I usually live in summer in the country.
I often go to my friend.
My granny and I go to the river several times a week.
Besides, I learn English three times a week.
Sometimes my granny and I walk in the forest.
I don’t usually live in summer in the country.
I don’t often go to my friend.
My granny and I don’t go to the river several times a week.
Besides, I don’t learn English three times a week.
Sometimes my granny and I don’t walk in the forest.
Do you usually live in summer in the country?
Do you often go to your friend?
Do your granny and you go to the river several times a week?
Do you learn English three times a week, besides?
Do your granny and you sometimes walk in the forest?
Where do you usually live in summer in the country?
How often do you go to your friend?
Where do your granny and you go several times a week?
Where do you learn English three times a week, besides?
Where do your granny and you sometimes walk?
Who usually lives in summer in the country?
Who often goes to your friend?
Whose granny goes to the river several times a week?
Who learns English three times a week, besides?
Whose granny sometimes walks in the forest?
Past Simple Tense (простое прошедшее время) [паст симпл тенс]
Схема сказуемого
Переведите на английский язык.
Однажды(Once upon a time) [у анс ап он э т айм] , когда(when) [у эн] я(I) [ ай] был(be / was, were) [воз] маленьким(little) [литл] мы с родителями(my parents and I ) [м ай п эрэнтс энд ай] пошли(go / went) [вэнт] в (to) [ту] магазин(the shop) [з шоп].
Магазин(The shop) [з шоп] был(be / was, were) [воз] большим(big ) [биг].
Я(I) [ ай] решил(decide ) [дисайд] побегать(to run) [ту ран] по (along) [эл онг] нему(it) [ит] .
В то время(then) [зэн] я(I) [ ай] умел(can / could) [куд] только(only) [ он- ли] бегать(run) [ран] , но (but) [бат] я(I) [ ай] не умел(could not) [куд нот ] тормозить(brake) [бр эйк] ещё(yet) [й эт].
Поэтому(So) [с оу] я(I) [ ай] врезался(bump) [бамп] в (into) [инту] раздвижную(a sliding) [э сл айдинг] дверь(door) [до].
Это(It) [ит] было(be / was, were) [воз] достаточно(quite) [ку айт] больно(painful) [п эйнфул] и (and) [энд] неприятно(unpleasant) [анпл изэнт].
Мне(I) [ ай] следовало(have to / had to) [хэд ту] быть(to be) [ту би] более(more) [мо] осторожным(careful) [к эрифул] тогда(then) [зэн].
Построение отрицательных предложений в простом прошедшем времени (Past Simple Tense)
Для того чтобы построить отрицательное предложение, следует поставить вспомогательный глагол do в форме простого прошедшего времени did+ отрицательную частицу not(сокращенно didn’t) перед сказуемым.
Я не жил здесь. – I [ ай] didn’t[дид нот] live[лив] here[х иа].
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