Dorsai - My Naked Niece

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My Naked Niece

When I was growing up in the 50's in the midwest, nearly all my relatives lived within a single state, so get-togethers were pretty big things-both in importance and the number of people that showed up. As an only child, I wasn't real wild about attending them; at least not until after I started getting along better than normal with one of my cousins, Frederica.

It wasn't that we became an "item" or anything like that, just that we got along better with each other than we did anyone else, and enjoyed each other's company more. We got along well enough, in fact, that we eventually trusted each other with our respective deepest secrets, and even did more than a little necking with each other once both of us hit puberty… though we never went "all the way".

Our bond was strong enough that even after I went into the military, Freddie (as I called her, teasingly at first, then later as a term of affection) wrote to me regularly and faithfully while I was overseas. Even after I got out and went to collee to get a degree in engineering, we continued to correspond with each other.

In my sophomore year in college, she got married, but continued to write. She and her husband Mike even turned up for my graduation; it was the first time I actually got to meet him, and it turned out that he and I not only liked each other, but became good friends. So when my first job out of college was in the same town they lived in, all of us were pleased.

I found a place to live that was far enough from them to be in that ideal range that left it close enough for us to get together without any hassle, but far enough apart that we weren't in each other's back yards every day. One of the things that I learned was that Freddie and Mike were nudists or naturists; they tried to get me to understand that the two weren't the same, but it was a distinction without a difference as far as I was concerned. I even joined them a few times when they spent a weekend at a nearby recreation facility; when I explained to them that the lifestyle wasn't for me not because of the nakedness, but because of the limited recreation options within the nudist environs, they accepted it easily enough. One consequence of note was that when they had a daughter, Emma, I was able to be there often enough to dote on (but not spoil) her as she was growing up. Any time Freddie and Mike needed someone to look after Emma for longer than just a babysitting job, I was usually the first person they checked with. Only rarely did I have something going on that kept me from keeping Emma for whatever period of time was needed, and getting to stay with her Uncle Dave was something of a treat for her: I was perfectly willing to spend the majority of the time we had together doing what SHE wanted us to-from High Tea when she was little to letting her watch music television (within limits, anyway) when she got older. Once she got into school, all of us found out that she had that all-too-rare combination of ordinary "smarts" and intelligence. Once she hit puberty, I was even agreeable to letting one or two of her friends come over for a little while each day or evening.

From growing up in a nudist household and frequently spending a day or weekend with other nudists, Emma didn't think there was anything wrong with people not wearing clothing. When she was with me, it wasn't any big deal for her to shed clothing to whatever degree made her feel comfortable. She knew I wasn't interested in such things, and that was fine with her… I was Uncle Dave, so whatever I thought or did was perfectly okay with her; that she saw ME nude a few times wasn't any big deal since she saw all manner of unclothed males every time she went to a camp with her parents.

Because she didn't concern herself about such things, I could see the changes happening to her when she hit puberty. She went from a cute little raven-haired pixie with freckles on her nose to starting to develop curves that would undoubtedly have guys flocking around and making other girls envious (if not outright jealous). Being her uncle, all I felt was love for (and protective of) her; as a male, I couldn't help noticing (and appreciating, in an abstract way) her attractiveness and developing figure.

That dichotomy hit me squarely between the eyes one night when she was just a few months short of turning fifteen. She was spending the night with me so Freddie and Mike could attend some corporate gathering in a town a couple of hours away; they'd decided to make it a micro-vacation by spending the night there and returning the following day.

Emma and I had been sitting on the couch watching a movie; when it was over, Emma got up to dispose of our empty soda cans. When she came back into the living room, she stopped in front of me and asked "Uncle Dave, do you think I'm pretty?"

"Of course I do, Em. You're the prettiest niece I've got for hundreds of miles around", the last being a joke, since our nearest relatives were roughly a thousand miles distant. She smiled briefly, then wanted to know "Do you think I'm sexy?"

More than a little surprised by the question, I had to think about it for a moment-and really look at her. She'd grown out of her tendency toward being a tomboy, and let her hair grow into a dark mane that ended about the middle of her shoulderblades and framed her lovely face with it's sparkling brown eyes, small straight nose, and her pleasant smile. Her slender neck sat atop delicate shoulders; farther down, what had started out as a couple of minor irregularities on her chest had developed into a pair of breasts that were roughly the size and shape of half an orange. Capping each was a dark brown areola about the size of a nickel, from which protruded a small nubbin of a nipple. Her body was trim, with enough curve at waist and hips to make it clear that she was female, regardless of how young she was. Her legs were still a bit coltish, but already starting to take their final shape: slender and trim, and composed of a series of gentle arcs. At the base of her belly, she had a small, slightly sparse wedge of black pubic hair that wasn't quite thick enough to conceal the skin underneath. I only had to remember glancing at her as she'd gone into the kitchen to know that her butt was small, tight, and nicely rounded. Pushing out the thoughts that were trying to crowd into my mind, I told her "Em, I think you're very sexy… for your age. I can look at you, and see how much prettier and sexier you're going to be when you get a little older."

That got me a pleased smile, and satisfied with my answer, she moved to watch the next movie from the floor. To my dismay, that meant laying on her stomach in front of me: not only was she giving me an uncommonly good look at her lovely young tush, her legs were parted enough that I could easily see the area between her thighs. Try as I might, I couldn't help but look-and felt myself responding to the sight. Her pubic thatch thinned quickly and considerably as it extended down her mons, making it easy for me to see not only the top of her clitoral hood, but the edges of her small, thin labia.

I kept pulling my eyes away and trying to focus my attention on the movie, but found myself looking at her cute butt and crotch far, far more often than I really wanted to. I also felt my cock start to grow as I kept looking at the view she presented, and thinking about her more as a male and less as her uncle.

I greeted the end of the movie with a mix of equal parts relief and disappointment. Emma got up, and after giving me a good-night kiss on the cheek, went down the hallway to "her" bedroom. I remained where I was on the couch for a couple of reasons. First, I didn't dare stand up, knowing that she'd see the bulge of my hard penis in my pants. Second, and more to the point, I needed to think about what the hell I was going to do: I knew damn well that I'd never be able to not see her as a nubile young female again, but I sure as hell didn't want to have to walk around trying to hide erections whenever she came over, either. I didn't figure I could say anything to her about wearing more clothes; if she didn't know (or at least suspect) why I wanted something like that, she'd want to know-and I doubted I could come up with an answer that would satisfy her. In either case, there was a very real possibility that she'd say something to Freddie and Mike; and there was no telling what their response would be, other than something unpleasant.

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