Stalin to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dec. 26, 1944, in Susan Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 279.
Diaries of Edward R. Stettinius, 242.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 665.
Ibid., 669.
Harriman, press conference, Claridge’s hotel, May 4, 1944, Harriman Papers.
Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, 710.
Stalin to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Feb. 16, 1944, in Susan Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 205; оригинал – ф. 558, оп. 11, дело 367, бумаги Сталина.
Professor Lange, Mr. Hamilton, and Stalin, conversation, May 18, 1944, Harriman Papers.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Stalin, June 17, 1944, in Susan Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 237.
Report dated June 21, 1944, in Vladimir Lota, “The Secrets of the Polish ‘Tempest’, ” Russian Military Review, no. 12 (2009) (издание на русском языке: Владимир Лота, Секреты польской «Бури» (доклад от 21 июня 1944 года), «Российское военное обозрение», № 12 (2009).
Stalin to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, June 24, 1944, in Susan Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 239–40.
Stalin to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Aug. 9, 1944, in Ibid., 249.
Werth, Russia at War, 795.
King Diary, Sept. 14, 1944.
Isaacson and Thomas, Wise Men, 231.
Stalin to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dec. 27, 1944, in Susan Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 281.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 671.
Kimball, Churchill and Roosevelt, 2:591.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Stalin, Feb. 6, 1945, in Susan Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 292.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 710.
Ibid., 712.
Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 174.
Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, 862.
Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 184.
Stettinius to WJ, interview, Oct. 10, 1948, Stettinius Papers.
Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 196.
Оценка инцидента со стороны Э. Хисса, которую он изложил Ч. Болену вскоре после этого. Stettinius Papers; Diaries of Edward R. Stettinius, 252–253.
William Manchester, Best American Essays, 498.
Halberstam, Coldest Winter, 596.
Joint Chiefs of Staff report, Jan. 18, 1945, Stettinius Papers.
Rosenman, Working with Roosevelt, 536.
Undated memo to the Joint Chiefs, Recommendation to FDR to present to Stalin, Stettinius Papers.
Bullitt, For the President, 67.
Pogue, Organizer of Victory, 526.
От Гарримана. Лично Президенту США. Изложение телеграммы ВМС США от 14 декабря 1944 года. Бумаги Гарримана.
Порто-франко ( от итал. Porto franco – «свободный порт») – порт (или его определенная часть), пользующийся правом беспошлинного ввоза и вывоза товаров. – Прим. пер.
Гоминьдан – буржуазно-демократическая, националистическая партия в Китае, игравшая значительную роль в китайском национально-освободительном движении. – Прим. пер.
Meiklejohn Diary, June 9, 1944, Harriman Papers.
Meacham, Franklin and Winston, 317.
Rose, Dubious Victory, 51.
Byrnes, Speaking Frankly, 39.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 793.
Ibid., 778–93.
Stettinius undated interview. Stettinius to WJ; Stettinius Papers.
Leahy, Diary, Feb. 8, 1945.
Kathleen Harriman, Harriman Papers.
Kathleen Harriman, Harriman Papers.
Montefiore, Stalin, 483.
Oct. 10, 1948, interview: Stettinius to WJ. Stettinius Papers.
Bohlen, Witness to History, 182.
McIntire, White House Physician, 215.
Gromyko, Memories, 112 (издание на русском языке: А. А. Громыко, Памятное, М.: Политиздат, 1988).
Byrnes, Speaking Frankly, 45.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 826.
Gromyko, Memories, 116 (издание на русском языке: А. А. Громыко, Памятное, М.: Политиздат, 1988).
Так написано в оригинале. Скорее всего, речь идет о 20 миллиардах долларов. – Прим. ред .
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 836.
Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 224.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 842.
Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, 865.
Eden, Reckoning, 595.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 852.
Ibid., 853.
Ibid., 853–854.
Ibid., 832.
Stettinius, Roosevelt and the Russians, 251–252.
U. S. State Department, Foreign Relations of the United States, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, 872.
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