“It’s about murder, Mr. Sweet, which may prove to be connected to your security problem, but still ranks higher on the food chain. The driver’s body was found early this morning, in his ride, at LaGuardia.”
“Killed by someone who used my name, my information.”
“It appears.”
“I’ll give you the names and contact of everyone at the meeting last night, and every one of them can and will verify my presence. I only use company vehicles and drivers, again for security. To my knowledge I don’t know this Jamal Houston, and I don’t appreciate having my data compromised this way. Or having my personal logs and electronics sniffed over by the police.”
“I think Jamal’s probably even more pissed off.”
“I don’t know him.”
“Your PA, some of your staff, would have your information, and probable access to that card number.”
“A handful, yes, who hold the necessary level of security clearance.”
“I’ll want the names of that handful,” Eve told him.
She split the interviews with Peabody and took Mitchell Sykes, the PA, first. He was thirty-four and looked slick and efficient in what she thought of as an FBI-lite suit.
“I coordinate Mr. Sweet’s schedule.” He had a prissy, I-am-efficient-and-educated voice and kept his hands folded on his left knee. “I confirmed the reservation for the dinner meeting last night, and arranged for Mr. Sweet’s transportation to and from.”
“And when did you do all that?”
“Two days ago, with follow-ups yesterday afternoon. Mr. Sweet left his office at seven-thirty. I left at seven-thirty-eight. It’s in the logs.”
“I bet. You have access to Mr. Sweet’s company credit card?”
“I do, of course.”
“What do you use that for?”
“Expenses incurred by company business, at Mr. Sweet’s direction. All use is logged and screened. If I use it, the expense must include a purchase order or signed request, and also includes my passcode.”
“Anything in the log about its use last night?”
“I looked, as requested. There’s no entry. If there had been a charge against the account, it would have sent up an auto notice, but as it was simply used to hold a reservation, there’s no flag. The security code on the account is changed every three days, again automatically. Without the code, even a hold would be denied.”
“So someone had the code. You’d have that?”
“Yes. As Mr. Sweet’s personal assistant I have Level Eight clearance. Only executives at Mr. Sweet’s level have higher.”
“Why don’t you tell me where you were last night, between nine and midnight?”
His lip curled. “As I said, I left the office-verified by our logs-at seven-thirty-eight. I walked home. That’s one block north, two and three-quarters blocks east. I arrived at approximately seven-fifty. My cohabitation partner is out of town on business. I spoke with her via ’link from eight-oh-five until eight-seventeen. I had dinner in, and remained in my apartment for the evening.”
“Yes, alone. As I didn’t expect to be interrogated by the police this morning, I saw no reason to secure a proper alibi.” This time he managed to curl his lip and look down his nose simultaneously. “You’ll simply have to take my word for it.”
Eve smiled. “Will I? How long have you worked here?”
“I’ve been employed by Dudley and Son for eight years, the last three as Mr. Sweet’s PA.”
“Ever use Gold Star?”
“I have not. Nor am I acquainted in any way with the unfortunate Mr. Houston. My only concern in this incident is the fraudulent use of Mr. Sweet’s name, information, and credit data. This department provides the company with the very finest security in the corporate aegis.”
“Think so? Funny, then, how a little thing like-alleged-identity theft slipped through.”
It was small of her, no doubt, but she got some satisfaction at the sour look that put on his face.
With the interviews done, she hooked up with Peabody to ride back down to street level.
“The two I interviewed, Sweet’s head of security and the accountant, cooperated. The accountant’s alibi-birthday party for his mother, twelve people attending, hosted at his home with his wife from eight to eleven or so. Security guy’s a little spongier. He’s married, but his wife went out with friends for the evening, and he stayed in and watched the ball game. She didn’t get home until around midnight. He’s got home security that would log the comings and goings, but being as he’s in the business, he could probably tweak that. Thing is, he’s former military, decorated, solid record, married fourteen years, one kid- who’s in summer camp at this time. He’s worked for Dudley a dozen years. He really strikes me as straight up.”
“What’s his military?”
“Army, communications and security.”
She squeezed into traffic. “The PA doesn’t have an alibi, and he’s a snot. Nearly went cross-eyed looking down his nose at me. It’s an arrogant crime, to my way of thinking. He’s an arrogant little bastard. So’s Sweet.”
“Would either of them be stupid enough to use Sweet’s name and data?”
“Or would either of them be smart enough to do just that because it comes off stupid?” Eve countered. “Something to think about. Let’s go see Jamal.”
She didn’t expect any surprises in the morgue, but it was a task that required checking off. In any case, sessions with Morris, the ME, often served to confirm her basic theories or open up new ones.
She found him at work, a protective cloak over his sharp suit. The midnight blue color rather than the severe black he’d worn since his lover’s murder told her he’d gone to the next phase of grief. For the first time since spring, he’d added a bright touch with a tie of strong, vibrant red. He’d braided his hair with a cord of the same color, drawing it back from his striking face.
He worked to music, she noted, another good sign. A low and smoky female voice wafted through the cool, sterile air like a warm, perfumed breeze.
Morris’s long, dark eyes met Eve’s, smiled.
“How was your holiday?”
“Pretty damn good. Found a body.”
“They turn up everywhere. Anyone we know?”
“Nope. A dumped-boyfriend bash. Locals handled it.”
“And you’ve hit the ground running at home,” he observed. “How are you, Peabody?”
“Excellent. Had some beach time. Didn’t find a body.”
“Ah well, better luck next time.” He shifted his attention to the body on the steel table, opened by Morris’s careful and precise V-cut.
“And here we have Jamal Houston, a man who kept in shape, tended his appearance. His hands are really quite beautiful. His scans show several old injuries. Breaks.”
Morris brought the scans on-screen. “The right forearm, and the shoulder there-what I see is consistent with twisting. Ribs-two broken. Left wrist as well. All injuries would have been suffered during childhood and adolescence, while the bones were still forming.”
“I can only speculate, but that would be first on my list. Accident or injury wouldn’t cause this damage to the shoulder.”
“Grab the arm, twist, pull,” Eve concluded.
“Yes. Violently. As it didn’t heal properly, I doubt it was properly treated. And I expect it troubled him still from time to time, particularly in damp weather. None of these, of course, relate to cause of death. I believe the bolt through his neck gave you a clue on that.”
“Yeah, it got me thinking.”
“Otherwise, he was a healthy, and very fit, man in his early forties. No trace of drugs or alcohol in his tox. Stomach contents show his last meal was about seven last evening. Whole grain pasta with mixed vegetables, a light white sauce, water, and a coffee substitute. He also ingested breath mints. The body’s clean but for the killing wound.”
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