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Jack Higgins: Without Mercy

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Jack Higgins Without Mercy

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On the pavement, Hannah Bernstein was trying to haul herself up, clutching at the railings as Dillon got to her. “You're all right, just hold on to me.” But there was blood coming down her face, and he was afraid. In Jack Higgins’ acclaimed bestseller Dark Justice, intelligence operative Sean Dillon and his colleagues in Britain and the United States beat back a terrible enemy, but at an equally terrible cost. One of them was shot, another run down in the street. Both were expected to survive – but only one of them does. As Detective Superintendent Hannah Bernstein of Special Branch lies recuperating in the hospital, a dark shadow from her and Dillon’s past, scarred deep by hatred, steals across the room and finishes the job. Consumed by grief and rage, Dillon, Blake, Ferguson, and all who loved Hannah swear vengeance, no matter where it takes them. But they have no idea of the searing journey upon which they are about to embark – nor of the war that will change them all.

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The vodka was sublime and burned its way down. “Excellent,” Volkov told them. “Damn Ferguson and damn the Prime Minister. Another, Igor, and then we’ll get down to business.”

They sat by the fire and Volkov began. “This is the situation. Since the end of the Iraq war, Belov International has continued to prosper. Since the vote for democracy in Iraq, the prospect is very real of the oil industry there returning to full flow, indeed to achieve a level of production beyond all expectation, and we are in the middle of it. We’re talking a company worth fifteen billion and rising.”

“That would be staggering,” Greta said.

“And nothing must be allowed to put such success at risk. In other words, Belov can’t die. Igor will take you to see Max Zubin tonight. We’ll ship him off to Station Gorky to settle him in, let the world know where he is and slip him back when necessary.”

“Which will totally confuse Ferguson and company in London,” Ashimov said, “Dillon having reported back on a successful mission.”

“And we mustn’t forget President Cazalet and that Blake Johnson man of his. They always exchange information with their British cousins,” Volkov pointed out.

Greta said, “But after Dillon’s report, they’ll know the Belov in Siberia is false.”

“Yes, but Ferguson can’t afford to disclose it – admit that his agents, acting on behalf of the Prime Minister, conducted a slaughter in the Republic of Ireland, a sovereign state. Where a highly important Russian citizen happened to be at the same time.”

“So it’s a standoff,” Ashimov said. “There’s nothing the Brits can do about it and we keep the world financial markets happy.”

“There’s more to it than that. This organization that Ferguson runs, the so-called Prime Minister’s Private Army. Such typical British hypocrisy. They’ve been committing murders for years and getting away with it. Dillon’s record speaks for itself. Well, the President thinks we should lance the boil, as it were.”

“Are you suggesting what I think you are?”

“Yes. Total elimination of Ferguson’s team once and for all. The General himself, his personal assistant, this Superintendent Bernstein, Dillon of course, and these Salter people, the London gangsters who’ve been helping him out during the last few years. While you’re at it, perhaps Cazalet’s man, too, Blake Johnson. Another thorough nuisance.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Ashimov said.

“It’s a tall order, I know, but already started in a way. That woman Bernstein you ran down in London, she’s in a medical facility Ferguson runs in Saint John’s Wood. It would be a good start to things if you could find some means of easing her on.”

“As you say, Comrade.” Ashimov wasn’t troubled in the slightest by the thought.

“Good,” Volkov said. “I leave it all in your capable hands. I’ve left you, Major Novikova, on the books of the London Embassy as a commercial attaché. It will bring you diplomatic immunity, although I’m certain Ferguson won’t make a move against you. At the worst, they could only ask you to leave. Captain Levin will have a similar situation at the Embassy to act as backup. The appropriate documentation is in the file on my desk.” He turned to Ashimov. “I would think it prudent for you not to return to London, if only because Dillon would attempt retribution.”

“As you say, Comrade.”

“Igor will take you to see Max Zubin to make certain he knows what is expected of him. Spend the night, then return to Ireland tomorrow. Igor will go with you. I envy you your inevitable success. I don’t think there’s anything more.”

But there was, for at that very moment a secret door in the wall swung open and President Putin walked in.

They all leaped to their feet, for it was an astonishing moment. Putin wore a tracksuit, a towel around his neck.

“You must excuse me, Comrades. Affairs of state got in the way of my hour in the gym this morning, so I’ve been making up for it. Good to see you again, Major Ashimov. You must be feeling like a cat at the moment, a tomcat, naturally.”

“Very much so, Comrade President.”

Putin turned to Greta. “Major Novikova.” He offered his hand. “I hear good things about you, even if you are GRU.”

It was his little joke, a reference to the intense rivalry between the KGB, to which he had once belonged, and GRU Military Intelligence.

Greta said, “It would have been an honor to have served under you.”

“Yes, well, in Afghanistan, this one did.” He tapped Ashimov on the shoulder. “And Captain Levin, the boy wonder.” He swiveled to look at Volkov. “All of us served, in good times and in bad – served Russia and each other. I expect nothing less from you in this present matter.”

There was a moment’s silence. Ashimov said, “It would be our honor.”

Putin nodded, turned to Volkov and handed him an envelope. “There is what you asked for. Read it.”

Volkov opened the envelope and took out a document, which he unfolded.

“Aloud, please.”

“From the Office of the President of the Russian Federation at the Kremlin. The bearer of this letter acts with my full authority. All personnel, civil or military, will assist in any way demanded. Signed, Vladimir Putin.”

“It may help, it may not. It’s in your hands now.” Putin stepped behind the secret door and it swung noiselessly back into place. It was as if he had never been.

Volkov replaced the letter in the envelope and gave it to Ashimov. “Such power. You must guard it well. Now, on your way.”

He turned, opened the secret door and disappeared as completely as had his master.

“So there we are,” Ashimov said. “What happens now?”

“I’m taking you out,” Igor said. “There’s a very acceptable nightclub called the Green Parrot. It’s owned by the Mafia, but they know me.”

“There is a purpose to this, I presume?”

“You want to see Max Zubin perform, don’t you?”

On the way to the club, it was Greta who said, “We’re being followed.”

“Good for you, but it’s all right. They’re my people. They’ll arrange Zubin’s onward transportation to Station Gorky.”

“I don’t understand,” Greta said. “If Zubin is so important, why is he allowed to have so free a life? To perform in public and so on?”

“Because of his mother,” Ashimov told her. “Bella Zubin.”

Greta was astounded. “The actress?”

“The great actress,” Ashimov said. “One of Russia’s finest. Unfortunately, she dabbled too much in politics and was sent to the Gulag.”

“I thought she was dead.”

“No, very much alive at eighty-five and living in a comfortable condominium by the river. Her son would not wish to see her returned to a more uncomfortable situation. That’s why we could trust him not to make a run for it when he was playing Belov in Paris the other year.”

Greta shook her head. “I remember seeing her play the Queen in Hamlet when I was a little girl. She was wonderful.”

“It’s a hard life, Greta,” Ashimov said, “but some things are more important.”

The Green Parrot was up a side street in an old brownstone house, a neon sign advertising the fact over an arched doorway. Levin parked outside and the doorman stepped out.

“You can’t park there. Clear off.”

The other limousine pulled in behind them and three men in black leather coats got out. The doorman took one look and hurriedly backed off.

“Sorry, Comrades.” He opened the door behind him, the three men went in first and Levin, Ashimov and Greta followed.

The club was small, curiously old-fashioned, a little like some joint in one of those cinema noir, black-and-white thrillers from the Hollywood of the forties. The headwaiter even wore a white tuxedo as if doing an impersonation of Rick in Casablanca . He turned, saw Levin and his party, and his face fell.

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