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Ed Gorman: Nightmare Child

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"You didn't…call me earlier tonight, did you?"

"You mean on the phone, Aunt Diane?"

"Yes. On the phone."

"No, I didn't. Why?"

"Oh, somebody called and I just thought it…might be you."

"No," Jenny said. "I was watching Cinderella"

"You sure seem to be doing well."

"Oh, I am. Jeff and Mindy are lots of fun." Again, there was that edge of burlesque in the child's voice-somebody playing at being happy rather than simply being it.

"Do you suppose you'll go back to school soon?"

Jenny raised her shoulders. "I guess. Maybe next fall. Right now I'm just supposed to be resting."

"I see."

"Say, excuse me," Robert said, "do you suppose I could go upstairs and use the bathroom?"

"Oh, sure," Jenny said. "Do you think you can find it okay? I can get Jeff to show you where it is."

"Oh, no, I'll be fine," Robert said, standing up.

Diane understood what he was doing, of course, besides maybe really having to go to the bathroom. He wanted to check out the upstairs.

While Robert was gone, Diane said, "So it wasn't you on the phone tonight?"

"No, it wasn't, Aunt Diane. You seem upset about that."

"It's just-just that I don't see you very often anymore. I thought it would be nice if you'd start phoning me again the way you did when you were a very little girl."

"You liked that, huh?"

"Yes, I did, honey, very much."

"Then I'll start calling you again."

"I'd really appreciate that."

She was just about to ask Jenny a few more questions when Jeff reappeared, bearing two steaming cups of hot chocolate. "Here you go, folks," he said in his game-show-host tone. Looking around, he said, "Where's your friend?"

"His name's Robert, and I'm sorry I forgot to introduce you. He went upstairs to use the bathroom."

"Oh, heck," Jeff said, handing Diane her cup. "He could've used the one down here."

Jeff went over and sat on the divan, facing Diane, who found herself staring closely at his face. That afternoon he'd had no features at all, only those glowing eyes…

"Well," Jeff said, "we haven't seen you in quite a while. Weeks, at least."

Was this his way of denying that that afternoon had taken place?

"I was just telling Jenny the same thing." Diane said. "Telling her how much I missed her calling me."

Jeff beamed. "Weren't those calls fun! We used to record them so we could hear Jenny try to talk like a grown-up." He turned his beam on Jenny. "So sweet. So precious."

What had happened, Diane wondered, to the old Yuppie Jeff, with his unceasing interest in material things, and his X-ray eyes for Diane's body. Drunk, he'd once even made a mild pass at her. Somehow, he'd now been converted into a sitcom daddy.

Robert walked down the staircase just as Mindy came in from the kitchen. Diane watched Robert's face as he sat down. A look of concern, perhaps even mixed with a little anger, had tightened his usually open features.

After introductions were made, Mindy said, "Jenny asked if you'd like to go to a movie next week."

Diane felt stunned by the invitation. She'd gone over there expecting to find…

"I'd love to."

"Maybe Robert would like to join you," Mindy said, standing behind the wing chair and playing with Jenny's pigtails.

"That would be nice, yes."

Casually, Jeff said, "You're the Chief of police, aren't you?"

"Why, yes, I am." Robert seemed only modestly uncomfortable about being recognized.

Jeff laughed. "Well, we're sure going to feel protected whenever you're in the neighborhood."

More talk ensued, the sort of small talk that most people endure rather than enjoy-this neighbor doing this, this neighbor doing that-and finally both Diane and Robert were finished with their hot chocolate, their cups sitting back in their saucers.

"Like some more?" Mindy said. "There's plenty." Robert held up a palm. "That was just right. Any more would make me full."


"No, I'm fine, Mindy, thanks."

Robert stood up and put his hand out for Diane. "I don't know about you, but I've got a full day ahead of me tomorrow. And I've had a full day today."

"Were you at the fire that was on the news?" Jeff asked.

"°I sure was. That's why I'm so tired."

Mindy handed them their coats.

Diane, shrugging into hers, bent down and kissed Jenny. The little girl's skin was almost startlingly cold. When Diane pulled back up, she saw Mindy watching her carefully.

"I've really enjoyed seeing you again. Let's get together more often," Jeff said. Clasping a manful hand into Robert's own manful hand, Jeff said, "And that includes you, Chief."

Diane threw one last, nervous glance back at Jenny, who waved politely. Diane preceded Robert out the back door.

When they were away from the house, the snow blew again from the night sky, cold snow demons swirling up into their faces, and Robert said, "I checked out every room upstairs."


"The place is so clean and orderly that it could be on the cover of House Beautiful next month."

Those were exactly the words Diane had been afraid he was going to use.

Half an hour later, in Diane's kitchen, she poured Robert his third cup of coffee. "I feel foolish," she said.

He sighed. "They cleaned it up. There's no other explanation."

But she could hear a faint questioning in his tone, as if her stress might be leading her to imagine things. A bone deep exhaustion had crept through Diane's body. She sat, elbows on the table, scarcely able to hold up her coffee cup. Not even massive amounts of caffeine had stirred her. Depressed, confused, she wanted to go to bed and forget everything that had happened that day-from Mindy and Jeff coming after her in the garage to the almost giggly happiness she'd seen in their living room that night.

Several times since sitting down across from Robert in the kitchen she'd been tempted to tell him about that afternoon. But how could she bring it up?

"If they did clean it up," she joked, "I'd sure like to hire them for my spring cleaning." She sipped coffee. "To turn that wreck I saw this afternoon into the showplace we saw tonight-I just don't see how it could be done."

"What other explanation is there?"

"I don't know."

And suddenly there were hot tears in her eyes.

Ordinarily, pride would have kept her from crying in front of Robert, but her exhaustion and her spent nerves gave her tears the feeling of balm. She was helping herself in the only way she could.

After a minute, Robert came around the table, pulled up a chair, and sat down next to her. He slid his arm easily and comfortably around her shoulders and took her to him. She put her face into his strong shoulder and let herself cry all the more.

"I just don't understand," she said. "I just don't see how they could have…"

She started crying again, then, deciding she was being self-indulgent, stopped herself. Using a blue paper napkin as a handkerchief, she blew her nose.

She laughed. "I'll bet I look lovely."

"A little bit like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, but, other than that, pretty as usual."

"Thanks for letting me work through that. I guess it was frustration as much as anything. I'd been all ready to march in there so self-righteously and-"

"— and drive out the devils."


He smiled, patted her hand. "Well, I'm afraid neither one of us did a very good job of that."

He yawned.

"I'm being selfish," she said. "Keeping you up so late. You must be all in after a day like today."

He put his hand to her tear-warm cheek. "I'd like to play the big, macho policeman and tell you that I can handle days like this in stride. But the truth is I'm pooped."

"Boy, I'm glad we met," she said, sliding her arms around his waist.

They indulged in a sort of high-school make-out session, nothing heavy, just a series of pleasantly worn out kisses, embraces, pats, and rubs that made both tired bodies feel a little better.

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