“She didn’t say yes yet, but she will. She told me it was all she ever wanted, and that maybe all this happened so they can be a stronger family. I knew you’d find her, Dallas.”
“So you said.”
“I can’t say it enough. I can’t tell you what it all means, what you did. You and Roarke, and Peabody, McNab, Baxter, that cutie Trueheart. I hope those terrible people sit in a cell in their own body waste until their faces rot off.”
“Teddy bear,” Leonardo murmured, and she winced.
“I know. Out with the bad energy, in with the good.” Mavis shifted in her chair. “But I can’t help it. She told me everything that happened.”
“Wrapped up. Confessions all around, except for Bullock. But I didn’t push too hard for one there. Didn’t need it, and I like watching her try to squirm and writhe.”
“Busy little bee,” Roarke put in.
“We’re going to get out of your hive.” Mavis shifted again, winced again.
“Mavis?” Leonardo came half out of his seat.
“Just sitting wrong, that’s all. Hard to get comfortable these days. Only ten days to go. Help me up, baby doll, so I can work these kinks out.”
As he drew her to her feet, Tandy waddled in. “I’m sorry. Oh, hello, Dallas, Roarke. I want to thank you, so much, and there’s so much I want to say. But I’m afraid my water just broke.”
“Really?” Mavis squealed it as Eve went pale. “Oh, boy, oh, boy! Tandy.” She hurried, as fast as possible, to take her friend’s hands. “We’re going to have a baby! You want us to call Aaron, don’t you?”
“I do.” The sunlight switched on in Tandy’s face. “I really do.”
“Don’t you worry about a thing. Leonardo will go by and get your bag at your place, and I’ll go with you to the birthing center. And we’ll… Oh. Uh-oh.”
Mavis pressed a hand to the side of her belly, hunching a bit, breathing out. “Wow. Gee. Oops. I kind of think maybe I’m in labor.”
Eve pressed her fingers to her eyes as Leonardo bounded across the room like a drunken bull. “That’s just perfect.”
“Both of them?” Roarke gripped Eve’s hand, pushed to his feet, pulling her with him. “Now? Both?”
“Just bloody hell perfect.”
Hadn’t she just run an op that had taken down two international criminals? And during which, hadn’t she personally kicked a killer in the balls?
Hadn’t she just faced a personal demon by sitting in Interview with Bullock and seeing her own father’s face?
She could handle this. Please God.
But she had two women in labor in her parlor squealing at each other and talking so fast the words were a shiny blur, one expectant father who looked as if he was going to pass out at any moment. And her own husband, who was notoriously cool-headed, had just – literally – shoved her toward the insanity.
When she glanced over her shoulder to glare at him, he merely pointed at her and gulped down the rest of his wine.
“Okay, stop! Stop! Here’s what we’re going to do.”
The squealing and babbling cut off as if she’d sliced through it with a laser, and all eyes turned to her. Since her first clear thought was to scream wildly for Summerset, she bit down ruthlessly on her own rising hysteria.
“Right. Everybody’s going to get in one of the all-terrains, and we’re going to go to the birthing center.
“But I need my bag.” Tandy rubbed her belly, breathed out in little puffs. “I have to have it. It has my music and my focus – ”
“Me, too, me, too.” Mavis pressed a hand to the small of her back. “If we don’t have our bags – ”
“And here’s what we’re going to do next. I’ll get Peabody and McNab to go by both your places, get both bags. But we’re going. Now.”
“Ladies, you need your coats.” Roarke stepped up, laid a bolstering hand on Eve’s shoulder. “Sorry, I clutched,” he said to her. “Ah, Summerset, just who we need. We need a vehicle brought around right away.”
“Are you in labor, Tandy?”
“My water broke, and Mavis is having contractions.”
“Isn’t that lovely,” he said with a calm that made Eve want to punch him even harder than she usually wanted to. “You’ll have your babies together. Mavis, how far apart are the contractions?”
“I forgot to time.” Ripe panic bubbled out of Leonardo. “I forgot to time.”
“It’s all right. Did you just start to have contractions?” Summerset asked her.
“I think I’ve sort of been having them off and on for a couple hours. Maybe three.”
“A couple hours.” Eve heard that same ripe panic come out of her mouth. “Jesus, Mavis.”
“It’s perfectly fine.” Summerset shot Eve a damning look. “Tandy, when was your last contraction?”
“Um. More or less now.” She took a slow breath.
“I need to time!” Leonardo threw his long arms in the air. “I need to time.”
“No.” Eve pointed a finger at Leonardo. “We need to go.”
“Has anyone contacted the midwife?” Summerset asked.
“Shit.” Eve pulled at her hair. “You call her,” she ordered Summerset. “Tell her we’re heading in, carrying two. And contact Peabody, have her and McNab pick up the baby bags in Tandy’s and Mavis’s apartments. Apparently if we don’t have them, we’re doomed. And you need to contact Aaron Applebee.”
“Oh, yes, please.” Tandy beamed.
“Tell him where we’re going and why.”
“Certainly, now, ladies, sit down.”
“Sit down! No sitting,” Eve snapped. “Going.”
“These things take time. You be comfortable while we get your coats and the proper vehicle warmed up for you. Tandy, wouldn’t you like to speak to your Aaron yourself?”
“Yes. Yes, thank you, I really would.”
Summerset took a ’link out of his pocket, offered it. “I’ll just contact the midwife, and I’ll be back in a moment with your coats.”
Whatever his legion of faults, Summerset was efficient – Eve had to admit it. Within fifteen minutes they were driving through the gates. All of them, including Summerset, at Mavis’s and Tandy’s insistence.
There was constant chatter – about dilation, contractions, focus points, breast-feeding. Eve thought nostalgically of the last time she’d ridden with a crew on a mission. The chatter of cops, the possibility of death or injury.
It had been a lot less stressful.
Twice on the drive, Leonardo had to put his head between his knees. She couldn’t really blame him.
“I’m going to drop them off at the entrance, then park.” Roarke slid a glance toward Eve. “I’m not going to keep driving until I get to Mexico. I’ll be right along. My word.”
“Just remember, if you’re not, I’ll hunt you down, disarticulate all your limbs, then feed them to small, ugly dogs.”
They were greeted inside by two bright-eyed, cheerful nurses, but Eve’s relief in passing the burden was short-lived.
“You have to come with us.”
“Come with you?” She goggled at Mavis. “Leonardo – ”
“He has to check us in.” Mavis grabbed Eve’s hand and clung. “You have to come. Uh-oh.”
Recognizing the signs now, Eve looked at Summerset. “She’s having another one.”
“Yes, that’s how it’s done. Go along with her. I’ll bring Leonardo and Roarke.”
It didn’t seem fair, it didn’t seem right, that she should have to take any part of this solo. But Mavis’s hand was glued to hers, and the nurses were leading them all away.
“You’re not going to shoot anything out before the rest of the team’s in place, right?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Plenty of time.” Mavis’s nurse smiled at Eve. “I’m Dolly, and I’ll be taking care of you, Mavis. Randa will be here soon.”
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