The captains Ermolaev and Khoroshavin.
Family Khoroshavins.
Then the Panfilov family went to Tyumen. I also remember dad getting money for the team. I took them to the newspaper and in the net through the ravine, and my mother gave money to the wives of fishermen. I was 11 years old.
The captains of my childhood are Azarenko, Gorbachev Nikolai Petrovich, Dubrovin Titus, Medvedev, Chechetkin Arkady Vasilyevich, Firsov Alexander, Zimovin, Novostavsky, Ivanov, Yermolayev, Burdygo, Lysenko Ivan. Ivan Lysenko was a Hero of the Soviet Union. With his wife Anna and son, they lived in our house. I remember that his the Party sent somewhere to the East. And they left as a family. In the previous photo in the port are captains Yermolayev and Khoroshavin. I remember the mechanics – Markov Ilya, Baltukhov Vasily, Tilman Ludwig, Tabakov Nikolai, Balagurchik Victor. My brother Khoroshavin Nikolai was also a motorist and mechanic. The heads of the UTF were Ermoshkin, Sobolev, Kashirin. In this photo, which was taken in July 1957, Misha’s grandson was one year old.
Nikolai Andreevich and Galya.
Nikolai Andreevich has another granddaughter Galya. Pictured below in 1971, she shows her grandfather how to dance at a kindergarten party. Two great-grandchildren. Nikolai Nikolaevich walks in the sea from Kaliningrad on ships under someone else’s flag. There are two other
Captains Butov and Gorbachev N.P.
great-great-grandchildren – Alexander Nikolaevich is studying at the school for mechanics and Dmitry Mikhailovich is studying to be a navigator. Soon too will go to sea.
I would like to remind you about Captain Gorbachev Nikolai Petrovich. He’s a member of Great Patriotic War. He has the Order of the Red Star. During a storm in the Baltic in 1949—50, they in a trawl brought on board a bomb with iprit. The captain did not allow the team to her, and he suffered for it. He went to the hospital, four fingers were removed on one hand. Eyes began to see badly. Uncle Kolya had to go ashore. He started working in the control room.
In this photo to the left of the pope – son Nicholas, on the right – grandson Michael.
Mikhail’s grandson Mikhail Kolyakov worked for a long time as a cargo assistant to the captain of the “Ural Mountains” from Reftransflot. The newspaper “Mayak” No. 6 (3895) of February 11, 1992 placed a photo of Mikhail Vasilyevich, when he was in charge of the work on the delivery of fish products in the port of Kaliningrad. The author of the note describes Michael as a neat and thorough person.
“Ural Mountains” in the port of Kaliningrad.
Mikhail Vasilyevich.
Tamara Nikolaevna looks very good in her years. She keeps as a memory everything connected with the family Khoroshavins. She is sure that the second edition of the book about the Pioneers base of the ocean fishing fleet will see the light of day and find its sponsor, which will allow presenting the book to still living veterans of the base. It just so happened that Tamara Nikolaevna was left alone. Her second husband, Nikolai Petrovich (pictured below), also died. He worked as the captain’s first assistant at Reftransflot. And his father, Khoroshavin Nikolai Andreevich, died on May 9, 1994. Beautiful children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren help to live on.
Tamara Nikolaevna.
Nikolai Petrovich.
In July 1949, the first herring expedition was organized. Every worker who works for a young enterprise has sought to bring a part of his work into the common cause. People tried to do more in a shift.
UTF fish production figures for the 4th Five-Year Period (1946—1950)
Year According to Plan (tons) Actual catch (tons)
1946 1054,7 1060
1947 1112,8 1245
1948 4108,45 7630
1949 6065,8 5880
1950 11085,0 10900
Total: 23426,7 26715
In 1951, the first six SRT-class vessels built in the GDR arrived. This is the Sag Neptunwerft plant in Rostock (GDR). The average fishing trawler was rivete without a guarter-desk. Characteristics of the vessel: length – 38.5 m., width – 7.2 m., precipitation in cargo – 3.1 m. Water displacement is the largest – 436 tons. The payload is 110 tons. Autonomy – 25 days. The main engine has a capacity of 300 hp. The number of beds is 26. Speed: 9.0 knots.
Albert Dergachev.
On one of these vessels – SRT – 618 “Bear” I went on my first fishing voyage.
For the first time, UTF fishermen began to fish herring in the Atlantic Ocean for 4 months. In the same year, they are the initiators of the production of products of an improved range – herring special ambassador. Fish production increased to 12.81 thousand tons. They did not forget to think about the leisure of fishermen in the UTF.
In 1951, the Fishermen’s Culture House opened in Pioneersk. It became a place of attraction for fishermen during the period of parking in the port.
In 1949, the future captain Dergachev, Albert Anatolyevich, also got a job at UTF.
I was a senior assistant captain at the SRTM Sun. He was remembered by absolutely everyone who knew him. But I wasn’t destined to go to Iraq with him.
Evgeny Gushchin, a member of the Pioneersk Association of Sea Captains, speaks warmly of Dergachev. At the SRTR-9092 Opochka, where Dergachev was the captain, Evgeny came as the captain’s third assistant. He worked with him for a long time. On the same ship Eugene climbed the captain’s bridge. Much can be said about the cheerful and hard-working captain from Odessa.
I offer you a note about Dergachev “Memory of a Friend” of the veteran of PPORF, senior mechanic Ershov D.V., which he wrote in my blog. I follow the author’s style.
“In front of me is a photo. Albert Dergachev. It’s just Alik to me. On the backside of the photo, I read: “In memory of a friend… etc. I see not just letters written on paper, so dark, immovable, on white photo paper, and I see instead of the images of voluminous, colored, movable. Now I live with these memories. This is it – everything before my eyes.
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