Daisy Meadows - Bella Tabbypaw in Trouble

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Best friends Jess and Lily visit Friendship Forest, where animals can talk and magic exists!
The girls can’t wait to have a sleepover in Friendship Forest! But when brave little Bella Tabbypaw gets into trouble with the witch Grizelda’s helpers, the Boggits, can Lily and Jess find the kitten before Grizelda does?

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Daisy Meadows

Bella Tabbypaw in Trouble

To Tali, Sophie, and Amelia,

the three brilliant beauties

Special thanks to Valerie Wilding

Chapter One Kittens Lily Hart couldnt tear herself away from the box of - фото 1 Chapter One Kittens Lily Hart couldnt tear herself away from the box of - фото 2

Chapter One


Lily Hart couldn’t tear herself away from the box of kittens her dad had just brought into the examining room. Neither could her best friend, Jess Forester!

Lily’s parents ran the Helping Paw Wildlife Hospital in Brightley, the town where the two girls lived. Jess and her dad lived in the house across from the hospital. They’d found the kittens that morning in their shed and brought them straight to Helping Paw.

“I’ll just check them over,” said Mr. Hart.

He picked up each of the four kittens in turn, checking their eyes and teeth. When he put the smallest one back in the box, she rolled over on her back and meowed, showing the tip of a tiny pink tongue. Lily tickled her tummy.

“We were amazed to find them,” Mr. Forester said. “Jess heard barking and saw a dog chasing a cat away from the shed. It must have been the kittens’ mother. When she didn’t come back, we looked inside and found the kittens.”

“We’ve put flyers inside everyone’s mailboxes to find out who the cat belongs to,” Jess added. “But we knew that this was the best place to bring the kittens!”

“I’m glad you did,” said Lily, picking up one of the soft, wriggling creatures. It batted a paw at her dark hair, making them all laugh.

“The kittens will be fine with warmth and milk,” Mr. Hart said. He showed the girls how to feed them with drops squeezed from tiny pipettes, then he and Mr. Forester went into the house to join Mrs. Hart for a cup of tea.

The kittens climbed over one another trying to reach the milk Theyre - фото 3

The kittens climbed over one another, trying to reach the milk.

“They’re hungry!” laughed Jess.

When they were full, the kittens cuddled together and fell asleep.

“I wonder who your mother is,” said Lily, stroking a kitten with a white tip on its tail. “We already know one mysterious cat, don’t we, Jess?”

The two friends shared a smile, thinking of their magical cat friend, Goldie. She came from Friendship Forest, a secret world of talking animals, and had taken the girls on adventures there. An evil witch called Grizelda wanted to drive the animals out of the forest so she could have it for herself, and Lily and Jess had helped stop her on several occasions.

“I wonder when we’ll see Goldie again,” said Jess.

As soon as she had spoken, the girls heard a soft tap-tap-tap at the window. They looked up to see a beautiful cat pawing at the glass. She had golden fur and eyes as green as grass in morning sunshine.

“Goldie!” cried Lily, opening the window. “We were just thinking about you!”

The cat jumped down and rubbed against her leg then against Jesss You know - фото 4

The cat jumped down and rubbed against her leg, then against Jess’s.

“You know what this means, don’t you?” said Lily.

Jess nodded excitedly. “Whenever Goldie visits, it’s time for another adventure in Friendship Forest!”

Goldie meowed at them. The girls knew she wanted them to follow her!

“We’re coming, Goldie,” cried Lily. She quickly checked that the kittens were all right and then the girls ran outside.

They followed Goldie over the stepping-stones that crossed Brightley Stream, and into Brightley Meadow. Goldie ran over to the Friendship Tree and it immediately burst into life. New leaves sprang from the dried twigs and blossoms burst into bloom. Birds sang sweetly among the branches. The girls had seen this happen before, but they still grinned at each other, wide-eyed with delight.

Goldie patted some letters carved into the tree trunk. Jess and Lily knew what the letters said, and that if they spoke the words aloud, magic would begin!

They held hands and said together, “Friendship Forest!”

A door as high as the girls’ shoulders appeared in the trunk. Lily reached for the leaf-shaped handle and opened it.

Shimmering golden light shone from inside. Ducking down, Jess and Lily followed Goldie through the door. They felt a familiar tingling sensation all over. We’re shrinking , Jess thought excitedly.

The light faded. They were in a sun-dappled clearing surrounded by tall trees. Around the edge were the little cottages where the animals of Friendship Forest lived.

“We’re back!” said Lily, her brown eyes shining.

“And we’re so glad you are,” said a soft voice.

The girls turned to see Goldie standing upright wearing a glistening scarf - фото 5

The girls turned to see Goldie standing upright, wearing a glistening scarf. Because the girls had shrunk, she now stood as tall as their shoulders.

Beside Goldie was a family of three tabby cats—two adults and a little kitten. Their silvery fur was swirled with dark gray. The girls recognized the kitten—they had met her on their very first visit to Friendship Forest. She carried a backpack on her back, and a pair of odd-looking binoculars dangled around her neck. She stared at the girls in amazement.

Goldie hugged Jess and Lily then introduced them to the cats This is Mr and - фото 6

Goldie hugged Jess and Lily, then introduced them to the cats.

“This is Mr. and Mrs. Tabbypaw,” she said. “As you girls know, I was once a stray in the human world. When I first found my way to Friendship Forest, the Tabbypaws looked after me. You’re all very special to me, so I wanted you to meet each other.”

“We’re so pleased to meet you, Jess and Lily,” said Mrs. Tabbypaw. “You’re such wonderful friends to all the animals.”

“Yes, indeedy,” said Mr. Tabbypaw. “We heard you stopped that witch from ruining our lovely forest. Three times, in fact!”

“Dad! Dad!” said the kitten.

“Oh, this is Bella,” said Mr. Tabbypaw. “She’s excited to meet you, too!”

“I saw you when you first came to Friendship Forest!” said the kitten. “We live far away in Buttercup Grove, and guess what? Tonight I’m having my first ever sleepover in Goldie’s grotto!”

Mr. and Mrs. Tabbypaw had to leave so they’d be home before dark. They hugged and kissed Bella.

“Good-bye, Jess and Lily,” they said. “It was wonderful to meet you. Bye, Goldie!”

They disappeared into the trees.

“Let’s go to the Toadstool Café,” Goldie said.

“Ooh, yes!” said Bella. “Jess and Lily, can you come, too? And to the sleepover? Can you? You could tell me stories about your world. I love hearing about new things. Please?”

You would be very welcome smiled Goldie Jess looked at Lily What about - фото 7

“You would be very welcome,” smiled Goldie.

Jess looked at Lily. “What about it?” she said. “Time stands still while we’re in Friendship Forest, remember? We can stay as long as we like.”

“We’d love to!” said Lily.

Bella danced around in a circle and cheered. “Hooray!”

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