He reached over her shoulder and pulled a small stack of papers out from under the photographs of Adam’s smiling family. It looked like a personnel file of some sort with a picture of her clipped to it. She saw that it listed her name, birthday, employers, and other basic information on the first page. Fumbling through the rest of the document, she read all sort of details about her personal life, things that would have been very difficult to find out. There was a list of all of her closest friends going back to grammar school and every hobby she’d ever taken an interest in. She glanced up at Adam with her mouth gaping open. His face was confused.
“Oh, I’m just showing her the file.” He grabbed the first page on turned it toward the camera. Adam’s face dropped. “You know, the one you paid Madam Carlyle for. When you bought the rights to Leah.”
“What?” Leah looked at him, desperate for some kind of explanation, but his eyes were down.
“The last page is really interesting. Leah, you should look at that one closely.”
She rifled through the papers until she got to the last one and her heart dropped into her stomach. It was a list of all of her boyfriends, lovers, basically every sexual encounter she’d ever had, complete with dates and type of activity. There was a picture of her long term boyfriend from senior year in college, the one who’d shown Leah how much she liked sex when men took control. There was a synopsis of their relationship, apparently written by him, detailing their time together, how easy it was to convince her to do things, comments on her temperament, and even a list of her likes and dislikes in bed. Leah was shocked beyond words and stared up at Adam bewildered.
“Did you ever wonder how he knew so much about you, Leah?”
“I don’t understand…” Her voice was steady now. She was no longer crying, just staring at the monitor, baffled.
“He had everything planned out before you even met. He purchased all of your information from a service that looks for people like you.”
“People like me?” She asked the question to Adam, who finally looked at her with sad, regretful eyes.
“Nice compliant woman.” Thomas finally released her hair. “Woman who’d make good little fuck toys.” Leah stared at Adam, her expression twisted in pain and betrayal.
“Leah, baby, it’s not what you think.”
“It’s exactly what you think, Leah.” Thomas started gathering up the papers and photos, putting them back neatly into the file folder.
“Adam?” Leah looked into his eyes though the screen.
“I am so sorry.” He stared at her, his own expression bewildered and tormented.
She was too shocked and confused to be angry. When Thomas wrapped his arm around her neck, she realized that she didn’t have the luxury of resentment at this moment. She started to whimper and he slid his hand under her robe, dragging it down until it was just above her breast.
“Listen asshole, I think you know what I want.”
“You’ve really fucked with the wrong guy this time, Thomas.”
“You’re lucky I didn’t kill your son, and you’ll be luckier if I don’t kill your little concubine here.” Adam’s eyes narrowed as his brow furrowed in a perplexed expression. “Yea, that little accident wasn’t an accident. How is Taylor?”
“I am going to fucking kill you, Thomas.” Adam’s eyes were hard now, filled with resolve as he stared at the intruder from thousands of miles away.
“Adam!” Leah screamed as he pulled her back from the desk and reached toward the camera.
“Leah, baby, I am going to find you, I promise.” Adam looked at her longingly and she found some sense of reassurance in his eyes. “I lo-”
“That’s enough.” Thomas disconnected the call, cutting Adam off. “Let’s go upstairs.”
Leah’s hands started trembling and started looking around the room for an exit as she scooted the chair away from him.
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself,” he chuckled, grabbing her by the arm and pulling up out of the seat. “I find pregnant women revolting.”
“What do you want?” she asked, unsure if she wanted to know.
“I want you to get dressed because we are getting the fuck out of here.”
He started dragging her towards the stairs past Ramira, who was still lying there unconscious.
“He will not find you where we are going. And you’d better hope he does love you, or at least wants you enough to give me what I want. Or I am going to kill you.”