I looked at her. The dark eyes didn't waver. I motioned to the bartender, a sullen fat man who gazed on the world with a look of universal disapproval. He madeher whatever the hell she was drinking. He needed most of the bottles on the back bar to do it. He put it in front of her and looked at me, and I held my glass aloft to show I was all right.
"I know him pretty good," she said.
"Yeah?Does he ever smile?"
"I don't mean him, I mean Mickey Mouse."
"Whattayamean, 'uh-huh'?He's a baby. When he grows up, then he can come see me.If he grows up."
"Tell me about him."
"What's to tell?" She sipped her drink. "He gets in troubleshowin ' everybody how he's so tough and so smart. But he's not so tough, you know, and he's not so smart either." Her mouth softened. "He is nice-lookin', though. Always the nice clothes, always the hair combed neat, always a fresh shave." Her hand reached to stroke my cheek. "Smooth, you know? And he's little, and he's cute, and you want to reach out and give him a hug, just wrap him up and take him home."
"But you never did?"
She laughed again. "Hey, man, I got all the troubles I need."
"You figure him for trouble?"
"If I ever took him home," she said, "he'd be all the timethinkin ', 'Now how am Igonna get this bitch to let me put her on the street?' "
"He's a pimp? I never heard that."
"If you'rethinkin ' about a pimp with the purple hat and theEldorado, forget it." She laughed. "That's what Mickey Rat wishes he was. One time he hits on this new girl, she's fresh up fromSanturce, from a village nearSanturce, you know? Very green, and she's notSeñorita Einstein to start with, you know? And he gets her to turn tricks for him, you know,workin 'outta her apartment,seein ' one or two guys a day, guys he finds and brings up to her."
" 'Hey, Joe, youwannafock myseestair?' "
"You do one lousy PR accent, man. But you got the idea. She works about two weeks, you know, and she gets sick of it, and she takes the plane back to the island. And that's the story of Mickey the pimp."
By then she needed another drink and I was ready for a beer myself. She had the bartender bring us a little bag of plantain chips and split the side seam so the chips spilled out on the bar between us. They tasted like a cross between potato chips and wood shavings.
Mickey Mouse's trouble, she told me, was how hard he worked trying to prove something. In high school he had proved his toughness by going intoManhattan with a couple of buddies, roaming the crooked streets of theWestVillage in search of homosexuals to beat up.
She said, "He was the bait, you know?Small and pretty. And then when they got the guy, he was the guy who went crazy, almost wanted to kill him. Guys who went with him, first time they said he had heart, but later they started to say he had no brains." She shook her head. "So I never took him home," she said. "He's cute, but cute disappears when you turn the lights out, you know? I don't think hewoulda done me much good." She extended a painted nail, touched my chin. "You don't want a man that's too cute, you know?"
It was an overture, and one I somehow knew I didn't want to follow up on. The realization brought a wave of sadness rolling in on me out of nowhere. I had nothing for this woman and she had nothing for me. I didn't even know her name; if we'd introduced ourselves I couldn't remember it. And I didn't think we had. The only names mentioned had beenMiguelito Cruz and Mickey Mouse.
I mentioned another, Angel Herrera's. She didn't want to talk about Herrera. He was nice, she said. He was not so cute and maybe not so smart, but maybe that was better. But she didn't want to talk about Herrera.
I told her I had to go. I put a bill on the bar and instructed the bartender to keep her glass full. She laughed, either mocking me or enjoying the humor of the situation, I don't know which. Her laughter sounded like someone pouring a sack of broken glass down a staircase. It followed me to the door and out.
When I got back to my hotel there was a message from Anita and another from Skip. I called Syosset first, talked with Anita and the boys. I talked with her about money, saying I'd collected a fee and would be sending some soon. I talked with my sons about baseball, and about the camp they'd be goingto soon.
I called Skip at Miss Kitty's. Someone else answered the phone and I held while they summoned him.
"I want to get together with you," he said. "I'm working tonight. You want to come by afterward?"
"All right."
"What time is it now?Ten to nine? I've been on less than two hours? Feels like five. Matt, what I'll do, I'll close up around two. Come by then and we'll have a few."
* * *
I watched the Mets. They were out of town.Chicago, I think. I kept my eyes on the screen but I couldn't keep my mind on the game.
There was a beer left over from the night before. I sipped at it during the game, but I couldn't work up much enthusiasm for it, either. After the game ended I watched about half of the newscast, then turned the set off and stretched out on the bed.
I had a paperback edition of The Lives of the Saints, and at one point I looked up Saint Veronica. I read that there was no great certainty that she had existed, but that she was supposed to have been aJerusalem woman who wiped Christ's sweating face with a cloth while he was suffering on his way toCalvary, and that an image of his face remained on the cloth.
I pictured the act that had brought her twenty centuries of fame, and I had to laugh. The woman I was seeing, reaching out to soothe His brow, had the face and hairstyle ofVeronicaLake.
MISS Kitty's was closed when I got there, and for a moment I thought that Skip had said the hell with it and gone home. Then I saw that the iron gates, though drawn, were not secured by a padlock, and that a low-wattage bulb glowed behind the bar. I slid the accordion gates open a foot or so and knocked, and he came and opened up for me, then rearranged the gates and turned the key in the door.
He looked tired. He clapped me on the shoulder, told me it was good to see me,led me to the end of the bar farthest from the door. Without asking he poured me a long drink of Wild Turkey,then topped up his own glass with scotch.
"First of the day," I said.
"Yeah?I'm impressed. Of course the day's only two hours and ten minutes old."
I shook my head. "First since I woke up. I had some beer, but not too much of that, either." I drank off some of my bourbon. It had a good bite to it.
"Yeah, well, I'm the same way," he said. "I have days when I don't drink. I even have days when I don't have so much as a beer. You know what it is? For you and me, drinking's something we choose to do. It's a choice."
"There's mornings when I don't think it was the most brilliant choice I could have made."
"Jesus, tell me about it. But even so it's a choice for us. That's the difference between you and me and a guy like Billie Keegan."
"You think so?"
"Don't you? Matt, the man is always drinking. I mean, take last night. All the rest of us, okay, we're pretty heavy drinkers, but we took it easy last night, right?Because it's sometimes appropriate and sometimes not. Am I right?"
"I guess."
"Afterward, another story.Afterward a man wants to unwind, loosen up. But Keegan wasshitfaced before we got there, for God's sake."
"Then he turned out to be the hero."
"Yeah, go figure that one. Uh, the plate number, did you-"
"Shit. Well, we figured that."
He drank some of his drink. "Keegan," he said, "has to drink. For myself, I could stop anytime. I don't, because I happen to like what the stuff does for me. But I could stop anytime, and I figure you're the same."
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