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Roxanne St. Claire: Make Her Pay

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Roxanne St. Claire Make Her Pay

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Bullet Catcher and former Navy SEAL Constantine Xenakis has infiltrated a dive ship to discover who's plundering priceless gems from a legendary sunken Spanish galleon. When he catches Lizzie Dare red-handed in the locked treasure room, her story of a stolen ancestral legacy convinces him to work with the sexy thief instead of turning her in – and not just because he wants to find the real culprit. Lizzie is willing to risk everything to save the Bombay Blue Diamonds from her sworn enemy, even if that means giving in to an irresistible desire to get closer to her accomplice. But when passion hits them like a rogue wave and danger surrounds them like a school of hungry sharks, their adventure on the high seas turns treacherous…and deadly.

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“You must be Elizabeth Dare,” he said, not letting go until every possible nerve ending in her hand had been thoroughly… warmed . “I’ve heard so much about you.”

His voice was rich with tease, their secret hanging in the air between them. If there was any air. He seemed to soak up all the air and light and space just by being there. If this really had been the first time she’d seen this dude, she’d break her “no shipboard romances” rule in a hurry.

“You can call me Lizzie.” She managed to take her hand back, but could still feel the tingle he’d left behind. “And I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but gossip is as plentiful as fish in these waters, so don’t waste your time believing it.”

“I only believe what I see with my own two eyes,” he whispered, close enough to send a little shiver up her spine.

She turned to the deck, already alive with action, the scent of seawater mixed with that of bacon and coffee floating out from the galley in the main salon. Along the starboard side, Dave Hawn flipped open the divers’ lockers, air hoses already looped over his arms.

“Have you met our divemaster?” Sam asked Con.

“He’s already given me an orientation. And my dive schedule.” He gave Lizzie another direct look. “Looks like we go down together this morning.”

“Looks like it.” At least she’d have some control over what he did down there. But after last night, he’d probably stick with her like they were tethered to each other. If she found what she was looking for, it could get tricky. “But I need coffee first.”

“Make it fast,” Dave hollered as she headed to the salon, his shoulder-length blond hair sliding over broad shoulders. “Kenny’s already blown coquina and we want to go right back to where Alita found that chain yesterday.”

As if on cue, Alita Holloway slinked up the steps, her black hair tucked neatly into a Gold Digger baseball cap, a diving suit barely covering her voluptuous body.

“Awful early for you, Princess,” Lizzie said, narrowing her eyes to look under the bill at the beauty-pageant face. “And with mascara and everything.”

Alita shot her a withering look. “Actually, Lizzie, if you haven’t had breakfast yet, I’ll switch shifts with you.” Her gaze shifted to Con and her dimpled smile deepened. “I’m just dying to go back to that spot where I snagged that chain. I’d love to show you, Con.”

Obviously they’d met already. Which would explain the mascara.

“Fine with me,” Lizzie said. She could get the key back and her dive would definitely be easier without him distracting her. “I prefer afternoon dives in this weather, anyway.”

“Don’t screw with my schedule,” Dave called out. “No substitutions. There’s a science to this, you know.”

They all looked at each other with knowing smiles.

“The science is that Dave is a control freak,” Sam explained to Con.

In the salon, Charlotte Gorman, tucked into the corner of one of the two dining booths, looked up from the chart spread in front of her, a frown of concern forming. “You feeling okay, Lizzie? You look flushed.”

“I’m fine, Char.” As she breezed through the aisle between the tables and headed back to the breakfast buffet, Lizzie reached out and tapped Charlotte’s knuckles. Sam’s wife of less than a year was not only the conservator, making her the one person who would have her hands on every single treasure before it left the ship, she was also the closest thing Lizzie had to a girlfriend on this boat. So the temptation to trust her and even enlist her help was strong, but Lizzie had resisted so far.

For one thing, if Charlotte assisted Lizzie in getting detailed pictures of recovered salvage and in making comparisons to the drawings in Dad’s journal, then Charlotte would be an accomplice, and Lizzie didn’t want to put her in that position.

She also didn’t know her as well as she knew Sam. But, without help from someone soon, her whole plan would fall apart. That could happen any day, on any dive.

So who could she trust?

A soft breath moved the hair against her back, making her splash coffee mid-pour.

“Divemaster Dave says he’s ready for us.”

“I haven’t had my coffee,” she said, turning, bracing for the proximity of Con’s body and the sheer power of his eyes.

“I returned the lab key to its rightful owner.” His voice was little more than a baritone rumble, the very sound of it like a sexy come-on. She glanced at Charlotte, but the other woman was deep into her charts again.

“Thanks for covering for me,” she said softly, lifting her coffee mug to her lips. “Keep up the good work and I might let you have first hands on a gold coin.”

“First hands?” His brow shot up. “I like the sound of that.”

“Let’s go, crew!” Dave popped his head into the salon with a sharp look at Lizzie. “We got a schedule to maintain.”

She threw a wistful glance at the coffee and another at the man who made her miss it. “I hope you know what you’re doing down there, Con. I can’t babysit.” She zoomed out to the deck, where she checked the stern blower while she stepped into her suit. Con came right over to her, zipping up and studying the murky water churning below.

“You ever dive with a blower, Con?” Kenny Brubaker’s sun-kissed curly hair blew around his head in the breeze, but his eyes were blocked by the reflective shades he wore even on cloudy days.

“Not for a while,” Con replied.

Lizzie threw a look at Kenny. Great, a rookie.

“Lemme just give you a primer.” Kenny pointed to the two metal elbow-shaped pipes mounted onto the stern and swung over the prop. “Those are dusting about three feet of sand, and they’ll run the whole time you’re down there. You dive right under them and go to work when you hit the pan-meaning the hard coquina shell under the sand. You’ll have the metal detectors, but stay next to Lizzie while you get the lay of the land down there. We’ll be operating the air hoses and you can signal with them.”

“What’s the system of pulls?” Con asked.

“One pull on your hose means stop the blower. Two means start it up, three means you found something. Four means major find.” Kenny grinned. “We like those the best.”

Lizzie pointed to the air hoses that Dave was readying. “Just remember, we’re down fifty feet and there’s about a hundred feet of line, so feel free to take the tether room. The more we spread out, the better our chances of finding something.”

Con gave her a knowing look. “You really don’t want to dive with me, do you?”

“Just spelling out the guidelines,” she said.

“Stay within sight of each other,” Dave interjected. “Which is close, because it’s bright enough to see a few feet away, but at this time of year, distance visibility is low.” He nudged them toward the dive platform. “Use those detectors, and put your masks to the pan-especially the outer edge, where you’ll have the best luck. If it shines or sparkles or makes that thing ding, we want it.”

Kenny brought the metal detectors over to them. “First one to touch a treasure gets credit in the books, a Gold Digger baseball cap, and the biggest piece of Brady’s celebration cake.”

“That’s ‘first hands,’ I take it,” Con said.

“First hands aren’t important,” Dave replied, humorless as always. “And, just for the record, the second hands are mine or Flynn’s; from there the goods go to Charlotte. We’re not on this dive for caps or cake.”

“I know why we’re here,” Con replied, giving Lizzie a meaningful look.

She pulled her mask down and shimmied to the dive platform, resentment burning. “If you have beginner’s luck, I swear I’ll kill someone,” she murmured.

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