in chemistry class, a guy named Herb with horn rimmed glasses and a stutter. But he asked to take me to the movies, and I didn't wanta sit home on Friday night, so I said yes." She stopped and giggled. "Oh, wow, what a movie. Have you ever been to that drive-in on the highway?"

Patty and Chris gasped and almost choked on their beer.

"That's right," Linda went on, "it was a dirty movie. I mean, wow, there were naked people, and they even fucked. It just blew my mind. For awhile, anyhow, and then I started getting so horny I could hardly sit still. That's when Herb made his move."

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