“No, please don’t go to so much bother.” Lanna thought of the fancy carriage and pedigreed horses and the driver. “It’s not far.”
“I see.” Realization passed across his face. “Then let me walk you home.”
Joe took her hand and led her across the room. He kept her at his side, protecting her from the other dancers and sheepherding her safely through the crush of people.
Lanna didn’t even see them. Happiness filled her. It was almost too much-she was afraid that she would wake up, open her eyes and find out that this had all been a lovely dream. But Joe’s hand on her shoulder, firm and possessive, was far more real than any dream.
Joe wanted to court her. Every breath she took made the love in her heart glow more brightly. She wanted more than anything to have the chance to win Joe’s heart again. To share conversation and laughter and emotional connection with him. To fall in love with him a little more deeply with every coming day. To know he was falling in love with her the same way.
Before they reached the door, Chance Bell stepped out of the crowd. “Lanna, are you sure you won’t reconsider?”
“I’m sure, but thank you.” She could not think what had overcome the rakish Mr. Bell. Surely he was only being magnanimous because of the festive evening.
“I’m afraid you’ve crushed poor Chance.” Joe guided her through the arched doorway.
“Crushed him? That’s impossible. He was hardly serious.” She glanced over her shoulder, just to make sure.
But it wasn’t Chance Bell that she saw. There was Geneva, regal in glittering jewels and a gown of crimson silk-staring at her in horror.
Lanna felt reality hit her like a falling boulder. What if Joe’s family objected? The Wolfs placed a lot of importance on their social standing. Everyone in town knew that. No, Joe’s parents would certainly not give their blessing to the courtship.
“Here.” Joe was back, wearing a wool coat and holding her cloak for her. Always a gentleman, he helped her into it with care. “It’s gotten colder out there. It looks as if it’s trying to snow.”
“Are you sure you want to go out in such weather?”
“Beyond all doubt.”
How did he do that, she wondered? With a few words, with his character and strength, he made her worries flee like shadows at dawn. Her slippers padded lightly against the foyer’s marble floor as they rushed out into the night.
“Where do you think you’re going, young man?” A thunderous baritone boomed out on the steps behind them. It was Joe’s father-and he was not happy.
Not one bit.
Joe took in his father’s stern glare and froze. The bite of the freezing air was warmer than that look. He swallowed, digging in his heels. “I’m seeing Lanna home.”
A muscle jumped along Father’s jaw. “You cannot leave our guests. Or, will you do them all the same courtesy of seeing them home tonight?”
It was impossible to miss the disapproval or the quick flick of a glance behind him to where Lanna stood, patiently waiting. Joe felt his hackles rise at his father’s dismissive look. Father had always been far too concerned with appearances.
“I am not the host of this party,” he said simply. “I’ll leave the carriage in case you wish to see any other guests home.”
His father’s harsh utterance echoed through the foyer, but Joe had already turned and guided Lanna down the icy steps.
As they reached the walkway, Lanna twirled to face him. “Perhaps you had better not go,” Lanna said softly. “He sounds angry.”
“Angry is my father’s usual manner, you know that.” He had learned long ago not to take it too personally. Besides, it didn’t matter what his father thought or how angry he was. Joe knew what he wanted now. “Don’t let it trouble you.”
“But-” Lanna fell silent. The concern gentle on her lovely face said everything.
“Think of it this way,” Joe said with a little grin. “You’re doing me a favor.”
“Ah, yes. I remember.” Her laughter was a gentle, musical trill. “You still don’t like fancy dinner parties and balls, do you?”
“No, and you’re giving me an excellent excuse to escape.” Joe took her hand and led her along the parked rows of carriages and buggies lining the lane. “I guess I owe you something for this favor.”
“Oh, and what might that be?”
“Perhaps you would allow me to take you on a sleigh ride on Sunday after church.” He was fairly sure she wouldn’t turn him down, but his pulse gave a lurch as she hesitated.
“I would love to go with you, Joe, but only if you’ll agree to stay for supper afterwards.”
Then she smiled prettily at him and he thought she was even more beautiful graced by moonlight and shadowed by the silvered snow.
A certainty settled over his soul and he ached with tenderness. He knew beyond all doubt that God had led him back to Angel Falls for a reason. For her.
“Our table wouldn’t be anything like what you’re used to,” she continued, brushing a fragile curl out of her face with her gloved hand-moving, as always, with grace and elegance. “But I’m sure my parents would like to see you.”
“I would like to see them.” He had always liked Lanna’s parents. They were good, solid people who knew what mattered and did not worry about reputation or what others thought about them. They were regular, friendly folk and he’d always felt comfortable with them. Although the thought of what he needed to ask did make him pause. “It would give me a chance to speak with your stepfather.”
“You will surprise him, I’m sure.” She looked down at the snow at their feet. Her creamy complexion darkened with a blush.
Love filled him, strong and pure and endless. He had prayed that it was not too late for their love. He had hoped that time had not changed what lay in her heart. It had for him-the years had made his love for her greater and deeper.
“I want his permission to court you, Lanna. I want him to know that I’m serious.” His pulse skipped like a stone on a pond. This was big, but he was sure. He’d had six long years to think about what he wanted from life-and about what he’d left behind. “I hope you’re happy about that.”
She quickly bobbed her head in answer.
She felt the same way that he did-that was a relief. It was a blessing just to be walking with her, as their shoes crunched together in the freezing snow and a few flakes drizzled into the air only to flutter lonesome to the ground. The snow clouds overhead blotted out much of the starlight and haloed the waning moon.
“But… Do you think we can start up where we left off?” Lanna asked. Her hand tightened in his. “This between us doesn’t feel different. I thought it would, but it’s not. This is all happening so fast.”
“Like it’s too good to be true?”
“Only something this good can be true.”
“You sound so sure.” Her footsteps slowed to a stop.
He halted, too. He was sure-beyond all doubt. “Sometimes you have to open your heart and accept the blessings God brings your way, whether you expect them or not. Whether you are ready for them or not. That’s what I’m going to do. Will you do that with me?”
“It scares me a little.” The moonlight vanished, casting her in darkness. “But I’m scared in a good way. You were so much to lose once, Joe.”
“So were you.”
It surprised him how fast and how strong his love for her had come back. It was like a strong winter storm blowing in to blanket the land with thick snow, transforming everything.
He thought of the years spent in Helena and back east studying hard. He’d known some measure of contentment, but not happiness. No. That rare blessing had not entered his heart until he had spotted Lanna scrubbing his mother’s floor.
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