Skip said, "One of us?One of us here?"
"Wasn't it, Matt?"
"That's right," I said. "It was Bobby."
The silence stretched, with everybody looking at Bobby. Then Skip let out a fierce laugh that caromed wildly around the room.
"Matt, you fuck," he said. "You had me going there. You just about had me buying it."
"It's true, Skip."
"Because I'm an actor, Matt?"Bobby grinned at me. "You figure all actors know each other, the way Billie figuredKasabian would have to know the schoolteacher. For Christ's sake,there's probably more actors in this town than there are Armenians."
"Two much-maligned groups," Keegan intoned."Actors and Armenians, both of them much given to starving."
"I never heard of these guys," Bobby said."Atwood and Cutler? Are those their names? I never heard of either of them."
I said, "It won't wash, Bobby. You were in classes with Gary Atwood at the New York Academy of Dramatic Arts. You were in a showcase at theGalinda Theater onSecond Avenue last year, and that was one of Lee David Cutler's credits."
"You're talking about that Strindberg thing? Six performances to a roomful of empty seats and not even the director knew what the play was supposed to be about? Oh, that was Cutler, the thin guy who played Berndt? Is that who you mean?"
I didn't say anything.
"The Lee threw me. Everybody called him Dave. I suppose I remember him but-"
"Bobby, you son of a bitch, you're lying! "
He turned, looked at Skip. He said, "Am I, Arthur? Is that what you think?"
"It's what I fucking know. I know you, I know you all my life. I know when you're lying."
"The Human Polygraph."He sighed."Happens you're right."
"I don't believe it."
"Well, make up your mind, Arthur. You're a hard man to agree with. Either I'm lying or I'm not. Which way do you want it?"
"You robbed me. You stole thebooks, you sold me down the fucking river. How could you do it? You little fuck, how could you do it?"
Skip was standing up. Bobby was still sitting in his chair, an empty glass in his hand. Keegan and JohnKasabian were on either side of Bobby, but they drew a little ways away from him during this exchange, as if to give them room.
I was standing to Skip's right, and I was watching Bobby. He took his time with the question, as if it deserved careful consideration.
"Well, hell," he said finally. "Why would anybody do it? I wanted the money."
"How much did they give you?"
"Not allthat much, tell you the truth."
"How much?"
"I wanted, you know, a third. They laughed. I wanted ten, they said five,we wound up at seven grand." He spread his hands. "I'm a lousy negotiator. I'm an actor, I'm not a businessman. What do I know about haggling?"
"You screwed me for seven thousand dollars."
"Listen, I wish it was more. Believe me."
"Don't joke with me, you cocksucker."
"Then don't feed me straight lines, you asshole."
Skip closed his eyes. The sweat was beading up on his forehead, and tendons showed in his neck. His hands knotted into fists, relaxed, knotted up again. He was breathing through his mouth like a fighter between rounds.
He said, "Why'd you need the money?"
"Well, see, my kid sister needs this operation, and-"
"Bobby, don't clown with me. I'll fucking kill you, I swear it."
"Yeah?I needed the money, believe it. I wasgonna need the operation. I wasgonna get my legs broken."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about I borrowed five thousand dollars and put it into a cocaine deal and it fell in the shit, and I had to pay back the five because I didn't borrow it from Chase Manhattan. I haven't got that good of a friend there. I borrowed it from a guy out in Woodside who told me my legs were all the collateral I'd need."
"What the hell were you doing in a coke deal?"
"Trying to make a dollar for a change.Trying to get out from under."
"You make it sound like the American Dream."
"It was a fucking nightmare. The deal went in the toilet, I still owed the money,I had to come up with a hundred a week just to keep paying thevig. You know how it works. You pay a hundred a week forever and you still owe the five grand, and I can't cover my expenses to begin with, never mind finding another hundred a week. I was running behind, and there's interest on the interest, and the seven grand I got from Cutler and Atwood, it's fucking gone, man. I paid the shy six grand to get him off my back forever, I paid some other debts I owed,I got a couple hundred dollars in my wallet. That's what's left." He shrugged. "Easy come, easy go.Right?"
Skip put a cigarette in his mouth and fumbled with his lighter. He dropped it, and when he reached to pick it up he accidentally kicked it under the desk.Kasabian put a hand on his shoulder to steady him, then lit a match and gave him a light. Billie Keegan got down on the floor and looked around until he found the lighter.
Skip said, "You know what you cost me?"
"I cost you twenty grand. I cost John thirty."
"You cost us each twenty-five. I owe Johnnyfive, he knows he'll get it."
"Whatever you say."
"You cost us fifty thousand fucking dollars so you could wind up with seven. What am I talking about? You cost us fifty thousand dollars so you could wind up even."
"I said I got no head for business."
"You got no head at all, Bobby. You neededmoney, you could have sold your friends to Tim Pat Morrissey for ten grand. That's the reward he was offering, that's three thousand more than they gave you."
"I wasn'tgonna rat 'emout."
"No, of course not.But you'd sellme'n John down shit creek, wouldn't you?"
Bobby shrugged.
Skip dropped his cigarette on the floor, stepped on it. "You needed money," he said, "why didn't you come and ask me for it? Will you just tell me that? Youcoulda come to me before you went to the shy. Or the shy's pushing you, you need money to cover, you could've come to me then."
"I didn't want to ask you for the money."
"You didn't want to ask me for it. It's okay to steal it from me, but you didn't want to ask me for it."
Bobby drew back his head. "Yeah, that's right,Arrrr-thur. I didn't want to ask you for it."
"Did I ever refuse you?"
"Did I ever make you crawl?"
"All the time.Let the actor play bartender for a while. Let's put the actor behind the stick, hope he don't give away the whole store. It's a big joke, my acting. I'm your little windup toy, your fucking pet actor."
"You don't think I take your acting seriously?"
"Of course you don't."
"I can't believe I'm hearing this. That piece of shit you were in onSecond Avenue, fucking Strindberg, how many people did I bring to see that? Therewas twenty-five people in the house and I brought twenty of them."
"To see your pet actor. 'That piece of shit you were in.'That's taking my acting seriously, Skippy baby. That's real support."
"I don't fucking believe this," Skip said. "You hate me." He looked around the room. "He hates me."
Bobby just looked at him.
"You did this to screw me. That's all."
"I did it for the money."
"Iwoulda given you the fucking money! "
"I didn't want to take it from you."
"You didn't want to take it from me. Where do you think you did take it from, you cocksucker? You think it came from God? You think it rainedoutta the sky?"
"I figure I earned it."
"You what?"
Bobby shrugged."Like I said. I figure I earned it. I worked for it. I was with you, I don't know how many times, from the day I took the books. I was along for the ride Monday night, on the scene, everything. And you never had the least suspicion. That's not the worst job of acting anybody ever did."
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