Koos Stadler - Recce - Small Team Operations Behind Enemy Lines

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Recce: Small Team Operations Behind Enemy Lines: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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SHROUDED IN SECRECY due to the covert nature of their work, the legendary Recces have fascinated South Africans for years. Now one of these elite soldiers has written a tell-all book about the extraordinary missions he embarked on and the nail-biting action he experienced in the Border War.
Shortly after passing the infamously gruelling Special Forces selection course in the early 1980s, Koos Stadler joined the so-called Small Teams group at 5 Reconnaissance Regiment. This subunit was made up of two-man teams and was responsible for numerous secret and highly dangerous missions deep behind enemy lines. With only one team member, Stadler was sent to blow up railway lines and enemy fighter jets in the south of Angola. As he crawled in and out of enemy-infested territory, he stared death in the face many times.
A gripping, firsthand account that reveals the near superhuman physical and psychological powers these Special Forces operators have to display.

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Koos Stadler

SMALL TEAM MISSIONS BEHIND ENEMY LINES Dedicated to my father Koos who - фото 1


Dedicated to my father, Koos,

who kindled the spirit of adventure in me, and my dearest wife, Karien,

who had no option but to scale every cliff with me.

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Author’s note

I HAVE WRITTEN this book to share something of the world I lived in for more than ten years of my twenty-four-year Special Forces career – the little-known world of the Small Team operator. For those ten years I specialised in reconnaissance. I breathed, ate and slept reconnaissance. The experience I gained with the recce wing of 31 Battalion from November 1978 to December 1981 shaped my character and prepared me for life at 5 Reconnaissance Regiment, where I served as a Small Team operator from 1984 to 1989. My subsequent career, both in Special Forces and beyond, was based on the strict code of conduct and principles embedded during that period.

Over the years, the art of reconnaissance became a passion. After being exposed to the intricacies of tactical reconnaissance at 31 Battalion’s recce wing in the Caprivi, I did Special Forces selection and finally fulfilled my dream of joining Small Teams, the strategic reconnaissance capability of the then Reconnaissance Regiments, commonly known as the Recces. There are many misconceptions – and often crazy, fabricated stories – out there about Special Forces. Few people perhaps know that there were different Recce units, each with a dedicated field of specialisation. Even fewer people are aware of the existence of the highly specialised Small Teams and the extraordinary role they played in the Border War (1966–1989).

This book was written over more than two decades. To paint as accurate a picture as possible, I had to rely on notes made over the years, on my memory, on the recollections of my colleagues and on limited documentation. By telling my story I hope to shed some light on the concept as well as the capabilities of the specialist reconnaissance teams of the South African Special Forces. However, I do not attempt to provide a comprehensive history of Small Teams or a detailed account of the stages through which the capability developed.

Since this is a personal account, I can only credit those individuals with whom I deployed. While it isn’t possible to mention the names of all the operators who formed part of the specialist reconnaissance fraternity, I wish to acknowledge the pioneers of Small Teams in South Africa, individuals like Koos Moorcroft, Jack Greeff, Tony Vieira and Sam Fourie, and operators like Homen de Gouveia and Justin Vermaak, who did excellent work while with 1 Reconnaissance Regiment. If I omit from my story the names of Special Forces operators who participated in reconnaissance missions during their careers, it is simply because I did not have the privilege of working with them.

More importantly, since there has always been some rivalry between Small Teams and the regular Special Forces commandos, I wish to state that I never doubted their abilities. Neither do I dispute their superior fighting skills nor their excellence in combat. On the contrary, I have been impressed by the level of professionalism of numerous Special Forces soldiers.

Finally, I am happy to share the joys and sorrows I experienced with my comrades, and I proudly recall the unique code of conduct that we lived by, as well as the close bond and mutual respect we shared in both 31 Battalion’s recce wing and 54 Commando.


List of abbreviations

ALO — air liaison officer

CO — candidate officer

CSI — Chief of Staff Intelligence

DR — dead reckoning

DZ — drop zone

E&E — escape and evasion

ECCM — electronic counter-counter-measures

ECM — electronic counter-measures

EMLC — electrical, mechanical, agricultural and chemical engineering consultants

FAPLA — Forças Armadas Populares de Libertação Angola (People’s Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola)

FNLA — Frente Nacional de Libertação Angola (National Front for the Liberation of Angola)

HAG — helicopter administrative area

HF — high frequency

LP — listening post

LZ — landing zone

MK — Umkhonto we Sizwe

MPLA — Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola)

NCO — non-commissioned officer

OAU — Organization of African Unity

OC — officer commanding

OP — observation post

PLAN — People’s Liberation Army of Namibia

PT — physical training

RPG — rocket-propelled grenade

RSM — regimental sergeant major

RV — rendezvous

SADF — South African Defence Force

SAM — surface-to-air missile

SOPs — standard operating procedures

SWAPO — South West Africa People’s Organisation

TB — temporary base

UN — United Nations

UNITA — União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (Union for the Total Independence of Angola)

UNTAG — United Nations Transition Assistance Group

VHF — very high frequency

ZNDF — Zambia National Defence Force


Courage and Action


“We fear naught but God”

motto of 5 Reconnaissance Regiment, from the unit’s Code of Honour



SILENTLY and with slow, deliberate movements, I slide my pack off. I reach for the first charge and a set of glue tubes. With practised fingers I undo the straps of the pouches and arrange the rest of the charges so I can reach them easily. I feel strangely calm and ready for the task at hand.

The fear I used to experience is absent. Instead, sheer determination has taken over. Deep inside I know that I am well prepared to get the job done and that the stakes are too high for me to fail.

I slip the pack back on and drape my AMD rifle [1] The AMD-65 (in Hungarian: Automata Módosított Deszant 1965) was the upgraded paratrooper version (with folding stock) of the Russian AKM assault rifle. in a fireman’s sling down the centre of my back to allow freedom of movement. Then I start the stalk towards the MiG-21 fighter jet, silenced pistol cocked and ready in the right hand, charge in the left and night-vision goggles on my chest.

Ten metres from the aircraft, I stop to observe with the night-­vision goggles. The darkness of the night is absolute, as we hoped, but it also means that I cannot see below the fuselage of the aircraft. Not even with the beam of the infrared torch can my goggles penetrate the complete blackness under the belly of the huge aircraft crouched on the tarmac.

The night is dead silent. There is no sound from beneath the plane, nor can I make out any shape under the belly. I realise I need to go low to observe better. Slowly and stealthily I ease forward to move into the blackness under the fuselage so I can look up against the ambient light of the sky. I crouch to move in under the wing.

Then suddenly, without warning, a voice pierces the silence of the night from the darkness underneath the plane. My worst fear has just come true.

“Who are you…?”

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